Aad (see also Hood)

Aaron (see also Moses)

Abu-Lahab 111:1:5

Abel 5:27:32

Ablution 4:43; 5:6

Abominations 5:3:90; 6:121; 7:80; 22:30; 27:54; 29:28-29:29

Abortion 6:151; 17:31; 22:2; 60:12


Abrogation 2:106:187; 3:50; 6:115; 13:39; 16:101; 18:27; 78:37

Abuse of scripture 7:28:32-7:33, 7:37, 7:53, 7:162-7:166; 10:15:19; 11:18:19; 16:88

Accusations 4:112:156; 24:4:6,24:11-24:26


Adoption 12:21; 28:9; 33:4:5,33:37

Adultery 4:15:16,4:19,4:25,4:156; 5:5; 17:32; 24:2-24:10; 25:68; 60:12; 65:1; 70:29:31

Age of responsibility 46:15

Aggression, forbidden 2:190:194; 4:91; 5:2; 7:33:55; 8:19,8:60-8:61; 9:4:7; 16:126; 22:39; 42:40:43; 60:8:9

Agreements see Covenant, Promises

Alimony 2:240:241

Allegory (see also Examples) 2:17,2:19-2:20,2:24-2:26,2:265; 3:7; 4:56; 7:58:179; 9:109; 10:27; 13:14:17; 14:18:24-14:26; 18:45; 22:73; 24:39:40; 29:41; 50:11; 57:20; 62:5


Almighty, God is 2:129:209,2:220,2:228,2:240,2:260; 3:4,3:6,3:18,3:62,3:126; 4:56:158,4:165; 5:38:95,5:118; 6:96; 8:10,8:49,8:63,8:67; 9:40:71; 11:66; 14:1:4,14:47; 16:60; 22:40,22:74; 26:9, 26:68, 26:104,26:122,26:140,26:159,26:175,26:191,26:217; 27:9:78; 29:26,29:42:30:5,30:27; 31:9:27; 33:25; 34:6:27; 35:2:28; 36:5,36:38; 38:9:66; 39:1:5,39:37; 40:2:8,40:42; 41:12; 42:3,42:19; 43:9; 44:42; 45:2:37; 46:2; 48:7:19; 54:42; 57:1,57:25; 58:21; 59:1:23,59:24; 60:5; 61:1; 62:1:3; 64:18; 67:2; 85:8


Anger 3:134; 4:93; 7:154; 21:87; 48:6; 60:13


Annulment of marriage 2:236:237

Ant 27:18

Arabic, Quran 12:2; 13:37; 14:4; 16:103; 19:97; 20:113; 26:195,26:198; 39:28; 41:3:44; 42:7; 43:3; 46:12

Arabs 6:66; 9:90:97-9:99,9:101,9:120; 43:57:58; 48:11,48:16; 49:14

Arafat 2:198


Atom 4:40; 10:61; 34:3:22; 99:7:8

Atonement see Expiation 4:92; 5:95


Avenging 16:126; 17:33; 22:60; 42:41

Azar 6:74


Baby, see Infants

Backbiting 49:12; 68:11; 104:1

Badr, battle of 3:121:124

Banishment 5:33; 20:97

Basmallah 1:1; 6:118; 9:0; 11:41; 27:30


Bearing witness 3:86; 4:135; 5:8; 6:152; 7:172; 25:72; 63:1

Becca 3:96

Bee 16:68:69

Begging 2:177:273



Big Bang Theory 21:30

Birds 2:260; 3:49; 5:110; 6:38; 12:36:41; 16:79; 21:79; 24:41; 27:16:26; 34:10; 38:19; 56:21; 67:19

Birth 3:36; 19:23; 31:14; 35:11; 41:47; 46:15; 65:4:6; 90:3

Blasphemies 4:48:112; 5:17:18,5:72-5:73; 6:138; 9:37; 17:40; 19:88:89; 25:4:21; 33:58; 37:149:161; 56:46; 72:3-72:5

Blessings, uncountable 2:212; 14:34; 16:18

Blindness 2:18:171; 3:49; 5:71:110; 6:50:104; 7:64; 10:43; 11:24; 13:16:19; 17:72:97; 20:124:125; 22:46; 24:61; 25:73; 27:81; 30:53; 35:19; 40:58; 41:17:44; 43:40; 47:23; 48:17; 54:37; 80:2

Blood, prohibited as food 2:173; 5:3; 6:145; 16:115

Boasting 4:36; 31:18; 57:20; 90:6

Bodies 2:247; 7:20:22,7:26,7:27; 10:92; 20:121; 21:8; 81:7; 82:7:8; 95:4

Bond 2:256:283; 31:22

Bones 2:259; 6:146; 17:49:98; 19:4; 36:78; 75:3


Bounteous, God is 2:247:261,2:268; 3:73; 4:130; 5:54; 24:32

Bribery 2:188

Business 9:24:28; 24:37; 48:11; 62:9:11; 63:9; 73:7; 78:11


Cain 5:27:32

Calendar 2:197; 9:36

Calf 2:51:54,2:92-2:93; 4:153; 7:148:152; 11:69; 20:88,20:96; 51:26

Camels 6:144; 7:40:73,7:77; 11:64; 12:65:72; 17:59; 26:155; 54:27:29; 77:33; 88:17; 91:13

Cannibalism 49:12

Capital 2:279:280

Capital punishment 2:178:179; 5:32

Captives 2:85; 4:24; 8:67:70; 33:26; 47:4; 60:10; 76:8

Caravan 5:96; 8:42; 12:10:19,12:70,12:82,12:94

Cattle 6:144:146; 39:6

Cave, people of the 18:9:26

Certainty, attaining 2:118; 6:75; 15:99; 26:24; 45:20; 74:47



Cheating(see also Dishonesty) 2:282; 4:161; 7:85; 9:34; 11:84-11:85; 26:181:183; 55:9; 57:14; 83:1:3

Chests 6:125; 22:46; 24:31; 28:69; 29:49


Children of Israel (see also Jews) Christ see Jesus, Messiah


Churches 7:29; 22:40

Clay, created from 6:2; 7:12; 15:26, 15:28:33; 17:61; 23:12; 32:7; 37:11; 38:71:76; 55:14

Clement, God is 2:225:235,2:263; 3:155; 4:12; 5:101; 17:44; 22:59; 33:51; 35:41; 64:17

Clergy (see also Priests, Rabbis, Scholars) 9:31:34

Closeness, to God 4:172; 56:11; 94:8

Clot see Embryos

Clothing 2:233; 4:5; 6:142; 7:31; 22:23; 24:60; 33:55,33:59; 35:33

Clouds 2:57:164,2:210; 7:57:160; 13:12; 24:40:43; 27:88; 30:48; 35:9; 51:2; 52:44; 56:69; 77:3:78:14; 84:16

Code see Quranic Miracle 74:30

Colors 16:13:69; 30:22; 35:27:28

Cognizant, God is 4:35; 6:18:73 ,103; 11:1; 22:63; 31:16,31:34; 33:34; 34:1; 49:13; 66:3; 67:14

Companions , jinn 4:38; 7:27; 22:13; 41:25; 43:36:38; 50:23,50:27

Compassionate, God is 2:143:207; 3:30; 6:103; 16:47; 42:19; 57:9; 59:10; 85:14

Compensation2:178,2:236,2:237; 4:6:92; 33:49; 60:11

Competition for righteousness 4:95; 5:48; 57:21; 83:26

Compulsion, none in religion 2:256; 7:88; 10:99; 11:28; 18:20,18:29

Computer 27:82

Conception 7:189; 53:46 (see also Drop, created from)

Conciliation 4:114:128; 42:40

Conferring see Consultation

Congregations 2:143:213; 3:110; 5:48; 10:19; 11:118; 13:30; 22:34:67; 42:8; 45:28

Consent, mutual 2:233; 4:29

Conservation 9:36

Conspiracy 4:108; 43:79; 58:8:10

Constellations (see also Stars) 15:16; 25:61; 81:16; 85:1

Consultation 2:233; 42:38; 58:12:13

Contact Prayer (Salat)

Contradictions 4:82

Converts 2:62; 5:69; 9:60; 22:17; 28:52

Convictions 2:265; 3:154; 11:31; 31:23; 35:38

Coral 55:22:58

Corruption 2:12:205,2:251; 5:33:64; 8:73; 10:81; 23:71; 28:83; 30:41; 89:12

Courtesy 4:86


Coveting 2:96; 4:32; 15:88; 20:131

Cows 2:67:71; 12:43


Creator, God is 6:102; 12:101; 13:16; 14:10; 15:86; 23:14; 35:3; 36:81; 37:125; 39:62; 40:62; 59:24

Creatures (see also Animals, Birds & specific names)

Credits 2:286; 9:120:121; 17:79; 25:70; 28:84; 39:10

Creed (see also Religion) 2:120; 3:73; 4:125; 16:123; 22:78

Crime 2:178:191,2:217; 4:92; 5:27:32,5:33,5:38; 6:123-6:124; 9:66; 11:35; 81:9

Crops as sign 13:4; 14:25; 16:11 as test 2:155; 3:14; 7:130; 18:32:42

Crucifixion 4:157; 5:33; 7:124; 12:41; 20:71; 26:49

Crying 9:82; 46:17; 50:42; 53:43; 53:60

Curse 2:59:88,2:89,2:159,2:161; 3:61:87; 4:46:47; 5:13,5:64; 6:108; 7:44:162; 8:11; 11:18:60; 13:25; 15:35; 24:7,24:9,24:23; 29:25; 33:68; 38:78; 40:52; 45:11; 69:50

Cutting the hand 5:38; 12:31



Dates 16:11:67; 17:91; 18:32; 19:25; 23:19; 26:148; 36:34; 55:68



Dawn 2:187; 3:17; 17:78; 24:58; 51:18; 52:49; 54:34; 89:1; 97:5; 113:1

Day of Judgment, belief in 3:194; 4:162; 6:15; 7:59; 10:15; 24:37



Debts 2:280:282; 4:11:12

Deceit 2:9; 3:24; 4:142; 6:112; 8:62; 63:2 Decided, to disbelieve 6:110; 7:96



Decrees of God 2:158:178,2:180,2:183; 4:7:11-4:33,4:103; 5:3,5:32,5:45,5:48,5:97; 6:12:54; 7:167; 9:36:51; 14:7; 16:124; 17:23,17:106; 19:71; 22:4:30-22:36,22:67; 28:85; 39:42:71; 40:12; 42:13; 45:18; 47:20; 57:27; 58:21; 62:9; 66:2

Defeat for disbelievers 3:12; 8:36; 9:2:98; 37:9; 38:11; 54:45; 59:5; 105:1:5


Defiance 36:77; 38:2; 46:17; 51:14; 58:8

Deliverer, God is 23:29

Demons (see Jinns) 27:10:39; 28:31

Desertion 4:128; 25:30

Designer, God is 6:101; 59:24

Despair 11:9; 12:87:110; 14:21; 15:55:56; 17:83; 30:49; 39:53; 41:49; 42:28

Deterrence 5:38; 24:2; 8:57

Deviation 4:27:135; 5:75; 6:46:95; 10:66; 22:9; 29:61; 35:3; 38:26; 39:6; 40:62:63,40:69; 51:9; 53:30; 68:9

Devils (see also Satan, Jinns)

Dignity 3:26; 4:139; 35:10; 63:8

Disasters 2:156:195; 3:120:165; 4:62:72; 13:31; 28:47; 42:30; 64:11



Disciples, Jesus' 3:52; 5:111:112; 61:14

Disease 2:10; 8:49; 24:50; 26:80; 33:60

Dishonesty 2:188; 5:42:62,5:63

Disputes 3:105; 4:59:88; 22:69; 42:10

Distinction, make none among messengers 2:136:285; 3:84; 4:150:152

Distractions 6:70:130; 9:69; 15:3; 24:37; 31:33; 35:5; 63:9

Division 3:103; 4:88; 6:65:159; 17:53; 21:93; 23:53; 30:32; 42:13:14; 98:4

Divorce 2:226:233,2:236-2:237,2:241; 4:19:20; 33:49; 65:1-65:7; 66:5

Dogs 5:4; 7:176; 18:18:22

Dominion, God's 2:255; 3:189; 11:7; 42:49; 43:85; 45:27; 48:14; 57:2:5


Donkeys 2:259; 16:8; 31:19; 62:5

Doubt (see also Certainty)

Dowry 2:229:236-2:237; 4:4:19-4:21,4:24-4:25, 4:127; 5:5; 33:50:51; 60:10

Dreams 8:43; 12:5:21,12:36,12:43-12:44,12:100-12:101; 37:102-37:105; 52:32

Dress (see Clothing)


Drop, creation from 16:4; 18:37; 22:5; 23:13:14; 35:11; 36:77; 40:67; 53:46; 75:37; 76:2; 80:19

Dumbness 2:18:171; 6:39; 8:22; 16:76; 17:97

Dust 3:59; 13:5; 18:37; 22:5; 23:35:82; 27:67; 30:20; 35:11; 37:16:53; 40:67

Duties 2:128:200; 22:29:30,22:36,22:67


Earnings 2:79:275; 3:161; 5:63

Ears 2:19; 4:46:119; 6:25; 7:179:195; 9:61; 17:46; 18:11,18:57; 22:46; 31:7; 41:5; 71:7


East 2:115:142,2:177,2:258; 7:137; 18:90; 26:28:60; 37:5; 43:38; 55:17; 70:40; 73:9

Ecstasy 76:20

Eden see Gardens, heavenly

Ego 5:30; 12:53; 38:26; 45:23; 47:14:16

Egypt 2:61; 10:87; 12:21:99; 43:51

Eight 6:143; 18:22; 28:27; 39:6; 69:7:17

Eighty 24:4

Elders 10:83:88; 11:27:97; 12:43; 23:46; 27:29,27:32; 28:32; 33:67

Elephants 105:1

Eleven 12:4

Elias 6:85; 37:123:130

Elijah 6:86

Elisha 38:48

Embarrassment 11:77:78; 29:33; 33:50

Embrace Islam 9:74; 48:16; 49:17; 110:2

Embryos 22:5; 23:14; 40:67; 53:32; 75:38; 96:2

Emigration 4:100; 8:72:74-8:75; 9:100:117

Emotions 53:43; 70:19

Employees 24:31

Encouragement of disbelievers 7:183; 13:32; 19:75; 68:45




Enlightenment 2:66; 3:138:5:46; 7:145; 10:57; 11:120; 16:90,16:125; 21:48; 24:34; 28:43; 45:20

Enmity (see Hatred)

Enticing , to hell 4:119; 7:202; 15:39; 17:64; 41:25

Entrusting 2:283; 4:5:58; 11:57; 23:8; 46:23; 57:7,57:26; 66:3

Envy (see also Covet) 113:5

Ephesus see Cave, people of

Equality , human 3:195; 4:25:95,4:124; 9:67-9:68,9:71-9:72; 33:35

Equipment 4:102; 8:60; 13:17


Equivalence 2:178:179,2:194; 5:45:95; 8:58; 16:126; 42:40

Escape , none from God 6:134; 9:2:3,9:118; 10:53; 11:20,11:33; 16:46; 24:57; 29:22; 34:51; 35:44; 39:51;

Estrangement 2:226; 4:24; 33:4; 58:2:3

Eternity , of Hereafter 2:162:257; 5:37:80; 9:21,9:68; 10:52; 11:107:108; 13:35; 25:15:69,25:76; 28:60;

Etiquette 4:86; 24:58; 33:53; 49:1:5; 58:8


Evaporation 25:53

Eve 2:35; 4:1; 7:19:189; 20:117; 39:6; 49:13

Evening 30:18; 38:31



Evolution 7:11; 15:28:29; 18:37; 23:12:15; 24:45

Examples (see also Lessons)

Excess 2:219; 17:29:33; 24:60; 47:37

Excuses 4:34; 9:29; 18:73:76; 27:21; 30:57; 41:24; 75:15

Expansion of the Universe 51:47

Expiation 2:196; 4:92; 5:89:95; 9:29; 58:3

Explanation , of revelations 2:242:266; 3:103:118; 4:176; 5:75:89; 6:46:55,6:97,6:105,6:126; 7:32:58,7:174;

Explosion (Big Bang Theory) 21:30

Exposing , disbelievers 3:167; 6:28:55,6:113; 9:64; 22:53; 33:12; 47:20:29; 68:42; 69:18; 74:31

Extravagance 4:6; 6:141; 7:31; 17:26:27; 25:67

Exultation , of hearts 13:28


Ezra 9:30


Fabrications (see also Falsehood)



Faithful , God is 59:23

False witness 4:135; 5:8:108; 25:72

Falsehood , arguing with 18:56; 40:5

Falsifiers 25:31; 30:58; 51:10


Famine 5:3; 7:130

Fasting 2:184:187; 2:196; 5:89:95; 19:26; 58:4


Fatigue 15:48; 50:38

Favoritism 2:254; 7:53; 10:18; 14:31; 20:109; 21:28; 36:23; 53:26; 74:48

Favors , of God 2:211; 3:103; 5:3:6,5:11,5:20,5:110; 7:74; 12:6; 14:28; 35:3


Feast , for Jesus & disciples 5:112:115

Feeding the poor 2:184; 5:89:95; 22:28:36; 36:47; 58:4; 69:34; 74:44; 76:9; 89:18; 90:14; 107:3

Feet 4:72; 5:6:33,5:66; 6:65; 7:124; 20:71; 24:24,24:31,24:45; 29:55; 36:65; 38:42; 41:29; 55:41

Females (see also Women)

Fetus (see also Embryo) 22:2:5; 41:47


Fifth 24:7:9

Fifty 29:14; 70:4

Fig 95:1

Fighting (see also War)

Fingerprints 75:4

Fingers 2:19; 3:119; 8:12; 71:7; 75:4

Fire 7:12; 13:17; 15:27; 20:10; 21:69; 27:7; 28:29; 29:24; 37:97; 38:76; 55:15:35; 56:71; 85:5

Fish 7:163; 18:61:63; 21:87; 37:142; 68:48

Fishing 5:96; 18:79

Fist , of God 39:67

Five 18:22; 58:7

Five-thousand 3:125

Flawless 10:36; 18:1; 50:6; 67:3

Flesh 2:259; 23:14; 49:12

Flood 7:133; 29:14; 34:16; 69:11

Fly 22:73

Foam 13:17

Folding , of heavens 21:104; 39:67



Fools 2:13:142; 7:155; 39:64; 72:4

Foothold 2:250; 3:147; 8:11; 16:94; 47:7

Footsteps 7:173; 11:109; 18:64; 37:70; 43:22



Foreheads 9:35; 37:103

Forelocks 55:41; 96:15:16

Forever (see Eternity)

Forfeiting 2:229:237; 4:4:92; 5:45; 33:50

Forgetting God 7:51; 20:88:115; 45:34; 59:19

Forgiveness 2:109; 5:13; 24:22; 42:37:43; 45:14; 57:28; 64:14

Forgiver , God is 2:173,2:182,2:192,2:199,2:218,2:225,2:226,2:235; 3:31:129,3:155; 4:23,4:25,4:43,4:96,4:99,4:100,4:106,4:129,4:152;


Forty 2:51; 5:26; 7:142; 46:15

Foster mothers 4:23

Foundations 2:127; 9:109; 14:26; 16:26; 81:20

Four 2:226:234,2:260; 4:3:15; 9:2:36; 24:4,24:6,24:8,24:13,24:45; 35:1; 41:10

Fourth 18:22; 58:7


Freeing , of slaves 2:177:178; 4:25:92; 5:89; 9:60; 24:33; 58:3:4; 90:13

Friday prayer 62:9


Frogs 7:133

Fruit as signs 2:22; 6:99:141; 7:57; 13:3; 14:32; 16:11; 23:19; 26:148; 35:27; 41:47; 50:10; 55:11; 80:31

Fuel 2:24; 3:10; 21:98; 24:35; 36:80; 66:6; 72:15




Funeral 5:31; 9:84

Furnishings 16:80; 18:31; 37:44; 43:34; 52:20; 55:54,55:76; 56:15:34; 76:13; 83:23:35; 88:13



Gabriel 2:97:98; 19:17; 26:193; 66:4; 97:4

Gain 2:79:174; 3:77:199; 5:44; 9:42:74

Gambling 2:219; 5:90:91

Game 5:94:95


Garlands 5:2:97

Garlic 2:61

Garments (see also Clothes) 7:26:27; 14:50; 16:81; 18:31; 22:19; 24:31; 33:59; 76:21

Gas , nullifies ablution 4:43; 5:6



Gehenna (see also Hell) 11:119; 17:8; 19:68:86; 20:74; 21:29,21:98; 22:51; 23:103; 25:34:65; 36:63; 40:72

Gems 55:58

Generations of humans 2:66; 3:137; 6:6:98; 7:38,7:100,7:169; 17:17:59; 19:59:74,19:98; 20:51, 128; 23:31,23:42,23:81;

Gentiles 3:20:75

Germinating 6:95; 48:29; 71:17

Gift 7:190; 11:108; 19:5; 21:72; 27:35:36; 78:36

Girls 3:36; 4:23:127; 24:33; 43:18; 81:8

Glass 24:35

Glorification 3:41:191; 6:100; 7:143:206; 10:10,10:18,10:68; 13:13; 16:1:57; 17:1:44,17:93; 24:16,24:36,24:41; 30:17; 36:36:83; 39:4:67,39:75; 40:7:55; 48:9; 56:74:96; 74:3; 76:26

Glorious, God is 4:171; 9:31; 11:73

Gluttony 7:31

Goats 6:143

GOD (see individual attributes)

Gods 6:19:46,6:74,6:81; 16:51; 17:42; 20:88:97; 21:21-21:24,21:43,21:59,21:62,21:68,21:99; 23:91; 25:3; 28:71-28:72,28:88

Gog 18:94; 21:96

Gold 3:14:91; 9:34; 18:31; 22:23; 35:33; 43:53,43:71

Goliath 2:249:251

Gospel 2:89:91; 3:3:48,3:65,3:79-3:80; 5:14-5:15,5:46-5:47,5:66,5:68,5:110; 7:157; 9:30:32,9:111; 12:30; 48:29; 57:27

Gossip 12:30:31; 24:11:12,24:15-24:17; 25:72; 28:55; 49:12


Gracious , God is 1:1:3; 2:163; 13:30; 17:110; 19:44-19:45,19:69,19:75,19:78,19:85,19:88,19:91-19:93,19:96; 20:5,20:90,20:108,20:109; 21:26:36,21:42,21:112; 25:26:59,25:60,25:63; 26:5; 27:30; 36:11,36:15,36:23,36:52; 41:2; 43:19:20,43:36,43:45,43:81; 50:33; 55:1; 59:22; 67:3.19,20,29; 78:37:38

Grains 4:124; 6:95:99; 12:58:60,12:70; 36:33; 50:9; 55:12; 78:15; 80:27

Grantor 3:8; 38:9:35; 40:15

Grapes 2:266; 6:99; 13:4; 16:11.67; 17:91; 18:32; 23:19; 36:34; 78:32; 80:28

Graves 9:84; 22:7; 35:22; 36:51; 54:7; 60:13; 70:43; 79:10; 80:21; 82:4; 100:9; 102:2

Gray, haired 19:4; 30:54; 73:17

Greed 68:13; 74:15

Green 6:99; 12:43:46; 18:31; 22:63; 36:80; 55:76; 76:21

Greeting 4:86; 10:10; 14:23; 24:27:61; 25:75; 33:44; 36:58; 58:8

Grief 3:120; 5:26; 7:93; 12:84:86; 16:127; 27:70; 28:8,28:13; 34:33; 57:23

Groom 2:237

Gross ,

Guarantees 3:97:139; 11:6; 12:107; 16:45; 17:68:69; 19:62; 20:118


Guarding 4:102; 5:108; 13:11; 21:91; 23:5; 66:6:12; 86:4

Guards 6:61; 72:8; 82:10

Guessing 6:116:148; 18:22; 19:34


Guilty 2:178:283; 4:107:140; 6:147; 7:40:84; 9:67; 10:50,10:82; 15:12; 18:49:53; 19:86; 25:22:31; 27:69; 28:78; 32:12; 34:32; 55:41:43; 68:35; 70:11; 76:24


Hadith 6:21:112; 7:185; 10:36; 12:111; 16:104:105; 18:6; 31:6; 39:23; 45:6; 52:34; 68:44; 77:50

Hair 2:196; 5:6; 16:80; 19:4; 20:94; 48:27; 73:17

Hajj 2:158:196-2:200,2:203; 3:97; 5:1:95-5:96; 9:3,9:19; 22:26:29; 28:27; 48:25:27

Half 2:237; 4:25:176; 73:3:20

Hamaan 28:6:8,28:38; 29:39; 40:24:36


Happiness 10:64; 11:3:105,11:108; 16:30:97; 20:130; 25:74; 41:30; 53:43; 57:10; 75:22; 83:24; 92:7

Hardship 2:177:185,2:282; 3:134:140; 5:6; 7:95; 9:42,9:120,9:128; 10:12; 20:2:112; 22:78; 40:31

Harm 2:57:102,2:222,2:233; 3:111:174; 5:76; 7:188; 10:18,10:49; 13:16; 26:73; 28:35; 36:23; 58:10

Harmony 8:63; 30:21

Haroot, and Maroot 2:102

Harvest 2:264; 3:117; 6:141; 12:47; 42:20; 54:31; 68:17

Hatred 3:118; 5:2:8,5:14,5:64,5:91; 7:43; 10:90; 11:89; 15:47; 23:70; 47:37; 59:10; 60:2

Hay 18:45; 39:21; 54:31; 56:65; 57:20; 87:5; 105:5

Healing 3:49; 5:110; 10:57; 16:69; 17:82; 26:80; 38:42; 41:44

Health 16:97; 26:80

Hearer , God is 2:127:137,2:224; 3:38; 4:134:148; 6:115; 7:200; 8:17:42,8:53,8:61; 17:1; 22:75; 29:60; 41:36

Hearing 2:7:20; 6:46; 10:31; 16:78:108; 17:36; 23:78; 32:9; 41:20:22; 45:23; 46:26; 67:23

Hearts 13:28

Heathenism 5:64:68; 9:17; 39:8

Heaven (see also Gardens, Paradise)

Heavens (see also Sky, Universe)

Hebrews see Children of Israel

Heedless 6:157; 10:7:92; 12:105; 21:1:97; 41:51; 44:9; 46:3; 91:15; 107:5

Heels 2:143; 3:144:149; 5:6; 6:71; 8:48; 23:66

Heifer 2:67:73


Hellfire 2:24:175; 22:72; 25:11; 27:90; 28:41; 40:46,40:72; 41:19:24; 66:6

Help 1:5; 2:45:153,2:166; 3:91:116; 7:48,7:53,7:128,7:192; 14:22; 21:43; 23:88; 30:29; 31:33; 35:18; 46:26,46:32; 69:28; 111:2

Helpless 16:76; 40:18; 70:41


Hermitism 57:27

Hesitation 4:65; 9:45; 24:22; 32:15; 57:14; 59:9

High, God is 2:255; 4:34; 21:22; 22:62; 30:40; 31:30; 37:159; 39:37; 42:4; 43:82; 72:3; 87:1; 92:20

High Heaven 55:10; 56:10

Hoarding 3:157:180; 4:37; 9:34:35; 10:11:58; 43:32; 57:20; 70:18; 102:1:8; 104:2

Holy Land

5:21; 95:3

Holy Spirit (see also Gabriel) 2:87, 2:253; 5:110; 16:102; 97:4

Homes 2:84:229,2:243; 3:154:195; 4:15:100; 7:74,7:78; 8:5:47,8:72; 9:24:72; 10:87; 15:84; 16:41,16:68,16:110; 22:58; 24:27:29,24:61; 27:18; 29:41; 33:33,33:34,33:53; 59:8; 65:1; 71:28

Honesty 4:135; 5:107; 26:107:125,26:143, 26:162,26:178,26:193; 27:39; 28:26; 44:13:18; 82:11


Honey 16:69; 47:15

Hood 7:65:72; 11:50:60,11:89; 26:123:140

Hoopoe 27:20:24

Hope 5:84; 7:56; 10:22; 13:12; 18:46; 26:51:82; 30:24; 32:16

Horizons 41:53; 53:7; 81:23

Horn 18:99; 20:102; 23:101; 27:87; 36:51; 39:68; 50:20; 69:13; 78:18


Horses 3:14; 16:8; 17:64; 38:31; 59:6

Hosting 12:59:100; 18:77

Humans, creation of, see Creation

Humbleness 5:54; 12:88; 15:88; 17:24; 21:90; 25:63; 31:19; 52:26; 54:7; 79:19


Hunain 9:25

Hundred 2:259:261; 8:66; 24:2

Hundred thousand 37:147

Hunger 2:155; 16:112; 20:118; 88:7; 106:4

Hunting 5:1:2,5:94-5:96; 9:36

Hurricane 17:68

Hurting 3:144; 5:101; 7:177; 9:50:61; 22:13; 33:53; 37:98; 39:38; 49:6; 60:2

Husbands 2:228:230; 4:24:34; 12:25; 24:6:31; 58:1; 60:11

Hypocrisy 9:77:97,9:101

Hypocrites 2:8; 4:61; 8:49; 9:67:101; 63:1; 3:167; 74:31


Iblis (see also Satan) 2:34; 7:11; 15:31:32; 17:61; 18:50; 20:116

Ideas, evil 5:48:49,5:52,5:77; 6:56; 7:200:201; 20:96

Idol worship

Idol worshipers

Idris 19:56; 21:85

Ignorance 3:154; 4:17; 6:54:108,6:140; 16:25:119; 33:33,33:72; 49:6

Ignorant 6:35; 7:199; 9:97; 11:29:46; 12:33:89; 25:63; 28:55

Ignoring 7:176; 28:55; 32:14; 44:14; 46:26; 75:21; 76:27

Illness 2:184:185,2:196; 4:43:102; 5:6; 9:91; 48:17; 73:20

Illiterates 2:78

Illusion 3:185; 4:120; 6:32; 17:64; 35:40; 57:20

Imams 2:124; 21:73; 28:41; 32:24

Immigration 2:218; 3:195; 8:5:6,8:72,8:75; 16:41-16:42,16:110; 33:6; 59:8:10

Immortality 7:20; 21:8:34; 56:17; 76:19; 104:3

Imploring 6:40:42,6:52; 7:55:56,7:94; 10:12:22; 27:62; 31:32; 35:18; 40:74; 41:49:51; 51:18

Impurity 4:43; 5:6; 33:33

Imran 3:33:35; 66:12


Indulgence , God's 2:64; 4:83; 24:14:21

Infants 2:233; 3:35:46; 5:110; 6:151; 17:24; 22:2:5; 40:67; 65:6; 73:17

Inheritance 2:180:182,2:233,2:240; 4:7:14,4:33,4:176; 10:14; 19:6; 27:62; 28:5:58; 33:27; 40:53; 43:72

Initiator 2:54:117; 6:14; 35:1; 39:46; 42:11; 59:24

Injeel 48:29; 57:27

Injury 2:196; 5:45


Ink 18:109; 31:27

Innocence 4:112; 12:53; 18:74; 24:26

Insecurity 2:239; 4:83:101; 8:26; 9:28

Inspiration 4:163:164; 6:121; 10:2; 12:109; 16:68; 20:38; 40:15; 41:6; 42:51:52; 46:9; 49:7; 53:4; 58:22

Instinct 4:128; 7:172; 16:68; 30:28:30

Insulting 2:262:264,; 3:111; 33:48:57-33:60,33:69; 61:5

Intelligence 2:179:197,2:269; 3:7:190; 5:100; 12:111; 13:19; 14:52; 15:75; 20:54; 36:62; 38:29:43; 39:9,39:18,39:21;

Intentions 2:204:225,2:235; 3:154; 4:63:81; 5:7:89; 9:107; 33:5:51; 39:7; 42:24

Intercession 2:48:123,2:254; 19:87; 20:109; 21:28; 34:23; 36:23; 39:44; 43:86; 74:48

Intercourse 2:187:197,2:222; 4:23:43; 5:6; 33:4; 58:3-58:4; 70:30


Interpretation 3:7; 7:53; 12:6:21

Intimidation 7:116; 30:60

Intoxicants 2:219; 5:90:91; 16:67; 22:2; 47:15

Intoxication 4:43; 15:72; 22:2; 50:19

Invasion 17:51; 27:34; 33:14; 100:3:5


Investigate 4:94; 49:6


Invoking 3:36; 16:106; 17:11:16; 72:18

Iron 17:50; 18:96; 22:21; 34:10; 57:25

Irony 2:213; 10:93; 43:87

Isaac 2:133:136,2:140; 3:84; 4:163; 6:84; 11:71; 12:6,12:38; 14:39; 19:49; 21:72; 29:27; 37:112:113; 38:45

Ismael 2:125:127,2:133,2:140; 3:84; 4:163; 6:96; 14:39; 19:54; 21:85; 37:102:108; 38:48


Israel, see Children of Israel, Jacob, Jews


Jacob 2:132:133,2:136,2:140; 3:84; 4:163; 6:84; 11:71; 12:6,12:38,12:68; 19:6:49,19:58; 21:72; 38:45

Jealousy 2:105:109,2:213; 3:109; 5:59:64,5:68; 6:53; 12:5; 42:14; 45:17

Jesus 2:87:116,2:136,2:253; 3:42:59,3:84; 4:157,4:163,4:171-4:172; 5:46:78,5:110-5:118; 6:85:101; 10:68; 19:34-19:36; 33:7; 42:13; 43:57:64,43:81; 57:27; 61:6:14

Jewelry 7:148; 13:17; 18:31; 20:87; 22:23; 35:33; 76:21


Jinns (see also Companions, Devils)

Job 4:163; 6:84; 21:83; 38:41

John 3:38:39; 6:85; 19:7:12; 21:90

Jonah 4:163; 6:86; 10:98; 21:87; 37:139; 68:48

Joseph 6:84; 12:4:102; 40:34

Journeys 2:197; 9:42; 106:2

Joy 3:106; 15:67; 25:22; 28:9; 32:17; 76:11; 80:39; 84:9

Judea 11:44


Judge , God 6:57; 7:87:89; 10:109; 34:26

Judges 4:35:65,4:141; 21:78; 38:26; 75:14


Jugular 50:16

Jurisprudence see Law

Justice (see also Law) 2:182; 6:115:151-6:152; 7:29; 16:76,16:90; 17:33; 25:68; 41:15; 49:9; 57:25; 78:26

Justification 7:33:146; 33:58; 46:20


Kaaba 2:125:127,2:217; 3:96:97; 5:95:97; 14:37; 28:57; 29:67; 52:4:5

keepers, of Kaaba 8:34; 9:19

Keys 6:59; 24:61; 28:76; 42:12



Kindness 2:263; 17:24; 19:13; 30:21; 33:6; 57:27



Knife 12:31

Knitting 16:92

Knolls (Safa & Marwah) 2:158

Knower 3:121; 4:11:17,4:35,4:148; 5:109:116; 6:73,6:115; 9:78:103; 12:100; 13:9; 17:17; 66:3; 72:26


Knowledgeable 2:140; 4:83; 15:53; 29:43; 35:28; 47:16; 51:28


Lamps 24:35; 25:61; 41:12; 67:5; 71:16; 78:13


Language 4:148; 14:4; 18:93; 27:16; 30:22; 41:44

Laugh 9:82; 11:71; 23:110; 43:47; 53:60; 83:29:34


Leaders 9:12; 14:21; 16:63; 17:16; 18:21; 23:64; 28:5; 34:31-34:34; 40:47:48; 43:23

Leaf 6:59

Learning 2:102; 6:91:105; 7:62; 9:70; 18:66; 51:38,51:41; 54:15:17,54:22,54:32,54:40,54:51; 59:2

Legs 7:195; 27:44; 38:33; 68:42; 75:29

Leprous 3:49; 5:110

Lessons (see also Examples)

Letters, alphabet see Quranic Initials

Liars 3:61; :28; 9:43:107; 11:93; 12:26; 16:39,16:86,16:105; 23:90; 24:13; 26:223; 29:3:12; 37:152; 38:4; 39:3; 40:28; 53:2; 54:25; 58:18; 63:1

Lies (see also Falsehood)



Lightning 2:19:20,2:55; 4:153; 13:12:13; 30:24; 51:44

Lion 74:51

Lips 90:9

Literature 62:5

Livestock 3:14; 5:1:95; 6:136:143; 16:5:66; 20:54; 22:28-22:36; 23:21; 26:133; 35:28; 36:71; 39:6; 40:79

Living , God 2:255; 3:2; 20:111; 40:65

Loaning 2:245:282; 5:12; 57:11:18; 64:17; 73:20

Locusts 7:133; 54:7

Logs 54:13; 63:4

Lord see God

Lords 2:257; 3:64; 9:31

Losers 2:27:121; 6:31:140; 7:99; 9:69; 10:45; 18:103-18:105; 29:52; 40:85; 41:23; 42:45; 58:19; 63:9

Loss 2:155; 4:119; 7:130; 9:28:98; 14:18; 22:11; 34:8; 35:39; 39:15:22

Lot 6:86; 7:80:84; 11:77:83,11:89; 21:71,21:74-21:75; 22:43; 26:160:173; 27:54:58; 29:26,29:28-29:35; 37:133:138; 38:13; 50:13; 54:33:38; 66:10


Luqmaan 31:12:19

Lusts 3:14; 4:27; 19:59; 23:5; 24:30; 33:35; 70:29; 79:40

Luxury 7:93; 10:88; 16:6:8; 17:93; 26:149; 43:34

Lying 2:10; 3:191; 5:8; 10:12; 12:17:18; 24:7:8


Magi 22:17

Magic 2:102; 5:110; 6:7; 7:116; 10:76:77,10:81; 11:7; 15:15; 20:57:73; 21:3; 28:48; 34:43; 37:15; 43:30; 46:7; 52:15; 54:2; 61:6; 74:24


Majesty 14:14; 26:44; 38:82; 45:37; 55:27:78

Majority 3:110; 6:111:116,6:128; 10:36:55,10:60; 12:103,12:106; 30:42; 36:7; 37:71; 39:29; 57:26:27

Males 3:195; 4:11:124,4:176; 5:38:103; 6:143; 16:97; 26:165; 40:40; 42:50; 49:13; 53:45; 75:39; 78:8; 92:5

Malice 2:75:85,2:173; 4:30; 5:3; 6:108:145; 16:115; 48:12; 58:8

Malik 43:77

Man see Human

Manna 2:57; 7:160; 20:80

Mansions 7:74; 12:100; 17:93; 22:45; 25:10; 26:149; 27:38-27:44; 28:81; 39:30; 43:33

Markets 25:7:20

Marks 2:260; 5:38; 7:46:48; 47:30; 48:29

Marriage 2:102:221,2:235; 4:3-4:4,4:21-4:25,4:34-4:35,4:127-4:130; 5:5; 24:3:9; 28:27; 30:21; 33:4:37,33:49-33:52; 42:11; 58:1:4; 60:10

Martyrdom 2:154; 3:140:169-3:170,3:195; 4:69:72; 9:72; 22:58:59; 33:23:24

Marvels 6:75; 10:101; 18:9; 21:32; 34:9; 40:81; 53:18,53:55; Sura 55

Marwah 2:158

Mary 3:35:37,3:42-3:47; 4:156:171; 19:16:28; 21:91; 23:50; 66:12

Master, God is 1:4; 2:107; 3:18; 6:18; 7:155:196; 8:40; 9:51,9:116; 10:30; 12:101; 18:26

Material things 2:174; 3:77:199; 4:77:134; 5:44; 8:67; 9:69:74; 10:11; 11:116; 21:13; 38:32:34; 39:50; 53:29; 100:8

Mate 4:1; 7:189; 25:54; 35:11; 39:6; 42:11

Maturity 6:152; 22:5

Measure 6:152; 7:85; 11:84; 13:8; 15:21; 17:35; 23:18; 26:181; 42:27; 54:49; 83:2:3

Meat 2:173; 4:119; 5:1:3,5:90; 6:145; 10:59; 16:14,16:115; 22:37; 35:12; 52:22; 56:21

Mecca 3:96; 14:37; 27:91; 43:31; 47:13; 48:24

Mediating 4:85; 17:79; 39:9; 73:6

Memory 25:32; 50:22

Menopause 65:4

Menstruation 2:222:228; 65:4

Mental incompetence 2:282; 4:5

Merciful, God 1:1:3; 2:37:54,2:128,2:199; 3:31; 4:16; 5:39; 9:104; 29:9




Messiah (see Jesus) 3:45; 4:157:172

Metal 13:17; 55:35

Michael 2:98

Midyan 7:85:93; 9:70; 11:84:95; 20:40; 22:44; 26:176-26:189; 28:22:45; 29:36:37; 38:13

Milk 16:66; 23:21; 47:15

Mina 2:203

Minds 2:247; 6:110:113; 14:43; 16:78; 17:36; 28:10; 32:9; 46:26; 53:11




Mission, of messengers 3:20; 5:67; 13:40; 16:82; 20:31; 24:54; 29:18; 42:48; 72:23


Modesty 24:60; 33:59


Monkeys 5:60

Monks 5:82; 9:34

Monotheism 1:5; 2:138:139,2:256; 3:30:95; 6:102; 7:29; 13:36; 16:120:123; 22:31; 24:55; 29:17:56; 30:28-30:30;

Monotheist 2:135; 3:67; 4:125; 6:161

Months 2:185:197,2:226,2:234; 4:92; 5:97; 9:2:36; 34:12; 46:15; 58:4; 65:4; 97:3

Moon 2:189; 6:77:96; 7:54; 10:5; 12:4; 13:2; 14:33; 16:12; 21:33; 22:18; 25:61; 29:61; 31:29; 35:13; 36:39:40;

Morning 6:96; 11:81; 15:66:83; 28:18; 30:17; 46:25; 54:38; 68:17:20; 74:34; 79:29; 81:18; 100:3

Moses (see also Children of Israel)

Mosques 2:114:187; 7:31; 9:17:18,9:107-9:108; 17:1,17:7; 22:40; 72:18

Mosquito 2:26

Mothers , honor them 31:14; 46:15

Moths 101:4

Mount Sinai 2:63:93; 4:154; 19:52; 20:80; 28:29:46; 52:1; 95:2


Mouths 3:118:167; 5:41; 9:30:32; 13:14; 14:9; 18:5; 24:15; 36:65; 61:8

Mu'mins defined 49:14:15

Mud, see Clay


Mules 16:8

Murder 2:72:73,2:178-2:179,2:191,2:217; 4:92:93; 5:27-5:32; 16:59; 17:31


Mustard seed 21:47; 31:16

Muzdalifah 2:198



Narration (see Hadith) 6:112; 25:31

Nations 6:38:42; 49:13


Nearness, of God 2:186; 9:99; 11:61

Necks 3:180; 8:12; 13:5; 17:13:29; 26:4; 34:33; 36:8; 40:71 80:37; 111:5

Needs, God has none 3:97; 4:131; 6:14:101; 10:68; 14:8; 17:111; 27:40; 29:6; 35:15; 36:28; 51:57

Needle 7:40

Needy 2:177; 8:41; 9:60; 17:26; 22:28:36; 24:32; 30:38; 51:19; 59:7; 70:25; 76:8

Negligence 3:152; 4:128:129; 21:42; 58:19; 107:2

Neighbors 4:36


Night of Power 2:186; 44:3; 97:1:5

Nine 17:101; 18:25; 27:12:48

Nineteen 74:30

Ninety-nine 38:23


Nomads see Arabs

Noon 17:78; 24:58; 30:18

Nose 5:45; 68:16

Nullifying , our works 2:264; 3:22; 5:5, 5:53; 6:88; 7:147; 9:17; 11:16; 33:19; 39:65; 47:1:8,47:28,47:32-47:33; 49:2

Numbered record 83:9:20

Numbers, see under each number

Nursing, of infants 2:233; 4:23; 20:40; 22:2; 28:7:12; 65:6


Oaths 2:225; 5:89:103; 16:91:94; 24:6:9; 56:76; 58:16; 63:2; 66:2; 89:5

Obedience 2:238; 3:17; 4:34:81; 11:75; 24:53; 33:31,33:35; 39:54; 47:21; 50:8; 66:5:12; 76:9

Objection 33:36

Obligations 2:228:286; 8:72; 33:38:50

Oceans (see also Seas) 16:14; 18:86:109; 31:27; 52:6; 81:6; 82:3

Offenses (see also Sins) 4:31:48,4:116,4:149; 5:39,5:95; 17:31 ; 24:15; 31:13; 53:32

Offerings 2:196; 3:183; 5:2:27,5:90,5:97; 22:32:36; 37:107; 48:25

Oil 12:49; 23:20; 24:35; 34:12

Olives 6:99:141; 16:11; 24:35; 80:29; 95:1

Omens 7:57; 14:14; 25:48; 27:47:63; 30:46; 36:18-36:19

Omnipotent, God is 2:20:106,2:109, 2:148; 284; 5:40,5:120; 6:17; 9:39; 11:4; 16:70:77

Omnipresent 2:115

Omniscient 2:32:115,2:127,2:137,2:181,2:216, 2:224,2:247,2:256,2:261,2:268,2:282; 4:12; 5:54

One-eighth 4:12

One-fifth 8:41

One-fourth 4:12

One-half 4:11:12

One hundred 8:65:66; 24:2

One-sixth 4:11:12

One-tenth 34:45

One-third 4:11:12; 5:73; 73:20

One thousand 8:9:65,8:66; 22:47; 29:14; 32:5

Oneness of God 2:163:255; 3:2; 4:87:171; 5:73; 6:3,6:19; 7:54; 10:3:105; 28:70; 34:27; 37:4; 39:4; 43:84; 59:22-59:24; 112:1

Opening of hearts 6:125; 39:22

Opinion, as a god 25:43

Opinions, following 6:119:150; 7:176; 13:37; 18:28; 20:16; 23:71; 28:50; 47:14:16; 53:23; 54:3

Opponents, of God 2:204; 5:82; 8:72; 16:4:27; 19:69; 36:77; 38:21; 50:25

Oppression 2:191:193,2:217; 4:75:97; 7:137; 8:26; 26:227; 28:5:76

Orbit 21:33; 36:38:40

Orchards 18:32:42; 23:19; 25:8; 56:28; 80:30



Outsiders 3:28:118; 4:89:139,4:144; 5:51:57,5:106; 9:23; 60:1


Paganism see Idol Worship

Pagans 5:17:72,5:73


Pairs 6:143; 11:40; 13:3; 20:53; 23:27; 51:49; 53:45; 75:39

Palm, trees 2:266; 6:99:141; 13:4; 16:11:67; 17:91; 18:32; 19:23:25; 20:71; 50:10; 54:20; 69:7

Paper 6:7:91; 52:3

Parable see Allegory

Paradise (see also Gardens, Heaven)


Pardoner, God (see also Forgiver) 4:43:99,4:149; 22:60; 58:2


Parrot 2:171

Partnership, none with God 6:163; 9:31; 17:111; 25:2; 27:63; 28:68; 34:22:27

Pasture 16:10; 79:31; 80:28; 87:4

Path, of God

Path, wrong 4:44:115,4:137,4:150,4:168; 5:60; 6:153; 7:146; 17:32; 37:23


Patriarchs 2:136:140; 3:84; 4:163; 5:12


Pearls 24:35; 35:33; 52:24; 55:22; 56:23; 76:19

Pen 31:27; 68:1; 96:4


Perfect religion 6:161; 9:36; 12:40; 30:30:43; 98:5

Permission 2:187; 4:25:91; 6:118; 9:93; 10:59; 11:105; 24:28,24:62

Persecution 2:49; 8:39; 14:12; 16:41:110; 22:60; 29:10; 44:30; 60:5

Perseverance 2:153:155,2:249; 3:120,3:125,3:142,3:186,3:200; 6:34; 8:46:65,8:66; 11:49; 12:90; 13:22; 16:42:110; 25:42; 26:227; 41:35; 52:48


Piety 3:114:172; 5:2:85,5:93; 6:85; 7:161; 12:109; 16:122,16:128; 19:19; 20:76; 31:3:22; 37:80,37:105,37:110,37:113,37:121,37:131; 38:48; 39:10:34; 46:12; 58:9

Pigs 2:173; 5:3:60; 6:145; 16:115

Pilgrimage see Hajj

Pillars 13:2; 31:10; 89:7

Pit 4:145; 22:31

Pity 24:2

Plagues 7:132:135; 43:48:50

Planets 6:76; 12:4; 37:6; 82:2

Plans 8:18:42; 12:76; 20:40; 22:15; 43:79; 65:3; 72:10; 105:2

Plants 6:99; 7:58; 10:24; 16:10; 20:53; 22:5; 26:7:31:10; 32:27; 34:16; 36:36; 39:21; 48:29; 50:7; 57:20; 71:17

Playing 4:46; 6:70:91; 7:51:98; 12:12; 21; 21:2; 29:64; 40:75; 43:83; 47:36; 52:12; 57:20; 70:42

Pleading 6:71; 18:29; 46:17

Pleasing God 2:207:265; 5:2, 5:16:119; 9:62:100; 27:19; 30:38:39; 39:7; 46:15; 47:28; 48:18:29; 58:22; 59:8; 60:1; 98:8

Pleasure 3:197; 57:20

Pledges 2:27; 3:35; 4:154; 12:66:80; 13:25; 16:91; 19:26; 28:17; 68:39

Plotting 3:54; 6:123; 7:123; 8:30; 10:21; 11:55; 12:83,12:102; 28:20; 86:15

Poets 21:5; 26:224; 36:69; 37:36; 52:50; 69:41

Pollination 15:22

Polygamy (Appendix 30)

Pomegranate 6:99:141; 55:68


Pork 2:173; 5:3:60; 6:145; 16:115

Pots 23:27; 34:13

Poverty 2:61:268; 6:151; 17:31; 65:7


Powerful, God 4:34:84; 8:52; 11:66; 12:39; 22:40:74; 33:25; 38:65; 40:3:16,40:22; 41:15; 42:19; 57:25; 58:21; 59:23

Praise God

Praiseworthy, God is 11:73; 14:1:8; 31:26; 34:6; 41:42; 42:28; 85:8


Preachers 2:213; 4:165; 5:19; 6:48; 7:188; 17:105; 18:56; 25:51; 35:24

Preaching 3:21:79,3:104; 4:78; 6:19:51,6:92; 7:2,7:35,7:164; 9:122; 16:2; 22:52; 23:52; 25:7:19; 35:40; 42:15; 52:48; 71:5:9

Predestination 3:145; 6:2:60; 7:34; 9:51; 10:19,10:33,10:49; 11:6:104,11:110; 15:24; 16:1:61; 17:58,17:99; 28:85; 29:5:53; 32:13; 34:30; 35:45; 36:7:44; 39:42; 40:6:67; 41:45; 42:14:21; 47:19; 54:12; 56:50; 57:22; 63:11; 65:3; 71:4; 78:17

Predictions 2:89; 11:17; 61:6

Preference 2:86; 4:74; 7:169; 11:15; 12:91; 14:3; 16:107; 17:18-17:19; 20:72; 37:153; 59:9; 79:38

Pregnancy 2:228; 13:8; 22:2; 35:11; 65:4:6

Prejudice 2:142; 16:57:59,16:62

Preoccupation 23:63; 38:31; 48:11; 102:1

Presence, of God 2:115; 55:27

Present 21:24

Previous scripture

Price 2:41; 3:187; 9:9; 12:20; 16:95

Pride 2:206; 3:188; 4:36; 7:12:13,7:48,7:146; 11:10; 17:37; 27:14; 31:18; 38:2; 57:23; 84:13

Priests 5:44:63,5:82; 9:31:34

Priority 2:228; 9:16:23-9:24,9:113; 33:6; 87:16

Prison 12:13:42,12:100

Privacy , reverence in 5:94; 21:49; 35:18; 36:11; 50:33; 67:12

Problems 6:41; 11:63; 58:10; 72:6


Projectiles 15:18; 37:10; 67:5; 72:8:9



Prophecies 2:89; 11:17; 17:4:8,17:104; 27:82; 30:2-30:5; 44:10:15; 54:1; 61:6; 81:24

Prophethood 3:79; 6:89; 29:27; 45:16; 57:26

Prophets (see also specific names)

Prosperity 3:134; 7:95:168; 11:84; 21:35; 27:46

Prostitution 24:33

Prostration (see also Contact prayer)


Protector, God is 3:173; 4:75; 5:67; 12:64; 13:11; 25:31

Provider, God is 5:114; 22:58; 23:72; 34:39; 62:11


Provocation 5:2:8,5:30; 11:89; 42:37:42

Psalms 3:184; 4:163; 16:44; 17:55; 21:105; 35:25

Puberty 4:6; 24:31:59

Purgatory 7:46:48

Purifying 9:108; 22:26; 33:33; 35:18; 58:12; 79:18; 91:9


Qaroon 28:76:81; 29:39; 40:24

Qiblah 2:142:150

Quails 2:57; 7:160; 20:80

Quake, earth 7:78:91,7:155; 29:37:40; 67:16; 69:5; 79:6; 99:1

Queen of Sheba 27:22444

Questioning 7:6; 10:53; 15:92; 16:56:93; 18:19; 21:23; 43:19; 36:78; 70:1

Questions 2:189; 5:102; 28:66

Quraish 106:1:4


Quranic initials 2:2; 3:1; 7:1; 10:1; 11:1; 12:1; 13:1; 14:1; 15:1; 19:1; 20:1; 26:1; 27:1; 28:1; 29:1; 30:1; 31:1; 32:1; 36:1; 38:1; 40:1; 41:1; 42:1,42:2; 43:1; 44:1; 45:1; 46:1; 50:1; 68:1

Quranic miracle 3:96; 10:1:20,10:37-10:39; 11:1; 12:1; 13:1:38; 15:1,15:87; 26:1:2; 27:1:30; 28:1:2; 30:58; 31:1:2; 34:48; 36:1:3; 40:1:2; 41:1:2,41:52-41:53; 46:1:2; 74:1-74:56; 85:21:22 and Appendix 1


Rabbis 5:44:63; 9:31; 46:10

Racing for forgiveness 2:148; 3:133

Rain 2:264:265; 4:102; 18:45; 24:43; 30:48; 31:34; 38:36; 42:28:46:24; 57:20; 71:11; 77:4

Ramadan 2:183:187; 89:2

Ranks 2:212:253; 3:163; 4:95:96; 6:83:132; 8:4; 9:20; 10:2; 12:76; 17:79; 20:75; 25:75; 37:165; 40:15; 46:19; 57:10; 58:11

Ransom 2:85:123; 3:91; 5:36; 6:70; 10:54; 13:18; 37:107; 52:21; 57:15; 70:11

Ravens 5:31; 35:27

Reading 2:44; 3:93; 10:61; 16:98; 17:14, 17:45,17:71,17:93; 27:92; 69:19; 73:20; 96:1:3

Rear ends 8:50; 47:27

Reassurance 2:260; 3:126; 5:113; 8:10

Rebels 2:34; 19:14:32

Rebellion 4:34:156; 5:78; 18:80; 38:69; 49:7; 51:44; 65:8; 79:21

Recitation , of scripture 7:204; 17:78; 18:27; 35:29; 37:3; 73:4:20

Reckoner, God is 4:6; 6:62

Reckoning 2:202; 3:199; 5:4; 13:18:21,13:40-13:41; 14:41,14:51; 21:1; 23:117; 24:39; 38:16:26,38:53; 40:17:27; 78:27; 84:8

Recompense, from God 2:103:262,2:274; 3:136:195; 4:74:95,4:152; 17:9; 18:2; 23:72; 28:54; 29:27:58; 33:44; 36:11; 64:15; 76:9; 98:8

Record, of all things 4:81; 6:59; 10:61; 11:6; 13:39; 17:13:14,17:71; 18:49; 20:52; 22:70; 23:62; 27:75; 30:56; 34:3; 35:11; 36:12; 39:69; 43:4; 45:28-45:29; 50:4:17,50:23; 57:22; 69:19:25; 78:29; 83:7,83:9,83:20; 84:7:10; 85:22

Recreation 13:5; 29:20; 32:10; 34:7; 53:47; 79:10

Red 18:96; 35:27

Redeem 2:37:54,2:128,2:160; 4:16:64; 9:104:118; 24:10; 49:12; 110:3

Redemption 2:37:54,2:128,2:160,2:187; 3:128; 4:17,4:26-4:27; 5:39:71; 9:15:102,9:106,9:117-9:118; 20:122; 25:71; 33:24:73; 68:50

Reflection 2:219:266; 3:191; 6:50; 7:176; 10:24; 13:3; 16:11,16:44,16:69; 22:5; 30:8:21; 34:46; 39:42; 45:13; 59:21; 74:18; 86:5; 88:17

Reforming 2:160; 3:89; 4:16, 4:146; 5:39; 6:54; 7:35; 16:119; 24:5; 26:152; 32:21


Regarding, of people 2:83; 4:1:36; 17:26; 33:56; 42:23; 89:17

Regressing 2:209; 74:37; 75:13; 82:5

Regretting 5:52; 21:19; 48:25; 49:6

Regulations , false 16:105; 22:30

Rejecting (see also Disbelief)

Relationship 9:8:10; 23:57:101; 28:10; 33:5; 37:158


Relief 6:17:41; 10:12:107; 16:54; 17:56; 30:33; 44:15; 53:58; 94:5:6

Religion (see also Creed)

Remembrance 13:28; 38:32

Reminder 6:69; 11:120; 19:2; 21:2:84; 26:5; 39:21; 47:18; 51:55; 56:73; 69:48; 73:19; 74:31:49,74:54; 76:29; 80:11; 87:9; 88:21

Remitting, of sins 2:271; 3:193:195; 4:31; 5:12:45,5:65; 8:29; 25:70; 29:7; 39:35; 47:2; 48:5; 64:9; 65:5; 66:8

Remorse 5:31; 9:118; 10:54; 17:29; 84:11

Repelling 2:217; 4:60; 8:36; 9:9; 10:88; 11:19; 13:33; 14:3; 16:88; 22:25; 33:25; 43:62; 47:1:32,47:34; 58:16; 63:2

Repentance 2:160:222,2:279; 3:89:90; 4:16-4:18,4:92,4:146; 5:34:39,5:74; 6:54; 7:154; 8:38:68; 9:104; 11:3:52,11:61,11:90; 16:119; 19:60; 20:82; 24:5:31; 25:70-25:71; 28:67; 40:3:7; 42:25; 66:8; 85:10

Reproduction 6:98; 25:54; 32:8; 53:32; 81:4

Resentment 2:90:213; 3:19; 4:54; 5:59:64,5:68

Responsibility 2:134:139,2:225,2:233; 3:161; 5:89; 7:54; 11:35; 17:34; 24:11:54; 33:5:15,33:72; 34:25; 39:7; 53:39; 65:8

Resurrection , see Day of

Retribution (see also Hell)

Revelations see Quran

Reverence, for God 2:40:74; 5:23:94; 7:56:154; 13:13:21; 14:14; 16:50-16:51; 17:59:60,17:109; 21:49:90; 31:33; 32:16; 35:18,35:28; 36:11; 39:16:20,39:23; 42:5; 48:9; 50:45; 55:46; 59:21; 67:12; 71:13; 76:7; 98:8

Reverent 2:45; 20:3:44; 22:34; 23:2; 33:35; 79:26; 80:9; 87:10

Reversion 2:109:217; 3:100:101,3:106; 5:54:95; 6:28; 7:88:89; 8:38; 9:66:74; 17:76; 21:65; 22:11; 31:32; 36:68; 44:15; 48:25

Rewards, from God 2:261; 3:145:148,3:195; 4:40; 5:85; 7:161; 8:28; 9:22,9:88,9:121; 10:4:9,10:26; 12:56:57,12:88; 16:31; 18:30-18:31; 19:76; 28:14:80; 32:17; 33:8; 34:4; 37:105; 39:74; 42:40; 47:36; 48:20

Ridiculing (see also Mocking)

Righteous see Believers

Righteous works see Works


Rivers 2:249; 6:6; 7:43; 10:9; 13:3:35; 14:32; 16:15,16:31; 17:91; 18:31:33,18:60; 20:39; 27:61; 28:7; 43:51; 47:15; 71:12

Roads 16:15; 20:53; 21:31; 43:10; 71:20

Robbery (see also Thief) 7:86; 29:29

Rocks 2:24:60,2:74,2:264; 7:160; 11:82:83; 15:74; 17:50; 18:63; 31:16; 44:45; 54:34; 66:6; 89:9; 105:4

Romans 30:2

Ropes 3:103; 20:66; 26:44; 111:5

Ruins 22:45; 23:41; 27:52; 28:58; 29:35:38; 32:26; 37:137

Rule 2:255; 12:56:80; 13:41; 16:76; 27:23

Ruler , God is 12:80

Rules (see also Laws) 2:220; 13:41

Rumors 4:83; 49:6


Saalih 7:73:77; 11:61:68,11:89; 26:142; 27:45:53; 91:11-91:15

Sabbath 2:65; 4:47:154; 7:163; 16:124


Sacrifice 2:67:71,2:173,2:196; 5:3; 22:32:37; 27:21; 37:102

Sacrileges 2:194:217

Saddened 3:176; 5:41:68; 6:33; 10:65; 11:36; 12:69; 15:88; 18:6; 31:23; 35:8; 36:76

Safety 3:97; 9:6; 15:46; 21:69; 28:25:31; 29:67; 34:18; 44:55

Saints 4:69; 5:75

Salat see Contact Prayer

Salt 25:53; 35:12; 55:19

Salvation 2:21:63,2:179,2:183,2:187; 4:95; 6:51; 7:164,7:171; 19:51; 39:28; 40:41; 80:3

Samarian 20:85:97

Sanctifying 2:125:129,2:151,2:174,2:232; 3:42,3:77,3:164; 9:103; 62:2

Sanctity 2:196; 19:13

Sanctuary 2:125; 3:37:39; 19:11; 29:67; 38:21

Satan (see also devils, Iblis)

Saul 2:247:249


Scales 21:47; 26:182


Scholars 26:197

Scientific miracles 11:7; 21:30:33; 22:5; 23:14; 25:53-25:54

Scoffing 9:64; 15:95; 18:106; 21:36

Scribe 2:282:283; 80:15

Scripture 2:53:113; 22:8; 28:45; 34:44

Sea (see also ocean, seas)

Seals, the heart 2:7; 4:155; 6:46; 7:100:101; 9:87; 10:74,10:88; 16:108; 30:59; 40:35; 47:16; 63:3

Seas (see also ocean, sea) 24:40; 25:53; 27:61; 35:12; 55:19;

Season 14:25; 56:33

Second 2:230; 6:28; 17:7:104; 26:203

Secretly 2:235:271; 7:55:205; 13:22; 14:31; 16:75; 58:7


Sects 3:102:106; 6:159; 10:19; 11:118; 21:92:93; 23:53; 30:32; 42:8

Security 4:83; 6:81:82; 9:26; 16:112; 24:55; 106:4

Sedentary 9:46:81,9:83,9:86-9:87,9:93

Seduction 12:23:32,12:51

Seed 2:261; 4:53; 6:59:95; 21:47; 31:16; 35:13

Seekers 3:145:152; 5:2; 6:52; 13:22; 18:28; 22:73; 28:77; 29:48; 30:39; 39:9; 42:20; 48:29; 92:20


Self 12:53; 65:1

Self-radiating 24:35

Selfishness 4:128

Semen 53:46; 56:58; 75:37

Sense 3:52; 8:22; 9:26; 10:31:100; 21:65; 54:3

Separates 8:37; 41:5; 55:19; 57:13

Serpent 7:107; 20:20; 26:32

Servant 4:36; 16:71; 24:31:32,24:58; 30:28; 33:55; 52:24; 56:17; 76:19

Service 13:2; 14:32:33; 16:12:14; 21:82; 22:65; 31:20; 38:18:38; 43:32; 74:7

Seven 2:196:261; 12:43:48; 15:44:87; 17:44; 18:22; 69:7

Seventy 7:155; 9:80; 69:32

Sex 2:197; 4:23:43; 5:6; 7:81; 23:6; 26:165; 27:55; 29:29

Shackles 14:49; 40:71; 76:4

Shade 2:57; 4:57; 7:160; 13:35; 16:81; 28:24; 35:21; 36:56; 56:30:43; 76:14; 77:30:41

Shadows 13:15; 16:48; 25:45

Shaken 2:214; 33:11; 56:4; 73:14


Satan's 4:118

Sharpened 75:7

Shatter 13:31; 19:90; 42:5; 69:16; 82:1

Sheaths 6:99; 41:47; 55:11

Sheba 27:22:44; 34:15

Sheep 6:143:146; 20:18; 21:78; 38:23:24

Shelter 16:81; 23:50; 93:6

Shield 2:88; 4:155; 6:110; 15:12:15; 83:14

Shields 6:25; 17:46; 18:57; 21:80

Shines 18:17; 74:34

Ships 2:164; 10:22; 14:32; 16:14; 17:66; 18:71:79; 22:65; 23:22; 29:65; 30:46; 31:31; 35:12; 37:140; 40:80; 42:32; 43:12; 45:12; 55:24

Shirt 12:18:25-12:28,12:93,12:96

Shocker 69:4; 101:1:3

Shoes 20:12

Shore 7:163; 17:67:68; 29:65; 31:32


Shrine 2:125:127,2:198; 3:96:97; 5:2; 8:35; 11:73; 14:37; 22:26:29,22:33; 28:57; 33:33; 52:4; 106:3

Shrink 39:45

Shu'aib 7:85:92; 11:84:94; 26:176:177; 29:36

Siblings 6:87; 9:23:24; 58:22; 70:12

Sick 24:61; 26:80; 4:103; 6:81; 7:46; 9:35; 19:73; 20:80; 22:19; 28:30; 34:24; 37:8:28; 55:64; 56:27; 57:13

Sight 10:31

Silk 18:31; 22:23; 35:33; 44:53; 55:54; 76:12:21

Silver 3:14; 9:34; 18:19; 43:33; 76:15:16,76:21

Sinai 2:63; 4:154; 23:20; 28:29; 52:1; 95:2

Sincere 9:43:44,9:119; 10:22; 29:65; 31:32; 49:17; 60:10; 66:8

Sinfulness 2:85:188; 3:178; 5:62; 7:33; 17:60; 49:12; 58:8; 96:16

Sink 18:41; 67:30

Sinners 2:35:145; 5:29:106; 11:52:116; 23:7; 28:8; 30:55; 37:34; 40:58; 53:53; 68:12; 69:37

Sins (see also Offenses)

Sisters 4:11:12,4:23,4:176; 19:28; 20:40; 24:31:61; 28:12; 33:55

Six 7:54; 10:3; 11:7; 25:59; 32:4; 50:38; 57:4

Sixth 18:22; 58:7

Sixty 58:4

Skin 4:56; 22:20; 39:23; 41:20:22

Sky 15:16; 21:32; 22:65; 25:61; 40:64; 41:11; 50:6; 51:7; 55:37; 73:18; 81:11; 82:1; 84:1; 85:1; 86:1; 88:18; 91:5

Slanderer 24:23; 104:1

Slaughtering 2:49; 7:77; 11:65; 14:6; 26:157; 28:4; 54:29; 91:14


Slaying 2:85:91; 3:21:183; 40:25

Sleep 6:60; 7:97; 16:46; 25:47; 30:23; 39:42; 51:17; 78:9

Slope 28:29:44,28:46

Slumber 2:255; 3:154; 8:11

Smoke 44:10

Sneak 15:18; 24:63; 72:9; 114:4

Snow 24:43

Society 29:29; 37:8; 38:69

Sodom 9:70; 15:51; 25:40; 29:31; 51:31; 53:53; 69:9

Soil 2:264:265; 4:43; 5:6; 6:59; 7:58; 20:6; 32:10; 35:9; 80:26

Soldiers 9:26:40; 33:9; 36:75; 37:173; 67:20; 74:31

Solomon 2:102; 4:163; 6:84; 21:78:82; 27:15:44; 34:12; 38:30:34


Soothsayer 69:42

Sorcery 2:102

Sorrow 2:167; 3:156; 5:31; 8:36; 12:86; 18:42; 19:39; 25:13-25:14; 35:34


Source 6:114; 13:12; 16:103; 18:27; 28:8; 39:29; 74:56; 88:6

Sovereignty 23:88; 24:55

Spacious 4:97; 29:56; 39:10

Spared 5:32; 6:16; 8:43; 33:25; 52:18:27; 59:9; 76:11; 92:17

Spices 76:41

Spider 29:41

Spikes 12:43:46-12:47

Spine 86:7

Spirit 4:171; 15:29; 16:2:102; 19:17; 21:91; 26:193; 66:12; 70:4; 78:38; 97:4

Split 54:1; 80:26; 84:1

Spoils 3:161; 4:94; 8:1:41,8:68-8:69; 48:15:20; 59:6-59:8

Spouses 2:25; 3:15; 4:33:57; 9:24; 13:23; 16:72; 23:6; 25:74; 30:21; 36:56; 38:52; 40:8; 43:70; 44:54; 52:20; 55:56; 56:22; 64:14; 70:30; 78:33

Springs 2:60; 7:160; 15:45; 26:134:147; 36:34; 38:42; 44:52; 51:15; 54:12; 55:50; 76:6:18; 77:41; 83:28; 88:5

Stabilizers (see also mountains) 13:3; 15:19; 16:15; 21:31; 27:61; 31:10; 41:10; 50:7; 77:27; 78:7

Staff 2:60; 7:107:117,7:160; 20:18; 26:32:45,26:63; 27:10; 28:31; 34:14

Stages 36:39; 39:6; 71:14; 76:2; 84:19

Standing 3:191; 4:103; 10:12; 11:100; 23:2; 25:64

Stars 6:97; 7:54; 16:12:16; 22:18; 24:35; 37:88; 52:49; 53:1:49; 55:6; 56:75; 77:8; 81:2:15; 86:3

State 4:97; 9:84; 16:28:32; 18:35

Statement 27:19; 37:154

Stations 34:18

Statues 6:74; 21:52:57; 26:71; 34:13

Statutes (see also laws) 2:53:185,2:213; 3:4; 4:13,4:60,4:176; 5:45:50; 13:37; 21:48; 25:1


Stepdaughters 4:23

Steps 2:168:208; 6:142; 9:120; 24:21

Sterility 3:40; 19:5:8; 42:50; 51:29

Sticks 20:66; 26:44; 68:20

Stinginess 9:76; 17:100:33:19; 47:37:38; 57:24; 64:16; 70:18:21; 92:8

Stones 8:32; 18:20; 19:46; 26:116; 27:58; 36:18; 44:20; 51:33

Store 12:47; 15:22; 23:18

Storm 2:19; 3:117; 17:69; 18:40; 29:40; 33:9; 68:19

Straight, path 4:175; 5:16; 6:87:126,6:153,6:161; 7:16; 16:121; 24:46; 37:118; 43:64; 46:30; 48:20; 67:22

Strangers 51:25

Stratified 56:7

Strayers 1:7; 2:16:108,2:175; 3:90; 4:136; 5:12; 6:77; 7:30; 15:42:56; 22:12; 26:86:224; 56:51:92; 68:7

Streams , in Paradise 2:25; 3:15:136,3:195,3:198; 4:13,4:57,4:122; 5:12:85,5:119; 9:72:89,9:100; 14:23; 20:76; 22:14,22:33;

Strength 2:250; 3:147:186; 7:126; 11:52; 14:27; 18:14; 31:17; 38:20; 40:67; 42:43; 46:35; 47:7; 48:4; 57:25; 76:28

Strict, God is 2:165:196,2:211; 3:11; 5:4:98; 7:167; 8:13,8:25,8:52; 13:6; 40:3:22; 59:4:7

Strivers 2:218; 4:95; 9:20; 16:110; 17:19; 29:6:69; 47:4; 49:15; 57:10; 61:4

Structures 40:64:82

Struggling 3:142; 4:95; 8:72; 9:44:88; 25:52; 61:11

Stumped 2:258; 7:119; 67:4

Stunned 6:44; 23:77; 28:66; 30:12:43

Subdued 24:30:31; 29:61; 31:29; 34:12; 35:13; 36:72; 38:18,38:36; 39:5; 43:13; 45:12; 67:15

Subjugated 21:79:81-21:82; 27:17; 36:75; 38:37; 45:13

Submission 3:19:85; 5:3; 16:48:87; 27:87; 33:22; 39:8; 41:49

Submitters (see also Muslims) 2:128:131-2:133,2:208; 3:20,3:52,3:64,3:102; 6:14:71,6:163; 7:126; 11:88;

Subservient 2:116; 7:54; 16:48; 30:26; 37:158

Substitute 4:133; 6:6, 6:133; 11:57; 14:19; 35:16; 47:38; 56:61; 70:41; 76:28

Success 3:196; 11:88; 40:4

Succession 5:19; 8:9; 13:11; 23:44; 77:1

Successors 7:69:74; 19:5

Suddenly 6:31:44,6:47; 7:95:187; 12:107; 21:40; 22:55; 26:202; 29:53; 39:55; 43:66; 47:18

Suffering 37:31; 38:41; 39:40; 44:12; 64:5; 65:9; 74:26-74:27,74:42

Suffices 3:173; 4:6:45,4:79,4:81,4:132,4:171; 9:59; 10:29; 17:96; 25:31; 33:3:39,33:48; 48:28; 65:3

Summer 106:2

Summoning 6:22; 17:1:71; 20:80:102,20:108; 28:75; 40:32; 77:11

Sun 2:258; 6:78; 25:45; 36:38; 81:1; 91:1

Sunrise 17:78; 20:130; 50:39

Sunset 20:130; 50:39; 84:16

Superseding 5:48; 21:27


Supreme 6:18:61; 13:16; 14:48; 18:45; 39:4; 59:23; 79:24

Sura 2:23; 9:64:86, 9:124:127; 10:38; 11:13; 24:1; 47:20

Surrender 28:63; 47:35

Surround 2:81; 10:22; 31:32; 85:20

Suspicion 49:12

Sustainer 2:107

Sustenance 2:22:36,2:233; 14:32

Swear 56:75; 69:38; 75:1; 81:15; 90:1

Swearing 2:224; 4:148

Synagogues 22:40

System, God's 6:34; 15:4:76; 17:77; 33:38:62; 35:43; 40:85; 48:23


Tablets 7:145:150,7:154

Tales from the past 6:25; 8:31; 16:24; 23:83; 25:5; 46:17; 68:15; 83:13

Talut (Saul) 2:247

Tayammum 4:43; 5:6


Teachings, God's 2:239; 4:105; 5:47; 53:5

Tears 5:83; 9:92

Temper 20:25; 26:13; 94:1

Temples , homes as 10:87

Ten 2:187:196,2:234; 5:89:103; 6:160; 7:142; 11:13; 20:103; 28:27; 89:2

Tenants 2:63

Terminated 2:210; 3:55; 4:97; 5:117; 6:8; 7:37; 10:11,10:46; 13:40; 19:39; 32:11; 34:14; 40:77

Terror 3:151; 8:12; 14:43; 24:37; 28:10; 33:19:26; 34:51; 40:18; 59:2; 79:8; 100:4

Testifying 4:135; 6:150; 36:65; 70:33

Testimony 2:140:282-2:283; 5:106:108; 6:19; 24:4-24:6


Thamud 7:73; 11:61:68,11:95; 14:9; 17:59; 22:42; 26:141; 27:45; 29:38; 41:13:17; 50:12; 51:43; 53:51; 54:23; 69:4; 89:9; 91:11

Thieves 5:38; 12:70; 36:39; 56:6

Thirst 9:120; 20:119; 24:39

Thirty 7:142; 46:15

Thorns 111:5


Thousand 2:96:243; 8:9:65,8:66; 22:47; 29:14; 32:5; 97:3

Thread 2:187

Threat 7:70:77; 10:48; 11:32; 21:38:60; 27:71; 46:22

Three 2:196:228; 3:41; 4:3; 5:89; 9:118; 11:65; 18:22; 19:10; 24:58; 35:1; 39:6; 56:7; 58:7; 65:4; 77:30

Three hundred 18:25

Three thousand 3:124

Throat 56:83; 56:85; 75:26

Throne 23:86:116; 25:59; 27:26; 39:75; 40:7; 43:82; 69:17; 81:20; 85:15

Throngs 14:37; 39:71:73; 78:18; 99:6; 110:1:3

Thunder 2:119; 13:13; 52:9


Timing devices 2:189; 6:96; 10:5; 17:12; 55:5

Tolerance 7:199; 9:128; 23:96

Tomorrow 18:23; 31:34; 54:26

Tongue (language) 5:78; 14:4; 16:103; 19:97; 26:195; 44:58

Tongues 3:78; 16:62:116; 20:27; 24:15:24; 26:13; 33:19; 48:11; 60:2; 75:16; 90:9

Tooth 5:45

Torah 3:3:48,3:50,3:65,3:93; 5:41,5:44-5:46,5:66,5:68,5:110; 6:91; 7:145:157; 9:111; 11:17; 17:2; 32:23; 48:29; 61:6; 62:5

Tornado 46:24; 68:19

Tossed 54:20; 69:7

Total, submission 2:208; 10:84; 11:23; 16:87; 24:47-24:51; 27:83; 30:53; 34:46; 38:24:30; 39:8:17,39:54; 43:69; 46:15

Tower 28:38; 40:36

Trade 2:16:41,2:254,2:275,2:282; 3:187; 6:152; 9:111; 17:35; 24:37; 26:181; 55:9; 61:10

Transaction 2:282; 4:29

Transgressions 2:15:61,2:229; 3:112:147,3:193; 4:14,4:112; 5:32:62,5:64,5:94,5:107; 7:81:116; 8:38; 11:112; 16:90; 17:4:8; 20:127; 23:7:75; 25:21; 38:24; 42:27; 53:32; 58:9; 65:1; 67:21; 89:11; 91:11; 96:6

Transgressor(see also sinners) 5:87; 6:119; 10:12,10:74,10:83; 21:9; 26:91:151; 36:19; 37:30; 38:55; 40:28; 43:5; 50:25; 51:34:53; 68:12:31; 70:31; 79:37

Traveling 2:184:185,2:283; 4:43; 5:6:106; 9:121; 12:109; 27:69; 29:20; 30:9; 35:44; 40:21:82; 73:20

Treasures 6:50; 11:31; 12:55; 15:21; 18:82; 25:8; 26:58; 28:76; 38:9; 43:53; 52:37; 63:7

Treaty 3:112; 4:90:92; 8:72; 9:1:12

Trees 2:35; 6:99:141; 7:19:22; 14:24:26; 17:60; 19:25; 20:120; 22:18; 23:20; 24:35; 31:27; 36:80; 37:62,37:64,37:146; 44:43; 48:18; 54:20; 55:6; 56:52

Trial 2:49; 3:152; 7:141; 14:6

Tribe 2:60; 7:160; 9:24; 11:91:92; 49:13; 70:13

Trinity 4:171; 5:73

Triumph 3:185; 4:13; 5:119; 6:16; 9:72:89,9:100,9:111; 10:64; 24:52; 33:35; 35:32; 37:60; 40:9; 44:57; 45:30;48:5; 57:12; 61:12; 64:9; 85:11

Troops 2:249:250; 10:90; 17:103; 20:78; 27:18,27:37-27:38; 28:6:8,28:39; 36:28; 44:24; 51:40; 89:10

Troublemakers 28:18; 113:4

Trumpet 6:73; 74:8

Trust, in God 3:122:159-3:160; 4:81; 5:11:23; 7:89; 8:2,8:49,8:61; 9:51:129; 10:71:84,10:85; 11:56:88; 13:30; 14:11,14:12; 16:42:99; 25:58; 27:79; 33:3:48; 39:38; 42:10; 58:10; 60:4; 64:13; 67:29; 73:9

Truth, concealing the 2:42:146; 3:71 Truthful, promise 4:87:122; 9:111; 10:4; 16:38; 21:97; 31:9; 33:22; 46:16

Truthfulness 5:83:119; 33:8:24

Tunnel 6:35

Turn away 2:137:143,2:246; 3:20:32,3:63,3:82,3:144; 4:80,4:89,4:106; 5:49:92; 6:4:71; 8:15:23,8:40; 9:3,9:74,9:127; 10:72; 11:3:52,11:57; 16:82; 17:67; 18:57; 20:48; 21:109; 24:47:54; 26:5; 31:7; 34:16; 36:46; 41:4; 42:48; 47:38; 54:2; 60:6; 64:12; 75:32; 88:23 to God 4:106:110; 7:128; 17:25; 18:24; 22:15; 27:46; 37:99; 39:49; 68:32

Twelve 2:60; 5:12; 7:160; 9:36

Twenty 8:65

Twice 2:229; 3:13:165; 5:36; 9:126; 13:18; 17:4; 39:47

Two 4:3:11,4:176; 5:106; 6:143:144; 9:40; 11:40; 13:3; 16:51; 23:27; 34:46; 35:1; 36:14; 40:11

Tyranny 3:28; 6:65; 10:83; 17:7; 26:130

Tyrants 7:167; 10:83; 11:59; 14:15; 17:4; 23:46; 28:4,28:39; 41:15


Umrah 2:158:196

Unaccountable 75:36

Unappreciative 2:152; 7:17; 8:55; 11:9; 14:7:34; 17:27,17:67; 22:66; 28:58; 31:12; 42:48; 43:15; 68:13; 76:3; 80:17; 100:6

Unaware , God is never 2:74:85,2:140, 2:144, 2:149,2:255; 3:99; 6:132; 11:123; 14:42; 23:17; 27:93; 41:22

Unchaste 19:20:28

Unclean 5:6; 6:145


Undrinkable 35:12; 56:70

Unholiness 6:125; 9:28:95,9:125

United 3:103; 4:21; 20:64; 59:14; 61:4

Universe, Lord of the

Universes (see Heavens) 40:57; 41:12

Unjust , God is never 3:57:140,3:182; 8:51; 10:44; 22:10; 24:50; 26:209; 41:46; 42:40; 50:29

Unlimited , grace 3:74:174; 8:29; 57:21:29; 62:4

Unrighteousness 4:97; 11:46; 19:28

Unseen 2:3; 34:53

Unwillingly 3:83; 9:53; 13:15; 41:11


Usury 2:275:276,2:278; 3:130; 4:161; 30:39




Vanities 6:32; 11:15; 18:28:46; 20:131; 26:128; 28:60-28:61; 29:64; 33:28; 43:35; 47:36; 57:20

Vegetables 2:61; 80:31

Vegetation 6:99:141; 55:48; 78:15

Veils 2:7; 24:31; 45:23; 50:22; 83:15

Vein, jugular 50:16

Velvet 18:31; 44:53; 76:21

Verses 3:7; 11:1; 24:1; 41:3; 45:9

Vice 2:169; 12:24; 16:90; 17:32; 21:74; 24:19:21

Victim 2:73:178; 4:92


Video tape 17:13; 36:65

Views 39:18; 41:5


Virgin 66:5

Viscera 86:7


Voices 17:64; 20:108; 31:19; 49:2:3; 63:4

Volunteers 2:158:184

Vow 3:76:7; 5:89; 86:152; 9:12:13,9:75,9:77; 13:20; 16:91; 22:29; 33:15:23; 43:50; 70:32; 76:7

Vulnerable 33:13

Vultures 22:31


Wage 6:90; 10:72; 11:29:51; 12:104; 25:57; 34:47; 36:21; 38:86; 42:23; 52:40; 68:46

Wail 11:106; 21:100

Waiting 2:210; 4:25; 6:158; 7:53:71; 9:52; 10:20,10:102; 16:33; 20:135; 32:30; 43:66; 44:59; 47:18

Walking 2:239; 17:37; 20:128; 24:45; 25:7:20; 31:19; 32:26

Wall 18:77:82

War (see also fighting) 2:177:190-2:195; 3:140,3:152-3:155; 4:91:104; 8:7:12,8:14-8:15,8:39, 41-44,65-66; 9:13:16;

Warner 2:119:213; 4:165; 5:19; 7:184; 10:2; 13:7; 14:44; 19:39; 22:49; 27:92; 34:34:44; 35:23:24,35:42; 38:4,38:65;40:15:18; 67:8:9,67:26; 78:40; 92:14

Warnings 6:47; 16:47; 29:38; 35:18; 50:28:45; 53:56; Sura 54; 67:17; 74:36

Watcher 5:117; 11:93; 50:18

Watchful, God 20:39; 33:52; 54:14; 89:14


Waver 3:139:146; 4:104:143; 9:117; 33:23; 47:35; 53:17

Waves 10:22; 11:42:43; 24:40; 31:32


Weakness 3:123; 4:98; 7:150; 8:66; 9:91; 19:75; 36:68; 72:24

Wealth 1:188; 9:55:69; 10:88; 17:6:64; 19:77; 28:76; 34:35,34:37; 38:34; 43:33:35; 65:7; 100:8; 111:2

Weaning 31:14; 46:15

Weapons 4:102

Weeping 12:16:84; 17:109; 19:58; 44:29

Weighing 7:8; 11:84; 17:35; 26:182; 55:8


Well 12:10:15,12:19; 22:45; 55:66

West 2:115:142,2:177,2:258; 7:137; 18:86; 26:28; 55:17; 70:40; 73:9

Wheat 12:43:46

Whip 24:2:4

Whispering 7:20; 20:108:120; 114:4:5

White 2:187; 7:108; 12:84; 20:22; 26:33; 27:12; 28:32


Wickedness 2:59; 4:153; 6:49; 7:162; 9:84; 16:28:88; 17:82; 18:35; 22:48; 27:52:85; 29:14:34; 49:7:11

Widows 2:234:235,2:240

Wife see wives

Wilderness 24:39; 68:49

Will 2:180:182; 4:11:12; 5:106

Willing, God 12:99; 18:24:69; 28:27; 37:102

Willingly 3:83; 9:53; 13:15; 16:106; 41:11

Winds 2:164; 7:57; 10:22; 15:22; 21:81; 25:48; 27:63; 30:46,30:48; 34:12; 35:9; 38:36; 41:16; 42:33; 45:5; 46:24; 51:1,51:41; 54:19; 67:17; 69:6; 77:2

Wine 2:219; 5:90; 12:36:41,12:49

Wings 6:38; 17:24; 20:22; 26:215; 35:1

Winners 2:5; 3:104; 5:56; 6:135; 7:8:59,7:113,7:157; 9:20,9:71,9:88; 20:64:68; 23:102:111; 24:51; 26:40; 28:67; 30:3,30:38;31:5:22; 37:116:173; 58:21:22; 59:9:20; 64:16; 87:14; 91:9

Wiped out 3:117; 6:45; 7:72; 15:66; 18:40:42,18:98; 20:105; 53:51; 77:10; 78:20

Wisdom 2:129:151,2:231; 54:5; 62:2

Wise, God 2:32:129; 3:18; 4:56:130,4:170; 5:38; 6:18; 8:10; 9:28; 11:1; 12:100; 14:4; 15:25; 22:52; 24:10:58; 30:5; 31:9,31:27; 39:1; 41:42; 42:51; 45:2; 48:19; 59:1; 61:1; 66:2; 76:30

Wisest 11:45; 95:8

Wishes 2:120:145,2:228; 3:162; 4:108:114,4:123; 22:52; 42:15

Withholding 5:11; 34:39; 35:2; 48:20; 67:21; 81:24

Witness 2:143:282; 4:41; 5:106; 16:84; 65:2; 73:15; 85:3

Wives 2:226:229; 4:19:20; 13:38; 24:6:9; 58:2; 80:36

Wombs 2:228; 3:6:35; 13:8; 16:78; 22:5; 31:34; 39:6; 53:32

Women (see also female)

Woods 15:78; 38:13; 50:14

Wool 16:80; 70:9; 101:5


Workers 3:136:195; 29:58; 39:74



Worry 3:139; 5:54:105; 7:35:49; 9:40; 12:13; 19:5,19:24; 21:28; 26:15; 28:7:25; 29:33; 43:68; 80:37


Worshiper 9:112; 18:28; 21:73:84; 70:22

Wrath 1:7; 2:61:90; 3:112:162; 7:152; 8:16; 16:106; 20:81,20:86; 42:16

Wrongdoers 2:165:246; 6:52; 7:19:165; 9:23; 30:57; 39:47; 43:65
