بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Bismi Allahi alrrahmani alrraheemi
In the name of God, the Gracious, the Compassionate.
The Monotheist Group
In the name of God, the Almighty, the Merciful.
Muhammad Asad
In the name of God, The Most Gracious, The Dispenser of Grace:
Rashad Khalifa
In the name of GOD, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. ,
Shabbir Ahmed
All praise is due to God, the Lord/Cherisher/Sustainer of the Universe and everything therein.
Bismillâhir rahmânir rahîm.
Edip Yüksel
Rahman, Rahim Allah'ın ismiyle
Yaşar Nuri Öztürk
Rahman ve Rahim Allah'ın adıyla...
Muhammed Esed
Ali Bulaç
Rahman ve Rahim olan Allah'ın adıyla

6:1 الحمد لله الذى خلق السموت والارض وجعل الظلمت والنور ثم الذين كفروا بربهم يعدلون

Transcription (English)
6:1 Alhamdu lillahi allatheekhalaqa alssamawati waal-ardawajaAAala alththulumati waalnnoorathumma allatheena kafaroo birabbihim yaAAdiloona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:1 Praise be to God who created the heavens and the earth, and Who made darkness and light. Yet those who have been unappreciative continue to equate with their Lord.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:1 Praise be to God who has created the heavens and the earth, and Who made the darkness and the light; yet those who have rejected their Lord continue to deviate.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:1 ALL PRAISE is due to God, who has created the heavens and the earth, and brought into being deep darkness as well as light:1 and yet, those who are bent on denying the truth regard other powers as their Sustainer's equals!

Note 1
Both "darkness" and "light" are used here in their spiritual connotation. As always in the Qur'an, "darkness" is spoken of in the plural (zulumat) in order to stress its intensity, and is best translated as "deep darkness" or "depths of darkness".
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:1 Praise be to GOD, who created the heavens and the earth, and made the darkness and the light. Yet, those who disbelieve in their Lord continue to deviate.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:1 All praise in word and action belongs to God, Who created the heavens and earth, and appointed darkness and light. (All things in the Universe are witness to, and manifest His glory.) Yet those who reject the truth hold others as equal with their Lord.1

Note 1

This is the 6th Surah of the Qur’an. It has 165 verses. The main distinction between humans and other creations on earth is that of intellect and, with it, the free will.

With the Glorious Name of God, the Instant and Sustaining Source of all Mercy and Kindness

6:2 هو الذى خلقكم من طين ثم قضى اجلا واجل مسمى عنده ثم انتم تمترون

Transcription (English)
6:2 Huwa allathee khalaqakum min teeninthumma qada ajalan waajalun musamman AAindahu thumma antumtamtaroona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:2 He is the One who created you from clay, then decreed a fixed time period for you; a time defined by Him. Yet you are still skeptical.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:2 He is the One who has created you from clay, then He decreed a period of time for you; a time only known by Him. Yet you still deny.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:2 He it is who has created you out of clay, and then has decreed a term [for you] - a term known [only] to him.2 And yet you doubt –

Note 2
Lit., "and a term is stated with Him" -i.e., known to Him alone (Manar VII, 298). Some of the authorities are of the opinion that the "term" refers to the end of the world and the subsequent resurrection, while others relate it to individual human lives. Other commentators, again, see in the first mention of this word a reference to individual lives, and in the second, to the Day of Resurrection; according to this latter interpretation, the concluding phrase might be rendered thus: "and there is [another] term...", etc. However, in view of several other occurrences of the expression ajal musamma in the Qur'an, it is best rendered here as "a term set [by Him]" or "known [to Him]", i.e., relating both to individual lives and to the world as a whole.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:2 He is the One who created you from mud, then predetermined your life span, a life span that is known only to Him. Yet, you continue to doubt.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:2 He is the One Who created you from inorganic matter, and decreed a term for you, a term known to Him. It is determined according to His laws, for individuals (3:144, 56:60) and nations (7:34, 10:49, 13:38). Yet you keep doubting and arguing about Him.

6:3 وهو الله فى السموت وفى الارض يعلم سركم وجهركم ويعلم ما تكسبون

Transcription (English)
6:3 Wahuwa Allahu fee alssamawatiwafee al-ardi yaAAlamu sirrakum wajahrakum wayaAAlamu mataksiboona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:3 He is God in the heavens and the earth. He knows your secrets and what you reveal; and He knows what you earn.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:3 And He is God in the heavens and the earth. He knows your secrets and what you reveal; and He knows what you earn.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:3 although He is God in the heavens and on earth, knowing all that you keep secret as well as all that you do openly, and knowing what you deserve.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:3 He is the one GOD in the heavens and the earth. He knows your secrets and your declarations, and He knows everything you earn.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:3 He is God in the heavens as well as on earth. He knows all that you keep secret as well as all that you do openly and He knows what you earn (by your deeds).

6:4 وما تاتيهم من ءاية من ءايت ربهم الا كانوا عنها معرضين

Transcription (English)
6:4 Wama ta/teehim min ayatin min ayatirabbihim illa kanoo AAanha muAArideena
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
They do not Witness the Signs6:4 Whenever a sign came to them from their Lord, they turned away from it.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:4 And every sign that came to them from their Lord, they turned away from it.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:4 Yet whenever any of their Sustainer's messages comes unto them, they [who are bent on denying the truth] turn their backs upon it:3

Note 3
Lit., "there has not come unto them a message of their Sustainer's messages without that they turned their backs upon it".
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:4 No matter what kind of proof comes to them from their Lord, they turn away from it, in aversion.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:4 Yet whenever a message from the revelations of their Lord came to them, they turned away from it.

6:5 فقد كذبوا بالحق لما جاءهم فسوف ياتيهم انبؤا ما كانوا به يستهزءون

Transcription (English)
6:5 Faqad kaththaboo bialhaqqilamma jaahum fasawfa ya/teehim anbao makanoo bihi yastahzi-oona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:5 They have denied the truth when it came to them. The news will ultimately come to them of what they were mocking.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:5 They have denied the truth when it came to them. The news will ultimately come to them of what they were mocking.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:5 and so they give the lie to this truth now that it has come unto them. In time, however, they will come to understand what it was that they were wont to deride.4

Note 4
Lit., "there will come to them information about that which they used to mock at" or "deride" -i.e., the continuation of life after death, in particular, and the Quranic message, in general.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:5 Since they rejected the truth when it came to them, they have incurred the consequences of their heedlessness.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:5 And so they are denying this truth as it has come to them. However, soon they will come to understand what they used to ridicule.

6:6 الم يروا كم اهلكنا من قبلهم من قرن مكنهم فى الارض ما لم نمكن لكم وارسلنا السماء عليهم مدرارا وجعلنا الانهر تجرى من تحتهم فاهلكنهم بذنوبهم وانشانا من بعدهم قرنا ءاخرين

Transcription (English)
6:6 Alam yaraw kam ahlakna min qablihimmin qarnin makkannahum fee al-ardi ma lamnumakkin lakum waarsalna alssamaa AAalayhimmidraran wajaAAalna al-anhara tajree min tahtihimfaahlaknahum bithunoobihim waansha/na minbaAAdihim qarnan akhareena
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:6 Did they not see how many generations We have destroyed before them? We granted them dominance over the land more than what We granted you, We sent the clouds to them abundantly, and We made rivers flow beneath them; then We destroyed them for their sins, and established after them a new generation.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:6 Did they not see how many generations We have destroyed before them? We granted them dominance over the land more than what We granted you, and We sent the sky to them abundantly, and We made rivers flow beneath them; then, We destroyed them for their sins, and established after them a new generation.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:6 Do they not see how many a generation We have destroyed before their time - [people] whom We had given a [bountiful] place on earth, the like of which We never gave unto you, and upon whom We showered heavenly blessings abundant, and at whose feet We made running waters flow? And yet we destroyed them for their sins, and gave rise to other people in their stead.5

Note 5
Lit., "a generation of others after them". However, in Qur'anic usage, the term qarn does not always denote "a generation", but - rather more frequently - "an epoch", or "people belonging to one particular epoch", as well as "a civilization" in the historical sense of this word.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:6 Have they not seen how many generations before them we have annihilated? We established them on earth more than we did for you, and we showered them with blessings, generously, and we provided them with flowing streams. We then annihilated them because of their sins, and we substituted another generation in their place.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:6 Do they not see how many a generation We (Our law) annihilated before them? We had established them on earth better than We have established you, and We shed on them abundant showers from the sky, and made the rivers flow beneath them. But, when they trailed behind in humanity, We (Our law) annihilated them and raised after them another generation.

6:7 ولو نزلنا عليك كتبا فى قرطاس فلمسوه بايديهم لقال الذين كفروا ان هذا الا سحر مبين

Transcription (English)
6:7 Walaw nazzalna AAalayka kitabanfee qirtasin falamasoohu bi-aydeehim laqala allatheenakafaroo in hatha illa sihrun mubeenun
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:7 If We had sent down to you a book already written on paper, and they touched it with their own hands, then those who have rejected would say, "This is but clear magic!"
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:7 And if We had sent down to you a book already written on paper, and they touched it with their own hands, then those who have rejected would say: "This is but clear magic!"
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:7 But even if we had sent down unto thee [O Prophet] a writing on paper, and they had touched it with their own hands - those who are bent on denying the truth would indeed have said, "This is clearly nothing but a deception!"
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:7 Even if we sent down to them a physical book, written on paper, and they touched it with their hands, those who disbelieved would have said, "This is no more than clever magic.",
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:7 Even if We had sent down to you (O Prophet) a pre-printed book written on parchment, so that they could feel it with their hands, the rejecters would have said, "This is nothing but obvious magic!"

6:8 وقالوا لولا انزل عليه ملك ولو انزلنا ملكا لقضى الامر ثم لا ينظرون

Transcription (English)
6:8 Waqaloo lawla onzila AAalayhimalakun walaw anzalna malakan laqudiya al-amruthumma la yuntharoona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:8 They said, "If only an controller were sent down to him?" But if We had sent down a controller, then the matter would be over, and they would not be reprieved.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:8 And they said: "If only an angel were sent down to him?" But if We had sent down an angel, the matter would be settled, then they would no longer be respited.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:8 They are saying, too, "Why has not an angel (visibly] been sent down unto him?" But had we sent down an angel, all would indeed have been decided,6 and they would have been allowed no further respite [for repentance.

Note 6
I.e., Judgment Day would have come - for it is only then that the forces described as angels will manifest themselves to man in their true form and become comprehensible to him. (Cf. a similar passage in 2:210.)
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:8 They also said, "If only an angel could come down with him!" Had we sent an angel, the whole matter would have been terminated, and they would no longer be respited.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:8 They ask, "Why is not an angel sent down to him (for them to see)?” Well, if We did send down an angel, the matter would be judged at once. And no further time would be granted them after that.2

Note 2
Angels to be seen are sent only when the period of respite is over. 16:33, 25:22

6:9 ولو جعلنه ملكا لجعلنه رجلا وللبسنا عليهم ما يلبسون

Transcription (English)
6:9 Walaw jaAAalnahu malakan lajaAAalnahurajulan walalabasna AAalayhim ma yalbisoona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:9 If We had chosen an controller, We would have made him appear as a man, and We would have confused them in what they already are confused.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:9 And had We sent an angel, We would have made him appear as a man, and We would have confounded them in what they already are confounded.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:9 And (even] if We had appointed an angel as Our message-bearer,7 We would certainly have made him [appear as] a man - and thus We would only have confused them in the same way as they are now confusing themselves.8

Note 7
Lit., "if We had made him God's message (Zamakhshari). an angel" -with the pronoun obviously referring to the bearer of

Note 8
Lit., "We would have made confusing to them that which they are making confused". Since it is impossible for man to perceive angels as they really are, the hypothetical angelic message-bearer would have to assume the shape of a human being - and so their demand for a direct "verification" of the message would have remained unfulfilled, and their self-caused confusion unresolved.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
Requirements of the Test6:9 Had we sent an angel, we would have sent him in the form of a man, and we would have kept them just as confused as they are confused now.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:9 And even if We sent an angel, We would certainly have made him in the form of a man. And We (per our law) would have kept them just as confused as they are confused now.3

Note 3
It would not fulfill their demand of seeing an angel as a Messenger

6:10 ولقد استهزئ برسل من قبلك فحاق بالذين سخروا منهم ما كانوا به يستهزءون

Transcription (English)
6:10 Walaqadi istuhzi-a birusulin min qablika fahaqabiallatheena sakhiroo minhum ma kanoobihi yastahzi-oona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:10 Messengers before you were ridiculed; but those who mocked them suffered the consequences of what they ridiculed.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:10 Messengers before you were mocked, but those who ridiculed suffered the consequences of that which they mocked.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:10 And, indeed, [even] before thy time have apostles been derided - but those who scoffed at them were [in the end] overwhelmed by the very thing which they were wont to deride.9

Note 9
Lit., "that which they were wont to deride enfolded those who scoffed at them", (i.e., at the apostles): the meaning being that a derisive rejection of spiritual truths inexorably rebounds on the scoffers and has not only a disastrous effect on their individual lives after death but also-if persisted in by the majority within a community - destroys the moral basis of their society and, thus; their earthly happiness and sometimes even their physical existence.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:10 Messengers before you have been ridiculed. It is those who mocked them who suffered the consequences of their ridiculing.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:10 Messengers before you have been mocked. But the very thing they used to mock surrounded them in the end, for their ridiculing.

6:11 قل سيروا فى الارض ثم انظروا كيف كان عقبة المكذبين

Transcription (English)
6:11 Qul seeroo fee al-ardi thumma onthurookayfa kana AAaqibatu almukaththibeena
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:11 Say, "Roam the earth, then see what the punishment of the ingrates was!"
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:11 Say: "Roam the earth, then see what the punishment of the rejecters was!"
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:11 Say: "Go all over the earth, and behold what happened in the end to those who gave the lie to the truth!"
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:11 Say, "Roam the earth and note the consequences for the rejectors.",
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:11 Say, “Travel through the earth and notice the end of those who denied these laws.”4

Note 4
Taking lessons from history as we travel in order to comprehend the laws of the Rise and Fall of nations

6:12 قل لمن ما فى السموت والارض قل لله كتب على نفسه الرحمة ليجمعنكم الى يوم القيمة لا ريب فيه الذين خسروا انفسهم فهم لا يؤمنون

Transcription (English)
6:12 Qul liman ma fee alssamawatiwaal-ardi qul lillahi kataba AAalanafsihi alrrahmata layajmaAAannakum ilayawmi alqiyamati la rayba feehi allatheenakhasiroo anfusahum fahum la yu/minoona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
God's Compassion6:12 Say, "To whom is all that is in heavens and earth?" Say, "To God." He has decreed mercy on Himself, that He will gather you to the day of Resurrection in which there is no doubt. Those who have lost themselves, they do not acknowledge.1

Note 1

The most repeated attributes of God are those that emphasize His mercy and care towards His creation.

The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:12 Say: "To whom is all that is in the heavens and the earth?" Say: "To God." He has decreed mercy on Himself, that He will gather you to the Day of Resurrection in which there is no doubt. Those who have lost their souls, they do not believe.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:12 Say: "Unto whom belongs all that is in the heavens and on earth?" Say: "Unto God, who has willed upon Himself the law of grace and mercy.10 He will assuredly gather you all together on the Day of Resurrection, [the coming of] which is beyond all doubt: yet those who have squandered their own selves-it is they who refuse to believe [in Him],

Note 10
The expression "God has willed upon Himself as a law" (kataba `ala nafsihi) occurs in the Qur'an only twice - here and in verse 54 of this surah - and in both instances with reference to His grace and mercy (rahmah); none of the other divine attributes has been similarly described. This exceptional quality of God's grace and mercy is further stressed in 7:156 "My grace overspreads everything"-and finds an echo in the authentic Tradition in which, according to the Prophet, God says of Himself, "Verily, My grace and mercy outstrips My wrath" (Bukhari and Muslim).
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:12 Say, "To whom belongs everything in the heavens and the earth?" Say, "To GOD." He has decreed that mercy is His attribute. He will surely summon you all on the Day of Resurrection, which is inevitable. The ones who lose their souls are those who disbelieve.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:12 (From history, let them turn their attention to the Universe.) Say, “To whom belongs all that is in the heavens and earth?” Say, “To God. He has prescribed for Himself mercy.” (He nourishes the entire Universe as a mother’s womb nourishes the fetus with no returns, while meeting its needs at all stages of development. He does not task individuals and nations to doom, without giving them a period of respite to mend their behavior.) He will assemble all individuals and nations on the Day when humanity stands on its feet, and ultimately on the Day of Resurrection about which there is no doubt. Only those who have lost their own ‘self’ will keep denying the truth.

6:13 وله ما سكن فى اليل والنهار وهو السميع العليم

Transcription (English)
6:13 Walahu ma sakana fee allayli waalnnahariwahuwa alssameeAAu alAAaleemu
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:13 For Him is what resides in the night and in the day; and He is the Hearer, the Knower.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:13 And for Him is what resides in the night and in the day; and He is the Hearer, the Knower.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:13 although His is all that dwells in the night and the day, and He alone is all-hearing, all-knowing.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:13 To Him belongs everything that dwells in the night and the day. He is the Hearer, the Knower.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:13 To Him belongs all that dwells in the night and the day. He is the Knower, the Hearer.

6:14 قل اغير الله اتخذ وليا فاطر السموت والارض وهو يطعم ولا يطعم قل انى امرت ان اكون اول من اسلم ولا تكونن من المشركين

Transcription (English)
6:14 Qul aghayra Allahi attakhithuwaliyyan fatiri alssamawati waal-ardiwahuwa yutAAimu wala yutAAamu qul inneeomirtu an akoona awwala man aslama wala takoonanna minaalmushrikeena
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:14 Say, "Shall I take other than God as an ally; the creator of heavens and earth; while He feeds and is not fed!" Say, "I have been commanded to be the first who peacefully surrenders." Do not be of those who set up partners.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:14 Say: "Shall I take other than God as an ally; the initiator of the heavens and the earth; while He feeds and is not fed!" Say: "I have been commanded to be the first who submits." And do not be of the polytheists.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:14 Say: "Am I to take for my master anyone but God, the Originator of the heavens and the earth, when it is He who gives nourishment and Himself needs none?"11 Say: "I am bidden to be foremost among those who surrender themselves unto God, and not to be12 among those who ascribe divinity to aught beside Him."

Note 11
Lit., "when it is He who feeds [others] and is not fed".

Note 12
Lit., "and be thou not" - an elliptic reference to the words in which this commandment has been expressed.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:14 Say, "Shall I accept other than GOD as a Lord and Master, when He is the Initiator of the heavens and the earth, and He feeds but is not fed?" Say, "I am commanded to be the most devoted submitter, and, `Do not be an idol worshiper.' ",
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:14 Say, “Shall I take for my master anyone but God, the Originator of the heavens and earth? He it is Who provides nourishment to all and Himself needs none.” Say, “I have been commanded to be the foremost among those who submit to God, and not to be of the idolaters.”

6:15 قل انى اخاف ان عصيت ربى عذاب يوم عظيم

Transcription (English)
6:15 Qul innee akhafu in AAasayturabbee AAathaba yawmin AAatheemin
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:15 Say, "I fear if I disobey my Lord, the retribution of a great day!"
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:15 Say: "I fear if I disobey my Lord, the retribution of a great Day!"
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:15 Say: "Behold, I would dread, were I [thus] to rebel against my Sustainer, the suffering [which would befall me] on that awesome Day [of Judgment]."
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:15 Say, "I fear, if I disobeyed my Lord, the retribution of an awesome day.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:15 Say, "I fear, if I disobey my Lord, the retribution of an awesome Day."

6:16 من يصرف عنه يومئذ فقد رحمه وذلك الفوز المبين

Transcription (English)
6:16 Man yusraf AAanhu yawma-ithinfaqad rahimahu wathalika alfawzu almubeenu
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:16 Whoever He spares from it, then He had treated him with mercy; and that is the obvious success.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:16 Whoever He spares from it, then He has had mercy on him; and that is the clear triumph.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:16 Upon him who shall be spared on that Day, He will indeed have bestowed His grace: and this will be a manifest triumph.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:16 "Whoever is spared (the retribution), on that day, has attained His mercy. And this is the greatest triumph.",
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:16 Whoever is saved from retribution on that Day, has attained God’s mercy, and that is the signal triumph.

6:17 وان يمسسك الله بضر فلا كاشف له الا هو وان يمسسك بخير فهو على كل شىء قدير

Transcription (English)
6:17 Wa-in yamsaska Allahu bidurrinfala kashifa lahu illa huwa wa-in yamsaskabikhayrin fahuwa AAala kulli shay-in qadeerun
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:17 If God were to touch you with harm, then none can remove it except Him; and if He were to touch you with good, then He is capable of all things.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:17 And if God were to inflict you with harm, then none can remove it except He; and if He were to bless you with good, then He is capable of all things.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:17 And if God should touch thee with misfortune, there is none who could remove it but He; and if He should touch thee with good fortune -it is He who has the power to will anything:
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
Only God Controls Happiness6:17 If GOD touches you with adversity, none can relieve it except He. And if He touches you with a blessing, He is Omnipotent.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:17 Whatever adversity touches you for violating God’s laws, the only way to redress it is to turn to His laws. And you attain all blessings by following His laws, for He is Able to do all things. He has appointed due measure for all things including harm and benefit.

6:18 وهو القاهر فوق عباده وهو الحكيم الخبير

Transcription (English)
6:18 Wahuwa alqahiru fawqa AAibadihiwahuwa alhakeemu alkhabeeru
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:18 He is the Supreme over His servants; and He is the Wise, the Ever-aware.2

Note 2

See 53:42.

The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:18 And He is the Supreme over His servants; and He is the Wise, the Expert.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:18 for He alone holds sway over His creatures, and He alone is truly wise, all-aware.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:18 He is Supreme over His creatures. He is the Most Wise, the Cognizant.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:18 He is Supreme over His servants, and He is the Wise, the Aware.5

Note 5
He uses his authority with wisdom and knowledge

6:19 قل اى شىء اكبر شهدة قل الله شهيد بينى وبينكم واوحى الى هذا القرءان لانذركم به ومن بلغ ائنكم لتشهدون ان مع الله ءالهة اخرى قل لا اشهد قل انما هو اله وحد واننى برىء مما تشركون

Transcription (English)
6:19 Qul ayyu shay-in akbaru shahadatanquli Allahu shaheedun baynee wabaynakum waoohiyailayya hatha alqur-anu li-onthirakum bihiwaman balagha a-innakum latashhadoona anna maAAa Allahi alihatanokhra qul la ashhadu qul innama huwa ilahunwahidun wa-innanee baree-on mimma tushrikoona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
Muhammed was Given Only the Quran6:19 Say, "Which is the greatest testimony?" Say, "God is witness between me and you, and He has inspired to me this Quran that I may warn you with it and whomever it reaches. Do you bear witness that along with God are other gods?" Say, "I do not bear witness!" Say, "He is only One god, and I am innocent of your setting up partners!"3

Note 3

Accepting other authorities besides the Quran to define God's system is considered polytheism (6:112; 7:2; 9:31; 17:46; 16:89; 45:6; 42:21).

The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:19 Say: "Which is the greatest testimony?" Say: "God is witness between me and you, and He has inspired to me this Qur'an that I may warn you with it and whoever it reaches, that you are bearing witness that with God are other gods!" Say: "I do not bear witness!" Say: "He is only One god, and I am innocent of what you have set up!"
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:19 Say: "What could most weightily bear witness to the truth?" Say: "God is witness between me and you; and this Qur'an has been revealed unto me so that on the strength thereof I might warn you and all whom it may reach." Could you in truth bear witness that there are other deities side by side with God? Say: "I bear no [such] witness!" Say: "He is the One God; and, behold, far be it from me to ascribe divinity, as, you do, to aught beside Him!"13

Note 13
Lit., "I am clear of that which you associate [with Him]."
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
Quran, the Whole Quran, and Nothing But the Quran6:19 Say, "Whose testimony is the greatest?" Say, "GOD's. He is the witness between me and you that this Quran has been inspired to me, to preach it to you and whomever it reaches. Indeed, you bear witness that there are other gods beside GOD." Say, "I do not testify as you do; there is only one god, and I disown your idolatry.",1

Note 1
This verse proclaims the Quran as the only source of religious guidance. Those who uphold additional sources, such as Hadith & Sunna (lies attributedto the Prophet), are defined as idolaters.
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:19 Say (O Messenger), "What could be the greatest witness?” Say, “God is Witness between me and you. This Qur’an has been revealed to me so that I may warn you as well as whomever it reaches. Do you bear witness that there are other deities besides God?” Say, “I bear no such witness.” Say, “He is the One God. I disown what you associate with Him.”

6:20 الذين ءاتينهم الكتب يعرفونه كما يعرفون ابناءهم الذين خسروا انفسهم فهم لا يؤمنون

Transcription (English)
6:20 Allatheena ataynahumualkitaba yaAArifoonahu kama yaAArifoona abnaahumallatheena khasiroo anfusahum fahum la yu/minoona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:20 Those to whom We have given the book know it as they know their children. Those who lost themselves, they do not acknowledge.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:20 Those to whom We have given the Book know it as they know their children. Those who lost their souls, they do not believe.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:20 They unto whom we have vouchsafed revelation aforetime know this14 as they know their own children; yet those [of them] who have squandered their own selves -it is they who refuse to believe.

Note 14
I.e., the truth of God's transcendental uniqueness and oneness, which is stressed in all authentic scriptures.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:20 Those to whom we have given the scripture recognize this as they recognize their own children. The ones who lose their souls are those who do not believe.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:20 Those who have been given the scripture, recognize this (Message) as they recognize their sons. Yet those who have squandered their own ‘self’ fail to accept such undeniable truth.

6:21 ومن اظلم ممن افترى على الله كذبا او كذب بايته انه لا يفلح الظلمون

Transcription (English)
6:21 Waman athlamu mimmani iftaraAAala Allahi kathiban aw kaththababi-ayatihi innahu la yuflihu alththalimoona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:21 Who is more wicked than one who invents lies about God, or denies His signs! The wicked will never succeed.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:21 And who is more wicked than he who invents lies about God, or denies His revelations! The wicked will never succeed.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:21 And who could be more wicked than he who attributes his own lying inventions to God or gives the lie to His messages? Verily, such evildoers will never attain to a happy state:
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:21 Who is more evil than one who lies about GOD, or rejects His revelations? The transgressors never succeed.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:21 Who can be a greater transgressor than the one who invents a lie against God and denies His revelations? Those who choose to do wrong, will not succeed.

6:22 ويوم نحشرهم جميعا ثم نقول للذين اشركوا اين شركاؤكم الذين كنتم تزعمون

Transcription (English)
6:22 Wayawma nahshuruhum jameeAAan thummanaqoolu lillatheena ashrakoo ayna shurakaokumu allatheenakuntum tazAAumoona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
Polytheists Deny Their Polytheism6:22 The day We gather them all, then We say to those who set up partners: "Where are your partners whom you used to claim?"4

Note 4

Those who associate man-made religious teachings and the opinions of their religious scholars with God's word and judgment are mushriks (polytheists), and yet they deny their shirk (polytheism). The relationship between the verses is obvious (Also, see 3:80; 6:148; 16:35; 53:19).

The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:22 And the Day We gather them all, then We say to the polytheists: "Where are your partners whom you used to claim?"
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:22 for one Day We shall gather them all together, and then We shall say unto those who ascribed divinity to aught beside God: "Where, now, are those beings whom you imagined to have a share in God's divinity?"15

Note 15
Lit., "those [God-]partners of yours whom you supposed [to exist]". Whenever the term shuraka' (pl. of sharik) is used in the Qur'an with reference to beliefs, it invariably denotes real or imaginary beings or forces to whom one ascribes a share in God's divinity: consequently, this concept-and its utter condemnation in Islam-relates not merely to the worship of false deities but also to the attribution of semi-divine qualities and powers to saints (in the liturgical sense of this word), as well as to abstract notions like wealth, social status, power, nationality, etc., to which men so often ascribe an objective influence on human destinies.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
Idol Worshipers Deny Their Idolatry6:22 On the day when we summon them all, we will ask the idol worshipers, "Where are the idols you set up?",
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:22 On the Day We assemble them, We will ask the idolaters, “Where are now those partners of God that you conceived?”

6:23 ثم لم تكن فتنتهم الا ان قالوا والله ربنا ما كنا مشركين

Transcription (English)
6:23 Thumma lam takun fitnatuhum illa an qaloowaAllahi rabbina ma kunnamushrikeena
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:23 Then, their only trial was to say, "By God, our Lord, we did not set up partners!"
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:23 Then, their only excuse was to say: "By God, our Lord, we were not polytheists!"
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:23 Whereupon, in their utter confusion, they will only [be able to] say: "By God, our Sustainer, we did not [mean to] ascribe divinity to aught beside Him !"16

Note 16
This refers to beliefs which undoubtedly imply shirk ("the ascribing of divinity or divine qualities to beings or forces other than God") in the objective sense of this concept, but which the person. concerned does not subjectively visualize as denying God's oneness (Razi): for instance, the mystical dogma of, the "Trinity" which, in the Christian view, does not conflict with the principle of God's oneness inasmuch as it is supposed to express a "threefold aspect" of the One Deity, or the attribution of divine or semi-divine qualities to saints as supposed "mediators" between man and God, and so forth. All such beliefs are, of course, emphatically rejected by the Qur'an.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:23 Their disastrous response will be, "By GOD our Lord, we never were idol worshipers.",2

Note 2
Now and forever, the idol worshipers vehemently deny that they are idolaters.
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:23 They will hardly have a response, but they will swear," By God, our Lord, we were never idolaters.”

6:24 انظر كيف كذبوا على انفسهم وضل عنهم ما كانوا يفترون

Transcription (English)
6:24 Onthur kayfa kathabooAAala anfusihim wadalla AAanhum ma kanooyaftaroona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:24 See how they lied to themselves; and what they invented deserted them.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:24 See how they lied to themselves; and that which they invented abandoned them.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:24 Behold how they have lied to themselves17 -and [how] their false imagery has forsaken them!

Note 17
I.e., by allowing themselves to think, in their lifetime, that their beliefs did not offend against the principle of God's oneness (Razi). But see also 10:28 and the corresponding notes 45 and 46.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:24 Note how they lied to themselves, and how the idols they had invented have abandoned them.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:24 Imagine how they lie against themselves, and how their fabricated gods abandon them.

6:25 ومنهم من يستمع اليك وجعلنا على قلوبهم اكنة ان يفقهوه وفى ءاذانهم وقرا وان يروا كل ءاية لا يؤمنوا بها حتى اذا جاءوك يجدلونك يقول الذين كفروا ان هذا الا اسطير الاولين

Transcription (English)
6:25 Waminhum man yastamiAAu ilayka wajaAAalnaAAala quloobihim akinnatan an yafqahoohu wafee athanihimwaqran wa-in yaraw kulla ayatin la yu/minoo bihahatta itha jaooka yujadiloonakayaqoolu allatheena kafaroo in hatha illa asateerual-awwaleena
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
Hypocrites Call the Divine Signs Mythology6:25 Among them are those who listen to you; and We have made covers over their hearts to prevent them from understanding it, and deafness in their ears; and if they see every sign they will not acknowledge; even when they come to you they argue, those who reject say, "This is nothing but the tales from the past!"5

Note 5

The followers of hadith and sunna are implied by this verse, because of their depiction of the Quran's code 19 as a "myth." A book written by four top Sunni scholars in Turkey, including Edip Yuksel's father, picked the "The Myth of 19" as the title of their book. Their choice of words to reject God's signs, demonstrates their intellectual and spiritual genetic link with their unappreciative ancestors; this is no coincidence (47:29; 74:30).

The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:25 And from them are those who listen to you; and We have made covers over their hearts to prevent them from understanding it, and a deafness in their ears; and if they see every sign they will not believe; even when they come to you they argue, those who reject say: "This is nothing except fictional tales of old!"
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:25 And there are among them such as [seem to] listen to thee [O Prophet]: but over their hearts We have laid veils which prevent them from grasping the truth, and into their ears, deafness.18 And were they to see every sign [of the truth], they would still not believe in it-so much so that when they come unto thee to contend with thee, those who are bent on denying the truth say, "This is nothing but fables of ancient times!"

Note 18
Regarding the problem of God's "causing" this spiritual blindness and deafness, see 2:7 and the corresponding note, as well as note 4 on 14:4.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:25 Some of them listen to you, but we place veils on their hearts to prevent them from understanding, and deafness in their ears. Thus, no matter what kind of proof they see, they cannot believe. Thus, when they come to argue with you, the disbelievers say, "These are tales from the past.",
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:25 Some of them pretend to listen to you, but We (Our laws) have already veiled their hearts from understanding and caused deafness in their ears. Blind followers fail to believe even when they see all kinds of proofs. When they come to argue with you, they say about the Qur’an, "These are stories of the bygones."

6:26 وهم ينهون عنه وينون عنه وان يهلكون الا انفسهم وما يشعرون

Transcription (English)
6:26 Wahum yanhawna AAanhu wayan-awna AAanhuwa-in yuhlikoona illa anfusahum wama yashAAuroona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:26 They are deterring others from it, and keeping away themselves; but they will only destroy themselves, yet they do not notice.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:26 And they prohibit others from it, and keep away themselves from it; but they will only destroy themselves, yet they do not notice.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:26 And they bar others therefrom. and go far away from it: but they destroy none but themselves, and perceive it not.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:26 They repel others from this (Quran), as they themselves stay away from it, and thus, they only destroy themselves without perceiving.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:26 They repel others from the Qur’an and deprive themselves of it. They hurt their own ‘self’ without even knowing it.

6:27 ولو ترى اذ وقفوا على النار فقالوا يليتنا نرد ولا نكذب بايت ربنا ونكون من المؤمنين

Transcription (English)
6:27 Walaw tara ith wuqifoo AAalaalnnari faqaloo ya laytananuraddu wala nukaththiba bi-ayatirabbina wanakoona mina almu/mineena
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:27 If you could see when they are standing over the fire, they say, "If only we were sent back, we would not deny the signs of our Lord, and we would be those who acknowledge!"
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:27 And if you could see when they are standing over the Fire, they say: "If only we could be sent back, we would not deny the revelations of our Lord, and we would be believers!"
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:27 If thou couldst but see [them] when they will be made to stand before the fire and will say, "Oh, would that we were brought back [to life]: then we would not give the lie to our Sustainer's messages, but would be among the believers!"
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:27 If only you could see them when they face the hellfire! They would say then, "Woe to us. Oh, we wish we could go back, and never reject our Lord's revelations, and join the believers.",
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:27 If only you could see them when they face the fire! They would say then, “Woe to us. Oh, we wish we could go back. We would never then reject our Lord's revelations, and would join the believers.”

6:28 بل بدا لهم ما كانوا يخفون من قبل ولو ردوا لعادوا لما نهوا عنه وانهم لكذبون

Transcription (English)
6:28 Bal bada lahum ma kanooyukhfoona min qablu walaw ruddoo laAAadoo limanuhoo AAanhu wa-innahum lakathiboona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:28 No, it is merely what they have been concealing that has now become evident to them; and if they were sent back they would return to what they were deterred from doing, they are but liars!
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:28 No, it is merely what they have been concealing that has now become evident to them; and if they were sent back they would return again to what they were prohibited from, they are but liars!
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:28 But nay -[they will say this only because] the truth which they used to conceal [from themselves] in the past will have become obvious to them; and if they were brought back [to life], they would return to the very thing which was forbidden to them: for behold, they are indeed liars!19

Note 19
I.e., their longing for a "second chance" is not dictated by love of truth for its own sake but, rather, by their dread of the evil consequences of their doings; and "faith is useless unless it is desired for its own sake" (Razi).
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:28 As a matter of fact, (they only say this because) their secrets have been exposed. If they go back, they will commit exactly the same crimes. They are liars.,3

Note 3
This is because as soon as we enter into our worldly dimension, we become totally unaware of events in the dimension of souls, where Godand His angels, and Heaven and Hell, can be seen. Thus, the guilty will notchange their behavior, even after seeing that eternal dimension.
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:28 Nay, it has now become clear to them what they used to conceal. And even if they were sent back, they would revert to doing what they were forbidden. Surely, they are liars.

6:29 وقالوا ان هى الا حياتنا الدنيا وما نحن بمبعوثين

Transcription (English)
6:29 Waqaloo in hiya illa hayatunaalddunya wama nahnu bimabAAootheena
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:29 They had also said, "There is only this worldly life, and we will not be resurrected!"
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:29 And they had said: "There is only this worldly life, and we will not be resurrected!"
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:29 And some [of the unbelievers] say, "There is nothing beyond our life in this world, for We shall not be raised from the dead."
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:29 They say (subconsciously), "We live only this life; we will not be resurrected.",
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:29 There are people who think that the only life is the life of this world and that they will not be raised again.

6:30 ولو ترى اذ وقفوا على ربهم قال اليس هذا بالحق قالوا بلى وربنا قال فذوقوا العذاب بما كنتم تكفرون

Transcription (English)
6:30 Walaw tara ith wuqifoo AAalarabbihim qala alaysa hatha bialhaqqiqaloo bala warabbina qala fathooqooalAAathaba bima kuntum takfuroona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:30 If you could see them when they are standing at their Lord? He said, "Is this not the truth?" They said, "Yes, by our Lord." He said, "Then taste the retribution for what you have rejected."
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:30 And if you could see them when they are standing at their Lord; He said: "Is this not the truth?" They said: "Yes, by our Lord," He said: "Then taste the retribution for what you have rejected."
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:30 If thou couldst but see [them] when they shall be made to stand before their Sustainer [and] He will say, "Is not this the truth?" They will answer: "Yea, indeed, by our Sustainer!" [Whereupon] He will say: "Taste, then, the suffering that comes from20 your having refused to acknowledge the truth!"

Note 20
Lit., "the suffering [or "chastisement"] because of" or "in consequence of". The particle bi-ma expresses here a causal connection between the denial of the truth and the subsequent suffering, and is best rendered as above.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:30 If you could only see them when they stand before their Lord! He would say, "Is this not the truth?" They would say, "Yes, by our Lord." He would say, "You have incurred the retribution by your disbelief.",
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:30 But if only you could see when they stand before their Lord! He will ask, “Is not this real?” They will say “Yes, by our Lord!” God will then say, “Taste the requital for your rejection of the truth.”

6:31 قد خسر الذين كذبوا بلقاء الله حتى اذا جاءتهم الساعة بغتة قالوا يحسرتنا على ما فرطنا فيها وهم يحملون اوزارهم على ظهورهم الا ساء ما يزرون

Transcription (English)
6:31 Qad khasira allatheena kaththaboobiliqa-i Allahi hatta itha jaat-humualssaAAatu baghtatan qaloo ya hasratanaAAala ma farratna feeha wahumyahmiloona awzarahum AAala thuhoorihimala saa ma yaziroona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:31 Losers are those who have denied their meeting with God; until the moment comes to them suddenly, then they say, "We deeply regret what we have wasted in it," and they will carry their burdens on their backs; miserable indeed is their burden.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:31 Losers are those who have denied their meeting with God; until the Hour comes to them suddenly, then they say: "We deeply regret that which we have wasted in it," and they will carry their burdens on their backs; miserable indeed is their burden.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:31 Lost indeed are they who consider it a lie that they will have to meet God -till the Last Hour suddenly comes upon them, [and] they cry, "Alas for us, that we disregarded it!" - for they shall bear on their backs the burden of their sins:21 oh, how evil the load with which they shall be burdened!

Note 21
Lit., "their burdens". My use of the words "the burden of their sins" rests on the interpretation given by Ibn `Abbas, as quoted by Razi.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:31 Losers indeed are those who disbelieve in meeting GOD, until the Hour comes to them suddenly, then say, "We deeply regret wasting our lives in this world." They will carry loads of their sins on their backs; what a miserable load!,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:31 Losers are those who deny meeting with God, until the Hour suddenly comes upon them. Then they will say, “We deeply regret wasting our lives in this world!” They will bear their burdens on their backs. Evil are the burdens that they bear.

6:32 وما الحيوة الدنيا الا لعب ولهو وللدار الءاخرة خير للذين يتقون افلا تعقلون

Transcription (English)
6:32 Wama alhayatu alddunyailla laAAibun walahwun walalddaru al-akhiratikhayrun lillatheena yattaqoona afala taAAqiloona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
Don't be Distracted by the Trivial Issues6:32 This worldly life is nothing more than games and a diversion, and the abode of the Hereafter is far better for those who are aware. Do you not understand?
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:32 And the worldly life is nothing more than play and distraction, and the abode of the Hereafter is far better for those who are righteous. Do you not comprehend?
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:32 And nothing is the life of this world but a play and a passing delight; and the life in the hereafter is by far the better for all who are conscious of God. Will you not, then, use your reason?
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
Rearranging Our Priorities6:32 The life of this world is no more than illusion and vanity, while the abode of the Hereafter is far better for the righteous. Do you not understand?!,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:32 The life of this world is a play and a passing delight (in comparison to the Eternal Life). The abode of the Hereafter is far better for those who live according to the Divine laws. Will you not use reason?

6:33 قد نعلم انه ليحزنك الذى يقولون فانهم لا يكذبونك ولكن الظلمين بايت الله يجحدون

Transcription (English)
6:33 Qad naAAlamu innahu layahzunuka allatheeyaqooloona fa-innahum la yukaththiboonaka walakinnaalththalimeena bi-ayatiAllahi yajhadoona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:33 We know that you are saddened by what they say; they are not rejecting you, but it is God's signs which the wicked disregard.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:33 We know that you are saddened by what they say; they are not rejecting you, but it is the revelations of God which the wicked disregard.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:33 Well do We know that what such people say22 grieves thee indeed: yet, behold, it is not thee to whom they give the lie, but God's messages do these evildoers deny.

Note 22
Lit., "what they say" - i.e., about life after death (which they regard as a "fable") in particular, and about the Qur'anic message in general.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:33 We know that you may be saddened by what they say. You should know that it is not you that they reject; it is GOD's revelations that the wicked disregard.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:33 We know well how their talk grieves you (O Messenger). In truth they do not deny you. It is the revelations of God that the wicked deny.

6:34 ولقد كذبت رسل من قبلك فصبروا على ما كذبوا واوذوا حتى اتىهم نصرنا ولا مبدل لكلمت الله ولقد جاءك من نباى المرسلين

Transcription (English)
6:34 Walaqad kuththibat rusulun minqablika fasabaroo AAala ma kuththiboowaoothoo hatta atahum nasrunawala mubaddila likalimati Allahi walaqad jaakamin naba-i almursaleena
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:34 Messengers before you were denied, but they were patient for what they were denied, and they were harmed until Our victory came to them; nothing changes the words of God. News of the messengers has come to you.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:34 Messengers before you were denied, but they were patient for what they were denied, and they were harmed until Our victory came to them; there is no changing the words of God. News of the messengers has come to you.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:34 And, indeed, [even] before thy time have apostles been given the lie, and they endured with patience all those charges of falsehood, and all the hurt done to them, till succour came unto them from Us: for there is no power that could alter [the outcome of] God's promises. And some of the histories of those apostles have already come within thy ken.23

Note 23
Lit., "some of the information concerning the apostles has already come to thee": a reference to the fact that only a few of the earlier prophets and their histories have been specifically mentioned in the Qur'an (always in connection with a particular moral lesson), while the great majority of them are only alluded to in a general manner, in support of the divine statement that no community or civilization has been left without prophetic guidance.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:34 Messengers before you have been rejected, and they steadfastly persevered in the face of rejection. They were persecuted until our victory came to them. Such is GOD's system that will never change. The history of My messengers thus sets the precedents for you.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:34 Messengers before you were denied and opposed. They steadfastly faced persecution until Our help reached them. There is none to alter the decisions, laws and Words of God. Some history of the Messengers has already come to you and sets examples for you. [6:116, 10:64, 17:77, 18:27, 33:38, 33:62, 40:85, 48:23]

6:35 وان كان كبر عليك اعراضهم فان استطعت ان تبتغى نفقا فى الارض او سلما فى السماء فتاتيهم باية ولو شاء الله لجمعهم على الهدى فلا تكونن من الجهلين

Transcription (English)
6:35 Wa-in kana kabura AAalayka iAAraduhumfa-ini istataAAta an tabtaghiya nafaqan fee al-ardiaw sullaman fee alssama-i fata/tiyahum bi-ayatinwalaw shaa Allahu lajamaAAahum AAala alhudafala takoonanna mina aljahileena
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
Warning to the Messenger: Do not Be Ignorant6:35 If their aversion has become too much for you, then perhaps you could make a tunnel in the earth, or a ladder to the heavens, and bring them a sign. Had God willed, He would have summoned them to the guidance; so do not be of the ignorant ones.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:35 And if their aversion has become too much for you, then perhaps you could make a tunnel in the earth, or a ladder to the heavens, and bring them a sign. Had God willed, He would have gathered them to the guidance; so do not be of the ignorant ones.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:35 And if it distress thee that those who deny the truth24 turn their backs on thee - why, then, if thou art able to go down deep into the earth or to ascend a ladder unto heaven25 in order to bring them a [yet more convincing] message, [do so;] but [remember that] had God so willed, He would indeed have gathered them all unto [His] guidance. Do not, therefore, allow thyself to ignore [God's ways].26

Note 24
Lit., "that they".

Note 25
Lit., "to seek out an opening in the earth or a ladder to heaven".

Note 26
Lit., "be not, therefore, of the ignorant".
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:35 If their rejection gets to be too much for you, you should know that even if you dug a tunnel through the earth, or climbed a ladder into the sky, and produced a miracle for them (they still would not believe). Had GOD willed, He could have guided them, unanimously. Therefore, do not behave like the ignorant ones.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:35 If their rejection is hard on you, (remember they would still not believe) even if you were able to seek a tunnel in the ground or a ladder to the sky and bring them a miracle. If it were God’s will, He could assemble them together to true guidance. So, do not be among those who are swayed by ignorance (about free will given to humans).6

Note 6
God wants His servants to reflect and make free choices. 2:256, 10:98, 12:108

6:36 انما يستجيب الذين يسمعون والموتى يبعثهم الله ثم اليه يرجعون

Transcription (English)
6:36 Innama yastajeebu allatheenayasmaAAoona waalmawta yabAAathuhumu Allahuthumma ilayhi yurjaAAoona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:36 Only those who listen will respond. As for the dead, God will resurrect them, then to Him they will return.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:36 Only those who listen will respond. As for the dead, God will resurrect them, then to Him they will return.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:36 Only they who listen [with their hearts] can respond to a call; and as for the dead [of heart], God [alone] can raise them from the dead, whereupon unto Him they shall return.27

Note 27
Lit., "they shall be returned". Most of the classical commentators (e.g., Tabari. Zamakhshari, Razi, as well as the earlier authorities whom they quote) interpret this verse in the metaphorical sense in which it has been rendered by me. As is so often the case with Qur'anic diction, its elliptical meaning can only be brought out by means of interpolations.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:36 The only ones to respond are those who listen. GOD resurrects the dead; they ultimately return to Him.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:36 Only those can accept the truth who hear and listen (with an open mind). As for the dead, God will raise them up, then they will be returned to Him (and He will make all of them understand).7

Note 7
2:260, 10:100. The living dead will only hear when they use their faculties

6:37 وقالوا لولا نزل عليه ءاية من ربه قل ان الله قادر على ان ينزل ءاية ولكن اكثرهم لا يعلمون

Transcription (English)
6:37 Waqaloo lawla nuzzila AAalayhiayatun min rabbihi qul inna Allaha qadirunAAala an yunazzila ayatan walakinnaaktharahum la yaAAlamoona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
Everything is Recorded6:37 They said, "If only a sign was sent to him from his Lord!" Say, "God is able to send a sign, but most of them would not know."
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:37 And they said: "If only a sign was sent to him from his Lord!" Say: "God is able to send a sign, but most of them would not know."
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:37 And they say, "Why has no miraculous sign been bestowed on him28 from on high by his Sustainer?" Say: "Behold, God has the power to bestow any sign from on high." Yet most human beings are unaware of this29

Note 28
I.e., on Muhammad. to demonstrate that he is really a bearer of God's message.

Note 29
Lit., "most of them do not know", i.e., that God manifests Himself always-as the next verse points out -through the ever-recurring miracle of His creation.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:37 They said, "If only a certain sign could come down to him from his Lord!" Say, "GOD is able to send down a sign, but most of them do not know.",
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:37 They say, “If only a miracle could come down to him from his Lord!” Say, “God has the Power to send down a miracle, but most of them do not use their knowledge.”8

Note 8
He does not wish to stun the human intellect with supernatural phenomena. He wants people to reflect and use reason. 12:108

6:38 وما من دابة فى الارض ولا طئر يطير بجناحيه الا امم امثالكم ما فرطنا فى الكتب من شىء ثم الى ربهم يحشرون

Transcription (English)
6:38 Wama min dabbatin fee al-ardiwala ta-irin yateeru bijanahayhi illaomamun amthalukum ma farratna feealkitabi min shay-in thumma ila rabbihim yuhsharoona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:38 There is not a creature in the earth, or a bird that flies with its wings, but are nations like you. We did not leave anything out of the book; then to their Lord they will be summoned.6

Note 6

This verse is primarily about the master record that records everything we do. However, with its secondary meaning it implies the Quran too, since it contains all we need to attain eternal salvation (16:89).

The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:38 And there is not a creature on the earth, nor a bird that flies with its wings, except they belong to nations like you belong. We did not leave anything out of the record; then to their Lord they will be gathered.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:38 although there is no beast that walks on earth and no bird that flies on its two wings which is not [God's] creature30 like yourselves: no single thing have We neglected in Our decree. And once again:31 Unto their Sustainer shall they [all] be gathered.

Note 30
Lit., "but they are [God's] creatures (umam)". The word ummah (of which umam is the plural) primarily denotes a group of living beings having certain characteristics or circumstances in common. Thus, it is often synonymous with "community", "people", "nation", "genus", "generation", and so forth. Inasmuch as every . such grouping is characterized by the basic fact that its constituents (whether human or animal) are endowed with life, the term ummah sometimes signifies "[God's] creatures" (Lisan al-Arab', with particular reference to this very Qur'an-verse; also Lane 1, 90). Thus, the meaning of the above passage is this: Man can detect God's "signs" or "miracles" in all the life-phenomena that surround him, and should, therefore, try to observe them with a view to better understanding "God's way" (sunnat Allah)-which is the Qur'anic term for what we call "laws of nature".

Note 31
The particle thumma is mostly used as a conjunction indicating a sequence in time or order ("then", "thereafter" or "thereupon."), and occasionally also as a simple conjunction equivalent to "and". But in yet another usage-of which there are frequent instances in the Qur'an as well as in pre-Islamic Arabian poetry -thumma has the significance of a repetitive stress, alluding to something that has already been stated and is now again emphasized. This particular usage of thumma is best rendered by the words "and once again", followed by a colon.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
Animals and Birds: Submitting Creatures6:38 All the creatures on earth, and all the birds that fly with wings, are communities like you. We did not leave anything out of this book4 *. To their Lord, all these creatures will be summoned.*,

Note 4
All information relevant to our eternal life of the Hereafter is contained in the Quran. Thetrue believers accept, without hesitation, God's assertion: ''We did not leaveanything out of this book.'' The importance of this statement, and similarstatements, is reflected in the fact that each of them consists of 19 Arabicletters (Appendix 19).
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:38 (There are signs in the Universe to behold.) There is not an animal on the earth, nor a flying creature flying on two wings, but they are communities like you. We have omitted nothing in the Book (that was essential to be given through revelation.) Then to their Lord they will be gathered.

6:39 والذين كذبوا بايتنا صم وبكم فى الظلمت من يشا الله يضلله ومن يشا يجعله على صرط مستقيم

Transcription (English)
6:39 Waallatheena kaththaboobi-ayatina summun wabukmun fee alththulumatiman yasha-i Allahu yudlilhu waman yasha/ yajAAalhuAAala siratin mustaqeemin
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:39 Those who deny Our signs, they are deaf and dumb, in darkness. Whoever God wishes He misguides, and whoever He wishes He makes him on a straight path.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:39 And those who deny Our revelations, they are deaf and dumb, in darkness. Whoever God wishes He misguides, and whoever He wishes He puts him on a straight path.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:39 And they who give the lie to Our messages are deaf and dumb, in darkness deep. Whomever God wills, He lets go astray; and whomever He wills, He places upon a straight way.32

Note 32
See note 4 on 14:4.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
Overwhelming Miracle of the Quran6:39 Those who reject our proofs are deaf and dumb, in total darkness. Whomever GOD wills, He sends astray, and whomever He wills, He leads in a straight path.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:39 Those who deny Our signs are deaf and dumb, groping in total darkness. God lets go astray those who will. And He takes to the straight path who will.

6:40 قل ارءيتكم ان اتىكم عذاب الله او اتتكم الساعة اغير الله تدعون ان كنتم صدقين

Transcription (English)
6:40 Qul araaytakum in atakum AAathabuAllahi aw atatkumu alssaAAatu aghayra AllahitadAAoona in kuntum sadiqeena
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:40 Say, "We will see when God's retribution comes to you, or the moment comes to you, if you will still call on any other than God. If you are being truthful."
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:40 Say: "We will see when the retribution of God comes to you, or the Hour comes to you, if you will still call on any other than God. If you are being truthful."
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:40 Say: "Can you see yourselves invoking any but God when God's chastisement befalls you [in this world], or the Last Hour comes upon you? [Tell me this,] if you are men of truth!
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:40 Say, "What if GOD's retribution came to you, or the Hour came to you: would you implore other than GOD, if you are truthful?",
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:40 Say, “Can you see yourselves calling upon other than God, if the Divine retribution comes upon you or the Hour? Would you then call upon other than God? (Answer that) if you are truthful.”

6:41 بل اياه تدعون فيكشف ما تدعون اليه ان شاء وتنسون ما تشركون

Transcription (English)
6:41 Bal iyyahu tadAAoona fayakshifu matadAAoona ilayhi in shaa watansawna ma tushrikoona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:41 "No, it is Him alone you will call on; then He will remove what you called Him for, if He wills; you will forget what you set up."
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:41 "No, it is Him alone you will call on; and He will remove that which you called Him for, if He wills; and you will forget what you set up."
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:41 Nay, but it is Him alone that you will invoke - whereupon He may, if He so wills, remove that [ill] which caused you to call unto Him; and you will have forgotten all that. to which you [now] ascribe divinity side by side with Him."
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:41 The fact is: only Him you implore, and He answers your prayer, if He so wills, and you forget your idols.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:41 Nay, you would call on Him alone, and He would remove the distress that caused you to call on Him, if He wills. And you would forget all that you associate with Him.

6:42 ولقد ارسلنا الى امم من قبلك فاخذنهم بالباساء والضراء لعلهم يتضرعون

Transcription (English)
6:42 Walaqad arsalna ila omamin minqablika faakhathnahum bialba/sa-i waalddarra-ilaAAallahum yatadarraAAoona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:42 We have sent others to nations before you. We then took them with adversity and hardship, perhaps they would implore.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:42 And We have sent others to nations before you. We then took them with adversity and hardship, perhaps they would implore.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:42 And, indeed, We sent Our messages unto people before thy time, [O Prophet,] and visited them with misfortune and hardship so that they might humble themselves:
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:42 We have sent (messengers) to communities before you, and we put them to the test through adversity and hardship, that they may implore.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:42 We sent Messengers to nations before you. (They compassionately advised their people that the Supreme law is operative on the earth, as it is in the Universe that is in the heavens and all that is on earth.) When those nations violated Our laws in their societies, they had to face the consequences. They should have become humble and taken corrective action right away.

6:43 فلولا اذ جاءهم باسنا تضرعوا ولكن قست قلوبهم وزين لهم الشيطن ما كانوا يعملون

Transcription (English)
6:43 Falawla ith jaahumba/suna tadarraAAoo walakin qasat quloobuhumwazayyana lahumu alshshaytanu ma kanooyaAAmaloona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:43 If only they had implored when Our punishment came to them; but their hearts hardened, and the devil adorned for them what they used to do.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:43 If only they had implored when Our punishment came to them; but their hearts hardened, and the devil adorned for them what they used to do.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:43 yet when the misfortune decreed by Us befell them, they did not humble themselves, but rather their hearts grew hard, for Satan had made all their doings seem goodly to them.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:43 If only they implored when our test afflicted them! Instead, their hearts were hardened, and the devil adorned their works in their eyes.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:43 But, instead of being humble when Our requital touched them, their selfish desires led their minds into rationalizing their actions. This is because their hearts had been hardened with arrogance and repeated rejection of the truth. [2:74, 5:13]

6:44 فلما نسوا ما ذكروا به فتحنا عليهم ابوب كل شىء حتى اذا فرحوا بما اوتوا اخذنهم بغتة فاذا هم مبلسون

Transcription (English)
6:44 Falamma nasoo ma thukkiroobihi fatahna AAalayhim abwaba kulli shay-in hattaitha farihoo bima ootoo akhathnahumbaghtatan fa-itha hum mublisoona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
The System6:44 So when they forgot what they had been reminded of, We opened for them the gates of all opportunities; and when they became haughty with what they were given, We took them suddenly! They were confounded.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:44 So when they forgot what they had been reminded of, We opened for them the gates of all opportunities; and when they were happy with what they were given, We took them suddenly! They were confounded.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:44 Then, when they had forgotten all that they had been told to take to heart, We threw open to them the gates of all [good] things33 until -even as they were rejoicing in what they had been granted - We suddenly took them to task: and lo! they were broken in spirit;34

Note 33
I.e., to test them by happiness after the test by misery.

Note 34
The verb ablasa signifies "he despaired of all hope" or "became broken in spirit". (For the linguistic connection of this word with the name of Iblis, the Fallen Angel, see Surah 7, note 10.)
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
The System6:44 When they thus disregard the message given to them, we open for them the gates of everything. Then, just as they rejoice in what was given to them, we punish them suddenly; they become utterly stunned.5 ,

Note 5
Before the guilty are thrown out the window, they are taken up to a high floor.
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:44 When they forgot the reminder given to them, We opened for them the gates of all (good) things until just as they were enjoying Our gifts, suddenly We called them to account. Then, they were plunged in despair. [16:112]

6:45 فقطع دابر القوم الذين ظلموا والحمد لله رب العلمين

Transcription (English)
6:45 FaqutiAAa dabiru alqawmi allatheenathalamoo waalhamdu lillahirabbi alAAalameena
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:45 It was thus that the remainder of the wicked people was wiped out; and praise be to God, the Lord of the worlds.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:45 It was thus that the remainder of the wicked people were wiped out; and praise be to God, Lord of the worlds.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:45 and [in the end,] the last remnant of those folk who had been bent on evildoing was wiped out.35 For all praise is due to God, the Sustainer of all the worlds.

Note 35
Lit., "cut off". The above passage illustrates a phenomenon well known in history: namely, the inevitable social and moral disintegration of communities which have lost sight of spiritual truths.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:45 The wicked are thus annihilated. Praise be to GOD, Lord of the universe.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:45 When nations violated human rights with their unjust systems they were uprooted (6:6, 7:129). God replaced them with people who were not like them (10:14, 11:57). You can understand that all praise in word and action belongs to the Lord of the Worlds.9

Note 9
His Rule is the Rule of law 8:53, 13:11

6:46 قل ارءيتم ان اخذ الله سمعكم وابصركم وختم على قلوبكم من اله غير الله ياتيكم به انظر كيف نصرف الءايت ثم هم يصدفون

Transcription (English)
6:46 Qul araaytum in akhatha AllahusamAAakum waabsarakum wakhatama AAala quloobikumman ilahun ghayru Allahi ya/teekum bihi onthurkayfa nusarrifu al-ayati thumma hum yasdifoona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:46 Say, "Do you see that if God were to take away your hearing and your eyesight, and He seals your hearts; which god besides God can bring it to you?" Look how We cite the signs, but then they turn away.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:46 Say: "Do you see that if God were to take away your hearing and your eyesight, and He seals your hearts; which god besides God can bring it to you?" See how We dispatch the signs, but then they turn away.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:46 Say: "What do you think? If God should take away your hearing and your sight and seal your hearts - what deity but God is there that could bring it all back to you?" Behold how many facets we give to our messages-and yet they turn away in disdain!
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
God Alone Worthy of Worship6:46 Say, "What if GOD took away your hearing and your eyesight, and sealed your minds; which god, other than GOD, can restore these for you?" Note how we explain the revelations, and note how they still deviate!,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:46 (The exploiters of the masses think that they are smarter, and therefore, they deserve to take advantage of people 28:76-82.) Say, “Will you think? If God took away your hearing and your sight and sealed up your hearts, which god other than God could restore them to you? Note how We explain the verses by various facets, and note how they still turn away.

6:47 قل ارءيتكم ان اتىكم عذاب الله بغتة او جهرة هل يهلك الا القوم الظلمون

Transcription (English)
6:47 Qul araaytakum in atakum AAathabuAllahi baghtatan aw jahratan hal yuhlaku illaalqawmu alththalimoona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:47 Say, "Do you see if God's retribution comes to you suddenly, or gradually, will anyone be destroyed except the wicked people?"
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:47 Say: "Do you see if the retribution of God comes to you suddenly, or gradually, will anyone be destroyed except the wicked people?"
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:47 Say: "Can you imagine what your condition will be36 if God's chastisement befalls you, either suddenly or in a [gradually] perceptible manner? [But then-] will any but evildoing folk [ever] be destroyed?37

Note 36
Lit., "Can you see yourselves".

Note 37
I.e., the righteous will never be really "destroyed"-for, even if they should suffer physical destruction, they are found to attain to spiritual bliss and cannot, therefore, be said to have been "destroyed" like the evildoers, who, by their actions, lose their happiness both in this world and in the life to come (Razi).
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:47 Say, "What if GOD's retribution came to you suddenly, or after an announcement, is it not the wicked who incur annihilation?",
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:47 Tell them that the punishment according to the Law of Requital, sneaks up or suddenly hits nations that are transgressors. Would any people perish unless they are oppressors of the masses? (Nations are not annihilated unless they violate human rights. [11:104, 11:117]

6:48 وما نرسل المرسلين الا مبشرين ومنذرين فمن ءامن واصلح فلا خوف عليهم ولا هم يحزنون

Transcription (English)
6:48 Wama nursilu almursaleena illamubashshireena wamunthireena faman amana waaslahafala khawfun AAalayhim wala hum yahzanoona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
Messengers are not Supermen6:48 We do not send the messengers except as bearers of good news and warners; whoever acknowledges, and reforms, then there is no fear for them nor will they grieve.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:48 And We do not send the messengers except as bearers of good news and warners; whoever believes, and does good, then there is no fear for them nor will they grieve.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:48 And We send [Our] message-bearers only as heralds of glad tidings and as warners: hence, all who believe and live righteously -no fear need they have, and neither shall they grieve;
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
Role of the Messengers6:48 We do not send the messengers except as deliverers of good news, as well as warners. Those who believe and reform have nothing to fear, nor will they grieve.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:48 We have sent the Messengers only to give good news and to warn. Those who attain belief, mend their ways and work for social equity fulfilling the needs of others, will have nothing to fear nor will they have any regrets.

6:49 والذين كذبوا بايتنا يمسهم العذاب بما كانوا يفسقون

Transcription (English)
6:49 Waallatheena kaththaboobi-ayatina yamassuhumu alAAathabu bimakanoo yafsuqoona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:49 Those who deny Our signs, the retribution will touch them for their wickedness.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:49 And those who deny Our revelations, the retribution will inflict them for what wickedness they were in.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:49 whereas those who give the lie to Our messages - suffering will afflict them in result of all their sinful doings.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:49 As for those who reject our revelations, they incur the retribution for their wickedness.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:49 But those who deny Our revelations, retribution will afflict them, for they keep drifting from the secure path. (Retribution is a logical and built-in consequence of their wrongdoing. [7:147, 91:9-10]

6:50 قل لا اقول لكم عندى خزائن الله ولا اعلم الغيب ولا اقول لكم انى ملك ان اتبع الا ما يوحى الى قل هل يستوى الاعمى والبصير افلا تتفكرون

Transcription (English)
6:50 Qul la aqoolu lakum AAindee khaza-inuAllahi wala aAAlamu alghayba wala aqoolulakum innee malakun in attabiAAu illa ma yoohailayya qul hal yastawee al-aAAma waalbaseeruafala tatafakkaroona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:50 Say, "I do not say to you that I posses God's treasures, nor do I know the future, nor do I say to you that I am an controller. I merely follow what is inspired to me." Say, "Are the blind and the seer the same? Do you not think?"
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:50 Say: "I do not say to you that I possess the treasures of God, nor do I know the future, nor do I say to you that I am an angel. I merely follow what is inspired to me." Say: "Are the blind and the seer the same? Do you not think?"
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:50 Say [O Prophet]: "I do not say unto you, 'God's treasures are with me,'; nor [do I say], 'I know the things that are beyond the reach of human perception'; nor do I say unto you, 'Behold, I am an angel': I but follow what is revealed to me."38 Say: "Can the blind and the seeing be deemed equal?39 Will you not, then, take thought?"

Note 38
This denial on the part of the Prophet of any claim to supernatural powers refers, primarily, to the demand of the unbelievers (mentioned in verse 37) that he should prove his prophetic mission by causing a "miraculous sign" to be bestowed on him. Beyond this specific reference, however, the above passage is meant to prevent any deification of the Prophet and to make it clear that he - like all other prophets before him - was but a mortal human being, a servant whom, God had chosen to convey His message to mankind. See also 7:188.

Note 39
I.e., "Can those who remain blind and deaf to God's messages find their way through life equally well as those who have achieved a spiritual vision and guidance through God's revelation?"
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:50 Say, "I do not say to you that I possess the treasures of GOD. Nor do I know the future. Nor do I say to you that I am an angel. I simply follow what is revealed to me." Say, "Is the blind the same as the seer? Do you not reflect?",
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:50 Say, (O Messenger), “I do not claim that I have the treasures of God, nor do I have the knowledge of the Unseen, nor do I tell you that I am an angel. I follow what is revealed to me. (You blindly follow your ancestors.) Say, “Is the blind of the heart the same as the seer who uses reason? Would you not reflect?”

6:51 وانذر به الذين يخافون ان يحشروا الى ربهم ليس لهم من دونه ولى ولا شفيع لعلهم يتقون

Transcription (English)
6:51 Waanthir bihi allatheena yakhafoonaan yuhsharoo ila rabbihim laysa lahum min doonihiwaliyyun wala shafeeAAun laAAallahum yattaqoona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:51 Warn with it those who realize that they will be summoned to their Lord; they do not have besides Him any protector nor intercessor; so that they may be righteous.7

Note 7

See 2:48.

The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:51 And warn with it those who realize that they will be gathered to their Lord; they do not have besides Him any ally nor intercessor; perhaps they will be righteous.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:51 And warn hereby those who fear lest they be gathered unto their Sustainer with none to protect them from Him or to intercede with Him, so that they might become [fully] conscious of Him.40

Note 40
It is obvious from the context that this verse refers to followers of earlier scriptures-such as the Jews and the Christians-who share with the followers of the Qur'an the belief in life after death (Zamakhshari), as well as to agnostics who, without having definite beliefs on this point, admit the possibility of life after death.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:51 And preach with this (Quran) to those who reverence the summoning before their Lord - they have none beside Him as a Lord and Master, nor an intercessor - that they may attain salvation.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:51 Give this warning to those who fear that they will be brought to judgment before their Lord. Except for Him, they will have no protector and no intercessor. (Counsel them) so that they may live upright.

6:52 ولا تطرد الذين يدعون ربهم بالغدوة والعشى يريدون وجهه ما عليك من حسابهم من شىء وما من حسابك عليهم من شىء فتطردهم فتكون من الظلمين

Transcription (English)
6:52 Wala tatrudi allatheenayadAAoona rabbahum bialghadati waalAAashiyyiyureedoona wajhahu ma AAalayka min hisabihimmin shay-in wama min hisabika AAalayhim minshay-in fatatrudahum fatakoona mina alththalimeena
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:52 Do not turn away those who call on their Lord at dawn and dusk seeking His presence; you are not responsible for their account, nor are they responsible for your account; if you turn them away, then you will be of the wicked.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:52 And do not turn away those who call on their Lord at dawn and dusk seeking His face; you are not responsible for their judgment, nor are they responsible for your judgment; if you turn them away, then you will be of the wicked.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:52 Hence, repulse not [any of] those who at morn and evening invoke their Sustainer, seeking His countenance.41 Thou art in no wise accountable for them-just as they are in no wise accountable for thee42 -and thou hast therefore no right to repulse them: for then thou wouldst be among the evildoers.43

Note 41
According to Traditions, this and the next verse were revealed when, several years before the Muslims' exodus to Medina, some of the pagan chieftains at Mecca expressed their willingness to consider accepting Islam on the condition that the Prophet would dissociate himself from the former slaves and other "lowly" persons among his followers - a demand which the Prophet, of course, rejected. This historical reference does not, however, provide a full explanation of the above 'passage. In accordance with the Qur'anic method, allusions to historical events -whether relating to contemporary occurrences or to earlier times -are always made with a view to expressing ethical teachings of a permanent nature; and the passage under consideration is no exception in this respect. As the wording shows, it relates not to "lowly" followers of Islam but to people who, while not being Muslims in the current sense of this word, believe in God and are always ("at morn and evening") "seeking His countenance" (i.e., His grace and acceptance): and, thus, verses 52-53 connect logically with verse 51. Although primarily addressed to the Prophet, the exhortation voiced in this passage is directed to all followers of the Qur'an: they are enjoined not to repulse anyone who believes in God-even though his beliefs may not fully answer to the demands of the Qur'an - but, on the contrary, to try to help him by means of a patient explanation of the Qur'anic teachings.

Note 42
Le., for whatever in their beliefs or actions does not coincide with the teachings of the Qur'an, and vice-versa. In, other words, all are accountable to God alone.

Note 43
Lit., "so that thou shouldst repulse them and thus be of the evildoers".
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:52 And do not dismiss those who implore their Lord day and night, devoting themselves to Him alone. You are not responsible for their reckoning, nor are they responsible for your reckoning. If you dismiss them, you will be a transgressor.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:52 Do not send away those who call on their Lord morning and evening, seeking His Countenance (devoting themselves to Him alone). You are, by no means, accountable for them, and they are not accountable for you. (In spite of the demands of the rich and powerful leaders, you shall not turn away the sincere servants of God.) If you send them away, then you will be among the unjust.

6:53 وكذلك فتنا بعضهم ببعض ليقولوا اهؤلاء من الله عليهم من بيننا اليس الله باعلم بالشكرين

Transcription (English)
6:53 Wakathalika fatanna baAAdahumbibaAAdin liyaqooloo ahaola-i manna AllahuAAalayhim min baynina alaysa Allahu bi-aAAlama bialshshakireena
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:53 Thus, We test them with one another, so that they may say, "Are these the ones whom God has blessed from amongst us?" Is God not aware of the thankful?
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:53 And it is such that We test them with one another, so that they may say: "Are these the ones whom God has blessed from among us?" Is God not aware of the thankful?
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:53 For it is in this way44 that We try men through one another - to the end that they might ask, "Has God, then, bestowed His favour upon those others in preference to us?"45 Does not God know best as to who is grateful [to Him]?

Note 44
I.e., by endowing man with the power of reasoning and thus, indirectly, giving rise to a multiplicity of faiths.

Note 45
Lit., "Is it those upon whom God has bestowed His favour from among us (min baynina)?" As mentioned by Zamakhshari, the expression min baynina is here equivalent to min dunina, which, in this context, may suitably be rendered as "in preference to us". This would seem to be an allusion to the sarcastic incredulity with which, as a rule, non-Muslims receive the claim of the Muslims that the Qur'an is the final formulation of God's message to man. The "trial" referred to above consists in the unwillingness of people of other faiths to accept this claim as valid, and so to renounce the prejudice against Islam to which their cultural and historical environment has made them, consciously or subconsciously, predisposed.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:53 We thus test the people by each other, to let them say (mockingly), "Are these the people among us who are blessed by GOD?" Is GOD not aware of the appreciative ones?,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:53 Thus did We test some of them by means of others, so that they said, “Is it these that God has favored from among us?” But, does not God know best those who are appreciative?

6:54 واذا جاءك الذين يؤمنون بايتنا فقل سلم عليكم كتب ربكم على نفسه الرحمة انه من عمل منكم سوءا بجهلة ثم تاب من بعده واصلح فانه غفور رحيم

Transcription (English)
6:54 Wa-itha jaaka allatheenayu/minoona bi-ayatina faqul salamunAAalaykum kataba rabbukum AAala nafsihi alrrahmataannahu man AAamila minkum soo-an bijahalatin thumma tabamin baAAdihi waaslaha faannahu ghafoorun raheemun
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:54 If those who acknowledge Our signs come to you, then say, "Peace be upon you, our Lord has decreed mercy upon Himself, that any of you who commits sin out of ignorance and then repents afterwards and reforms, then He is Forgiving, Compassionate."
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:54 And if those who believe in Our revelations come to you, then say: "Peace be upon you, our Lord has decreed mercy upon Himself, that any of you who commits sin out of ignorance and then repents afterwards and amends, then He is Forgiving, Merciful."
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:54 And when those who believe in Our messages come unto thee, say: "Peace be upon you. Your Sustainer has willed upon Himself the law of grace and mercy46 - so that if any of you does a bad deed out of ignorance, and thereafter repents and lives righteously, He shall be [found] much-forgiving, a dispenser of grace."

Note 46
See note 10 above. Regarding the word salam, which has been translated here as "peace", see surah 5, note 29. The "peace" referred to in the above expression -which occurs many times in the Qur'an and has become the standard form of Muslim greeting-has a spiritual connotation comprising the concepts of ethical soundness, security from all that is evil and, therefore, freedom from all moral conflict and disquiet.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:54 When those who believe in our revelations come to you, you shall say, "Salmun `Alaykum (Peace be upon you). Your Lord has decreed that mercy is His attribute. Thus, anyone among you who commits a transgression out of ignorance, and repents thereafter and reforms, then He is Forgiving, Most Merciful.",
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:54 When those who believe in Our revelations come to you, say, Salamun Alaikum (Peace be upon you! = Salutes to you!) Your Lord has decreed mercy upon Himself. Thus anyone among you who commits a bad deed out of ignorance, and then repents and makes amends should know that He is Forgiving, Merciful.

6:55 وكذلك نفصل الءايت ولتستبين سبيل المجرمين

Transcription (English)
6:55 Wakathalika nufassilu al-ayatiwalitastabeena sabeelu almujrimeena
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:55 It is such that We explain the signs, and make clear the way of the criminals.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:55 And it is such that We explain the revelations, and point out the way of the criminals.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:55 And thus clearly do We spell out Our messages: and [We do it] so that the path of those who are lost in sin might be distinct [from that of the righteous].
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:55 We thus explain the revelations, and point out the ways of the wicked.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:55 We explain Our laws to distinguish (between minor, unintended violations and) the way of the criminals who steal the fruit of others’ labor.

6:56 قل انى نهيت ان اعبد الذين تدعون من دون الله قل لا اتبع اهواءكم قد ضللت اذا وما انا من المهتدين

Transcription (English)
6:56 Qul innee nuheetu an aAAbuda allatheenatadAAoona min dooni Allahi qul la attabiAAu ahwaakumqad dalaltu ithan wama ana minaalmuhtadeena
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:56 Say, "I am warned to stop serving those you call upon other than God." Say, "I will not follow your desires; otherwise I would go astray and I would not be of those guided."8

Note 8

Also, see 42:52; 93:7.

The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:56 Say: "I am prohibited from serving those you call upon other than God" Say: "I will not follow your desires, otherwise I would go astray and I would not be of those guided."
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:56 SAY [to the deniers of the truth]: "Behold, I have been forbidden to worship those [beings] whom you invoke instead of God." Say: "I do not follow your errant views -or else I should have gone astray, and should not be among those who have found the right path."
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:56 Say, "I am forbidden from worshipping what you worship besides GOD." Say, "I will not follow your opinions. Otherwise, I will go astray, and not be guided.",
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:56 Say, “I am forbidden to worship and obey whom you call upon other than God.” Say, “I will not follow your vain desires. Otherwise, I will go astray and I will not be of the rightly guided.”

6:57 قل انى على بينة من ربى وكذبتم به ما عندى ما تستعجلون به ان الحكم الا لله يقص الحق وهو خير الفصلين

Transcription (English)
6:57 Qul innee AAala bayyinatin min rabbeewakaththabtum bihi ma AAindee matastaAAjiloona bihi ini alhukmu illa lillahiyaqussu alhaqqa wahuwa khayru alfasileena
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:57 Say, "I am on a proof from my Lord and you have denied it. I do not have what you hasten towards; the judgment is with God only; He carves out the truth, and He is the best analyzer."9

Note 9

The fanatics who are slaves of their environment, traditions, irrational interests, and unguided emotions, cannot and would not want to see/appreciate God's signs.

The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:57 Say: "I am on a clarity from my Lord and you have denied it. I do not have what you hasten towards; the judgment is with God only; He narrates the truth, and He is the best decider."
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:57 Say: "Behold, I take my stand on a clear evidence from my Sustainer-and [so] it is to Him that you are giving the lie! Not in my power is that which [in your ignorance] you so hastily demand:47 judgment rests with none but God. He shall declare the truth, since it is He who is the best judge between truth and falsehood."

Note 47
Lit., "not with me is that which you would hasten": a reference to the sarcastic demand of the unbelievers, mentioned in 8:32, that God should chastise them forthwith in proof of the Prophet's claim to be His message-bearer.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:57 Say, "I have solid proof from my Lord, and you have rejected it. I do not control the retribution you challenge me to bring. Judgment belongs with GOD alone. He narrates the truth, and He is the best judge.",
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:57 Say, “I have a manifest proof from my Lord that you deny. I do not control the retribution you challenge me to bring. Judgment belongs to none but God. And no one has the Ultimate Rule. He declares the truth and He is the Best of deciders.”

6:58 قل لو ان عندى ما تستعجلون به لقضى الامر بينى وبينكم والله اعلم بالظلمين

Transcription (English)
6:58 Qul law anna AAindee matastaAAjiloona bihi laqudiya al-amru baynee wabaynakum waAllahuaAAlamu bialththalimeena
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:58 Say, "If I had what you are hastening for, then the matter between us would have been resolved. God is fully aware of the wicked."
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:58 Say: "If I had what you were hastening towards, then the matter between us would have been resolved. And God is fully aware of the wicked."
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:58 Say: "If that which you so hastily demand were in my power, everything would indeed have been decided between me and you.48 But God knows best as to who is doing wrong."

Note 48
I.e., "you would have been convinced that I am really a bearer of God's message"-the implication being that a conviction based solely on a "miraculous" proof would have no spiritual value.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:58 Say, "If I controlled the retribution you challenge me to bring, the whole matter would have been terminated long ago. GOD knows best who the wicked are.",
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:58 Say, “If the ultimate decision you are hastening for was up to me, the case would have been already decided. God is best Aware of the wrongdoers.”

6:59 وعنده مفاتح الغيب لا يعلمها الا هو ويعلم ما فى البر والبحر وما تسقط من ورقة الا يعلمها ولا حبة فى ظلمت الارض ولا رطب ولا يابس الا فى كتب مبين

Transcription (English)
6:59 WaAAindahu mafatihu alghaybi layaAAlamuha illa huwa wayaAAlamu ma feealbarri waalbahri wama tasqutu minwaraqatin illa yaAAlamuha wala habbatinfee thulumati al-ardi wala ratbinwala yabisin illa fee kitabin mubeenin
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
God the Omniscient, the Omnipotent6:59 With Him are the keys to the unseen, none knows them except He. He knows what is in the land and in the sea; and not a leaf falls except with His knowledge; nor a seed in the darkness of the earth; nor anything moist or anything dry; all is in a clear book.10

Note 10

Said Nursi, an influential Sunni scholar and political figure, in his incomplete commentary of the Quran, Isharat ul-'Icaz pulls our attention to the implication of verses narrating the miracles of previous messengers. He argued that the Quran, expressly or implicitly, symbolically or indicatively contains all the information in the world. Though this fancy assertion is not plausible, his argument regarding the purpose of the miracles mentioned in the Quran makes sense: to support their missions in their lifetime and to show us the ultimate goals of scientific and technological progress, and to inspire us to repeat them by acquiring the knowledge of divine laws embedded in nature. See 6:38; 16:89.

The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:59 And with Him are the keys of the unseen, none know them except He. And He knows what is in the land and in the sea; and not a leaf falls except He knows of it; nor a seed in the darkness of the earth; nor anything moist or anything dry; all in a clear record.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:59 For, with Him are the keys to the things that are beyond the reach of a created being's perception: none knows them but He. And He knows all that is on land and in the sea; and not a leaf falls but He knows it; and neither is there a grain in the earth's deep darkness, nor anything: living or dead,49 but is recorded in [His] clear decree.

Note 49
Lit., "fresh or dry".
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
Almighty God6:59 With Him are the keys to all secrets; none knows them except He. He knows everything on land and in the sea. Not a leaf falls without His knowledge. Nor is there a grain in the depths of the soil. Nor is there anything wet or dry, that is not recorded in a profound record.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:59 With Him are the keys of the Unseen. (None but He knows the subtle processes and their stages where actions culminate into their logical outcome.) He knows everything in the land and in the sea. Not even a leaf falls without His knowledge. Neither is there a grain in the dark depths of the soil, nor anything fresh or withered, that He knows not. But all is written in the Open Book of the Universe around you.

6:60 وهو الذى يتوفىكم باليل ويعلم ما جرحتم بالنهار ثم يبعثكم فيه ليقضى اجل مسمى ثم اليه مرجعكم ثم ينبئكم بما كنتم تعملون

Transcription (English)
6:60 Wahuwa allathee yatawaffakumbiallayli wayaAAlamu ma jarahtum bialnnaharithumma yabAAathukum feehi liyuqda ajalun musamman thummailayhi marjiAAukum thumma yunabbi-okum bima kuntumtaAAmaloona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:60 He is the One who takes you at night, and He knows what you have done during the day, then He sends you back to it until a fixed span; then to Him is your return and He will inform you of what you used to do.11

Note 11

See 39:42.

The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:60 And He is the One who seizes you during the night, and He knows what you have done during the day, then He sends you back again to complete an appointed term; then to Him is your return and He will inform you of what you used to do.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:60 And He it is who causes you to be [like] dead50 at night, and knows what you work in daytime; and He brings you back to life each days51 in order that a term set [by Him] be fulfilled. In the end, unto Him you must return: and then He will make you understand all that you were doing [in life].

Note 50
For a full explanation of the verb tawaffa - lit., "he took [something] in full" - see note 44 on 39:42, which is the earliest instance of its use in the Qur'an.

Note 51
Lit., "therein" -referring to the daytime. The polarity of sleep and wakefulness contains an allusion to life and death (cf. 78:9).
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
Death and Resurrection: Every Day6:60 He is the One who puts you to death during the night, and knows even the smallest of your actions during the day. He resurrects you every morning, until your life span is fulfilled, then to Him is your ultimate return. He will then inform you of everything you had done.6 ,

Note 6
The righteous do not really die; they go straight to the same Paradise where Adam and Eve once lived. The unrighteous die andexperience a nightmare that lasts until the Day of Resurrection (see2:154,3:169,8:24,16:32,22:58,36:26-27,44:56, andAppendix 17).
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:60 He suspends your consciousness during sleep at night, and knows what you do by day, when awake. He resurrects you every morning until your life span is completed. Death is, likewise, a temporary suspension of consciousness and afterward to Him is your return (39:42). Then, He will inform you of what you really accomplished.

6:61 وهو القاهر فوق عباده ويرسل عليكم حفظة حتى اذا جاء احدكم الموت توفته رسلنا وهم لا يفرطون

Transcription (English)
6:61 Wahuwa alqahiru fawqa AAibadihiwayursilu AAalaykum hafathatan hattaitha jaa ahadakumu almawtu tawaffat-hurusuluna wahum la yufarritoona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:61 He is the Supreme over His servants, and He sends over you guardians. So that when the time of death comes to one of you, Our messengers take him, and they do not neglect any.12

Note 12

God uses protectors’/preservers’ powers to download the program/data information containing conscious personalities from human brains and upload them to the master record. These protectors/preservers are mentioned in plural, and thus the verse rejects the traditional belief about Azrail, the so-called sole controller of death.

The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:61 And He is the Supreme over His servants, and He sends over you guardians. So that when the time of death comes to one of you, Our messengers terminate his life, and they do not neglect any.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:61 And He alone holds sway over His servants. And He sends forth heavenly forces to watch over you52 until, when death approaches any of you, Our messengers cause him to die: and they do not overlook [anyone].

Note 52
Lit., "sends forth guardians over you".
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:61 He is Supreme over His creatures, and He appoints guards to protect you. When the appointed time of death comes to any of you, our messengers put him to death without delay.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:61 He is Supreme over His servants. His laws guard your life until the inescapable law of death approaches you. When death comes to one of you, Our couriers receive him without delay.

6:62 ثم ردوا الى الله مولىهم الحق الا له الحكم وهو اسرع الحسبين

Transcription (English)
6:62 Thumma ruddoo ila Allahi mawlahumualhaqqi ala lahu alhukmu wahuwa asraAAu alhasibeena
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:62 Then they are returned to God, their true Patron; to Him is the judgment and He is the swiftest in reckoning.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:62 Then they are returned to God, their true Patron; to Him is the judgment and He is the swiftest of reckoners.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:62 And they [who have died] are thereupon brought before God,53 their true Lord Supreme. Oh, verily, His alone is all judgment: and He is the swiftest of all reckoners!

Note 53
Lit., "brought back [or "referred"] to God"-i.e., placed before Him for judgment.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:62 Then everyone is returned to GOD, their rightful Lord and Master. Absolutely, He is the ultimate judge; He is the most accurate Reckoner.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:62 Then they are returned to God, their Rightful Master. His is the command and His is the judgment. And He is the Swiftest of those who take account.

6:63 قل من ينجيكم من ظلمت البر والبحر تدعونه تضرعا وخفية لئن انجىنا من هذه لنكونن من الشكرين

Transcription (English)
6:63 Qul man yunajjeekum min thulumatialbarri waalbahri tadAAoonahu tadarruAAanwakhufyatan la-in anjana min hathihilanakoonanna mina alshshakireena
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:63 Say, "Who rescues you from the darkness of the land and the sea?," you call on Him openly and secretly: "If You save us from this, we will be of the thankful!"
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:63 Say: "Who rescues you from the darkness of the land and the sea?" You call on Him in humility and in secret: "If You save us from this, we will be of the thankful!"
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:63 Say: "Who is it that saves you from the dark dangers54 of land and sea [when] you call unto Him humbly, and in the secrecy of your hearts, `If He will but save us from this [distress], we shall most certainly be among the grateful'?"

Note 54
Lit., "the darknesses" or "the deep darkness".
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:63 Say, "Who can save you from the darkness of the land or the sea?" You implore Him loudly and secretly: "If He saves us this time, we will be eternally appreciative.",
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:63 Say, “Who saves you, in the darkness of the land and the sea, when you call upon Him humbly and quietly saying, “If He saves us this time, we will always be thankful?”

6:64 قل الله ينجيكم منها ومن كل كرب ثم انتم تشركون

Transcription (English)
6:64 Quli Allahu yunajjeekum minhawamin kulli karbin thumma antum tushrikoona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:64 Say, "God will save you from it and from all distresses, yet you still set up partners!"
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:64 Say: "God will save you from it and from all distresses, yet you will still set up partners!"
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:64 Say: "God [alone] can save you from this and from every distress - and still you ascribe divinity to other powers beside Him!"
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:64 Say, "GOD does save you this time, and other times as well, then you still set up idols besides Him.",
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:64 Say, “It is God (Whose laws you trust never to change), Who protects you from different afflictions. Even then you attribute partners to Him!”

6:65 قل هو القادر على ان يبعث عليكم عذابا من فوقكم او من تحت ارجلكم او يلبسكم شيعا ويذيق بعضكم باس بعض انظر كيف نصرف الءايت لعلهم يفقهون

Transcription (English)
6:65 Qul huwa alqadiru AAala anyabAAatha AAalaykum AAathaban min fawqikum aw min tahtiarjulikum aw yalbisakum shiyaAAan wayutheeqa baAAdakumba/sa baAAdin onthur kayfa nusarrifual-ayati laAAallahum yafqahoona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:65 Say, "He is able to send retribution from above you or from below your feet, or He will make you belong to opposing factions, then He will let you taste the might of each other." See how We cite the signs, perhaps they may comprehend.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:65 Say: "He is able to send retribution from above you or from below your feet, or He will make you belong to opposing factions, then He will let you taste the might of each other." See how We dispatch the signs, perhaps they may understand.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:65 Say: "It is He alone who has the power to let loose upon you suffering from above you or from beneath your feet,55 or to confound you with mutual discord and let you taste the fear of one another."56 Behold how many facets we give to these messages, so that they might understand the truth.

Note 55
Le., from any direction or by any means whatsoever.

Note 56
Or: "the violence of one against another"-inner disintegration, fear, violence and tyranny being the inevitable consequences of a society's departure from spiritual truths.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:65 Say, "He is certainly able to pour upon you retribution from above you, or from beneath your feet. Or He can divide you into factions and have you taste each others' tyranny. Note how we explain the revelations, that they may understand.",
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:65 Say, “He is Able to send punishment upon you from above you or from beneath your feet, or to bewilder you with dissension and make you taste the tyranny of one another. (Violation of His laws can inflict you from the top in the form of tyrannical rule, or from the bottom in the form of popular rebellion. You could then divide into hateful parties, and taste smite of one another.) Note how We use Tasreef, explaining Our verses from various vantage points, that men and women may understand. [27:82]

6:66 وكذب به قومك وهو الحق قل لست عليكم بوكيل

Transcription (English)
6:66 Wakaththaba bihi qawmuka wahuwa alhaqququl lastu AAalaykum biwakeelin
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
Some of the News of the Quran left for Future Generations6:66 Your people denied it, while it is the truth. Say, "I am not a guardian over you!
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:66 And your people denied it, while it is the truth. Say: "I am not a guardian over you!"
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:66 and yet, to all this thy peoples57 have given the lie, although it is the truth. Say [then]: "I am not responsible for your conduct.

Note 57
Le., the unbelieving compatriots of the Prophet and, by implication, all who deny the truth.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:66 Your people have rejected this, even though it is the truth. Say, "I am not a guardian over you.",
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:66 Even then, (O Messenger) your people deny the truth. Tell them, “I have not been appointed a guardian over you.”

6:67 لكل نبا مستقر وسوف تعلمون

Transcription (English)
6:67 Likulli naba-in mustaqarrun wasawfataAAlamoona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:67 For every news there is a time, and you will come to know."
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:67 "For every news there is a time, and you will come to know."
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:67 Every tiding [from God] has a term set for its fulfilment: and in time you will come to know [the truth]."
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:67 Every prophecy herein will come to pass, and you will surely find out.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:67 Every tiding given in the Qur’an shall come to pass and you (mankind) will find out.

6:68 واذا رايت الذين يخوضون فى ءايتنا فاعرض عنهم حتى يخوضوا فى حديث غيره واما ينسينك الشيطن فلا تقعد بعد الذكرى مع القوم الظلمين

Transcription (English)
6:68 Wa-itha raayta allatheenayakhoodoona fee ayatina faaAAridAAanhum hatta yakhoodoo fee hadeethinghayrihi wa-imma yunsiyannaka alshshaytanufala taqAAud baAAda alththikra maAAaalqawmi alththalimeena
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
If they Make Fun of God's Signs6:68 If you encounter those who make fun of Our signs, then turn away from them until they move on to a different topic; and if the devil lets you forget, then do not sit after remembering with the wicked people.13

Note 13

God has given ultimate freedom of thought, belief and expression (2:256; 4:137, 140; 6:110; 10:99; 18:29; 88:20). Those who threaten the lives of those who criticize or insult their faith, ignore God's advice in this and other verses. If God asks us to ignore those who insult and mock God's revelations and signs by protesting passively, how can we get enraged and mad in the name of the same God? We should enlighten ignorant people without falling to their level. The technique known as the Socratic Method is an efficient and positive method for discussing issues involving religion and faith. The following verses, 6:74, will give us an example from Abraham's method for pulling the attention of the faithful people to engage in a rational discussion.

"The Lord said to Moses: 'Take the blasphemer outside the camp. All those who heard him are to lay their hands on his head, and the entire assembly is to stone him. Say to the Israelites: If anyone curses his God, he will be held responsible; anyone who blasphemes the name of the Lord must be put to death. The entire assembly must stone him. Whether an alien or native-born, when he blasphemes the Name, he must be put to death.... Then Moses spoke to the Israelites, and they took the blasphemer outside the camp and stoned him. The Israelites did as the Lord commanded Moses" (Leviticus 24:13-16 ).

"If your very own brother, or your son or daughter, or the wife you love, or your closest friend secretly entices you, saying, 'Let us go and worship other gods' ... Show him no pity. Do not spare him or shield him. You must certainly put him to death. Your hand must be the first in putting him to death, and then the hands of all the people. Stone him to death, because he tried to turn you away from the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out the land of slavery. Then all Israel will hear and be afraid, and no one among you will do such an evil thing again" (Deuteronomy 13:6-11 ).

The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:68 And if you encounter those who make fun of Our revelations, then turn away from them until they move on to a different narrative; and if the devil makes you forget, then do not sit after remembering with the wicked people.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:68 NOW, whenever thou meet such as indulge in [blasphemous] talk about Our messages, turn thy back upon them until they begin to talk of other things58 and if Satan should ever cause thee to forget [thyself], remain not, after recollection, in the company of such evildoing folk,

Note 58
Lit., "until they immerse themselves in talk other than this".
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
Respect for the Word of God6:68 If you see those who mock our revelations, you shall avoid them until they delve into another subject. If the devil causes you to forget, then, as soon as you remember, do not sit with such evil people.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:68 When you see them engaged in vain discourse about Our verses, turn away from them unless they engage in a different subject. If Satan ever makes you forget (your mind gets engrossed in their discourse,) then as soon as you recollect, no longer sit in the company of the people who confound the truth with falsehood.10

Note 10
Zaalimeen = Those who relegate the truth from its rightful place = Those who choose to do wrong = In this verse, trying to displace or confound the truth with falsehood

6:69 وما على الذين يتقون من حسابهم من شىء ولكن ذكرى لعلهم يتقون

Transcription (English)
6:69 Wama AAala allatheenayattaqoona min hisabihim min shay-in walakinthikra laAAallahum yattaqoona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:69 Those who are aware are not held accountable for them, but a reminder may help them to be aware.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:69 And those who are righteous are not responsible for their judgement, but to remind; perhaps they will be aware.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:69 for whom those who are conscious of God are in no wise accountable. Theirs, however, is the duty to admonish [the sinners],59 so that they might become conscious of God.

Note 59
This is a paraphrase of the elliptic expression wa-lakin dhikra ("however, an admonition").
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:69 The righteous are not responsible for the utterances of those people, but it may help to remind them; perhaps they may be saved.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:69 Those who live upright bear no responsibility for them, except to remind them, that they may protect themselves against personal detriment.11

Note 11
See Taqwa,2:41

6:70 وذر الذين اتخذوا دينهم لعبا ولهوا وغرتهم الحيوة الدنيا وذكر به ان تبسل نفس بما كسبت ليس لها من دون الله ولى ولا شفيع وان تعدل كل عدل لا يؤخذ منها اولئك الذين ابسلوا بما كسبوا لهم شراب من حميم وعذاب اليم بما كانوا يكفرون

Transcription (English)
6:70 Wathari allatheena ittakhathoodeenahum laAAiban walahwan wagharrat-humu alhayatualddunya wathakkir bihi an tubsala nafsunbima kasabat laysa laha min dooni Allahiwaliyyun wala shafeeAAun wa-in taAAdil kulla AAadlin layu/khath minha ola-ika allatheenaobsiloo bima kasaboo lahum sharabun min hameeminwaAAathabun aleemun bima kanoo yakfuroona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:70 Leave alone those who have taken their system as a game and diversion, and this worldly life has tempted them. Remind with it that a person will suffer for what s/he has earned, s/he will not have besides God any supporter nor intercessor; and even if s/he offers every ransom, none will be accepted from it. These are the ones who have suffered with what they have earned; for them will be a boiling drink, and a painful retribution for what they had rejected.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:70 Leave alone those who have taken their system for play and distraction, and this worldly life has tempted them. And remind with it that a soul will suffer for what it has earned, it will not have besides God any supporter nor intercessor; and even if it brings all justice, none will be accepted from it. These are the ones who have suffered with what they have earned; for them will be a boiling drink, and a painful retribution for what they had rejected.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:70 And leave to themselves all those who, beguiled by the life of this world, have made play and passing delights their religion;60 but remind [them] herewith that [in the life to come] every human being shall be held in pledge for whatever wrong he has done, and shall have none to protect him from God, and none to intercede for him; and though he offer any conceivable ransom,61 it shall not be accepted from him. It is [people such as] these that shall be held in pledge for the wrong they have done; for them there is [in the life to come] a draught of burning despair62 and grievous suffering awaits them because of their persistent refusal to acknowledge the truth.

Note 60
The phrase attakhadhu dinahum la'iban wa-lahwan can be understood in either of two ways: (1) "they have made their religion [an object of] play and fun", or (2) "they have made play and fun [or "passing delights"] their religion" - i.e., the main goal of their lives. To my mind, the latter reading is definitely preferable inasmuch as it brings out the fact that many of those who are "beguiled by the life of this world" devote themselves to the pursuit of what the Qur'an describes as "passing delights" - including the pleasures which money and power can provide - with something akin to religious fervour: an attitude of mind which causes them to lose sight of all spiritual and moral values.

Note 61
Lit., "though he might [try to] ransom himself with all ransom" - i.e., though he might proffer, after resurrection, any atonement whatever for his past sins.

Note 62
Among the various meanings attributable to the word hamim are the concepts of intense heat as well as of painful cold (Qamus, Taj al' Arus). In the eschatology of the Qur'an it invariably refers to the suffering of the sinners in the life to come; and since all Qur'anic references to life after death are, necessarily, allegorical, the term hamim may be rendered as "burning despair".
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:70 You shall disregard those who take their religion in vain, as if it is a social function, and are totally absorbed in this worldly life. Remind with this (Quran), lest a soul may suffer the consequences of its evil earnings. It has none beside GOD as a Lord and Master, nor an intercessor. If it could offer any kind of ransom, it would not be accepted. They suffer the consequences of the evil works they earn; they have incurred hellish drinks, and a painful retribution because of their disbelief.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:70 Leave to themselves those who take their religion as nothing but pastime, amusement, games of ritual, and social partying; their life revolving around quick gains of the worldly life. But follow up with reminders with the Qur’an on appropriate occasions. Remind people lest a ‘self’ be ruined for its own actions. No ‘self’ has a protecting friend, master or intercessor against the law of God even if it offered any conceivable ransom. Such is the end of those who land themselves into ruin with their own actions. For them is a drink of burning despair and a painful doom. They had kept denying the truth.

6:71 قل اندعوا من دون الله ما لا ينفعنا ولا يضرنا ونرد على اعقابنا بعد اذ هدىنا الله كالذى استهوته الشيطين فى الارض حيران له اصحب يدعونه الى الهدى ائتنا قل ان هدى الله هو الهدى وامرنا لنسلم لرب العلمين

Transcription (English)
6:71 Qul anadAAoo min dooni Allahi mala yanfaAAuna wala yadurrunawanuraddu AAala aAAqabina baAAda ithhadana Allahu kaallathee istahwat-hualshshayateenu fee al-ardi hayranalahu as-habun yadAAoonahu ila alhudai/tina qul inna huda Allahi huwa alhudawaomirna linuslima lirabbi alAAalameena
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:71 Say, "Shall we call upon other than God what cannot benefit us or harm us, and we turn back on our heels after God has guided us?" This is like the one whom the devils have managed to mislead on earth, he is confused, having friends who call him to the guidance: "Come to us!" Say, "The guidance is God's guidance, and we have been ordered to peacefully surrender to the Lord of the worlds."
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:71 Say: "Shall we call upon other than God what cannot benefit us or harm us, and we turn back on our heels after God has guided us?" This is like the one whom the devils have managed to mislead on the earth, he is confused, having friends who call him to the guidance: "Come to us!" Say: "The guidance is the guidance of God, and we have been ordered to submit to the Lord of the worlds."
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:71 SAY: "Shall we invoke, instead of God, something that can neither benefit us nor harm us, and [thus] turn around on our heels after God has guided us aright? -like one whom the satans have enticed into blundering after earthly lusts, the while his companions, trying to guide him, call out unto him [from afar] ,63 `Come thou to us!"' Say: "Verily, God's guidance is the only guidance: and so we have been bidden to surrender ourselves unto the Sustainer of all the worlds,

Note 63
Lit., "whom the satans have enticed with lusts on earth, [rendering him] bewildered, [while] he has companions who call him unto guidance". See in this connection note 10 on 2 : 14, as well as note 31 on 14:22 and note 16 on 15:17.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:71 Say, "Shall we implore, beside GOD, what possesses no power to benefit us or hurt us, and turn back on our heels after GOD has guided us? In that case, we would join those possessed by the devils, and rendered utterly confused, while their friends try to save them: `Stay with us on the right path.' " Say, "GOD's guidance is the right guidance. We are commanded to submit to the Lord of the universe.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:71 Say, “Should we call unto those who can neither benefit nor harm us, and turn back on our heels after God has guided us right? In that situation we would be like one whom satans (his satanic comrades) have enticed and he is wandering bewildered on earth. His companions invite him to show him the way, but in vain. Say, “The Guidance of God is the true guidance, and we are commanded to submit to the Lord of the Worlds.”

6:72 وان اقيموا الصلوة واتقوه وهو الذى اليه تحشرون

Transcription (English)
6:72 Waan aqeemoo alssalatawaittaqoohu wahuwa allathee ilayhi tuhsharoona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:72 Hold the contact prayer, and be aware; and to Him you will be summoned.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:72 And you shall hold the contact prayer, and be aware; and to Him you will be gathered.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:72 and to be constant in prayer and conscious of Him: for it is He unto whom you all shall be gathered."
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:72 "And to observe the Contact Prayers (Salat), and to reverence Him - He is the One before whom you will be summoned (for the reckoning).",
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:72 “And to establish the Divine System and live upright. He is the One to Whom you will be summoned."

6:73 وهو الذى خلق السموت والارض بالحق ويوم يقول كن فيكون قوله الحق وله الملك يوم ينفخ فى الصور علم الغيب والشهدة وهو الحكيم الخبير

Transcription (English)
6:73 Wahuwa allathee khalaqa alssamawatiwaal-arda bialhaqqi wayawma yaqoolukun fayakoonu qawluhu alhaqqu walahu almulku yawmayunfakhu fee alssoori AAalimu alghaybi waalshshahadatiwahuwa alhakeemu alkhabeeru
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:73 He is the One who created the heavens and the earth with truth, and the day He says: "Be," then it is! His saying is truth; and to Him is the sovereignty, the day the trumpet is blown. Knower of the unseen and the seen; He is the Wise, the Ever-aware.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:73 And He is the One who has created the heavens and the earth with the truth, and the day He says: "Be," then it is! His saying is truth; and to Him is the sovereignty the Day the horn is blown. Knower of the unseen and the seen; He is the Wise, the Expert.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:73 And He it is who has created the heavens and the earth in accordance with [an inner] truth64 - and whenever He says, "Be," His word comes true; and His will be the dominion on the Day when the trumpet [of resurrection] is blown. He knows all that is beyond the reach of a created being's perception, as well as all that can be witnessed by a creature's senses or mind:65 for He alone is truly wise, all-aware.

Note 64
See surah 10, note 11.

Note 65
The term ash-shahadah (lit., "that which is [or "can be"] witnessed") is used in this and similar contexts as the exact antithesis of al-ghayb ("that which is beyond the reach of a created being's perception"). Thus, it circumscribes those aspects of reality which can be sensually or conceptually grasped by a created being.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:73 He is the One who created the heavens and the earth, truthfully. Whenever He says, "Be," it is. His word is the absolute truth. All sovereignty belongs to Him the day the horn is blown. Knower of all secrets and declarations, He is the Most Wise, the Cognizant.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:73 And He is the One Who has created the heavens and earth with a definite purpose. Whenever He says “Be!” it is. His Word is the truth. And His will be the Dominion on the Day the Trumpet (of Resurrection) is blown. Knower of the Invisible and the Visible, for, He is the Wise, the Aware. [3:191, 38:27]

6:74 واذ قال ابرهيم لابيه ءازر اتتخذ اصناما ءالهة انى ارىك وقومك فى ضلل مبين

Transcription (English)
6:74 Wa-ith qala ibraheemuli-abeehi azara atattakhithu asnaman alihataninnee araka waqawmaka fee dalalin mubeenin
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
The Abrahamic Method of Reasoning6:74 Abraham said to his father, Azar: "Will you take idols as gods? I see you and your people clearly misguided."14

Note 14

Abraham was a rational monotheist. Before his messengership, Abraham, as a young philosopher, reached the idea of the "greatest" by a series of hypothetical questions. His method of proving the existence of the creator of all things was both empirical and rational. He invited people to observe the heavenly bodies and then deduce the existence of an absolute creator from their contingent characteristics. God supports this empirical and rational methodology.

Abraham, not only supported his monotheistic faith through rational arguments, but also falsified the claims of his opponents via rational arguments by breaking the little statutes of his pagan people and sparing the biggest one. When the polytheists inquired about the "disbeliever" who committed such a blasphemous act to their idols, Abraham stood up and pointed at the biggest statute, thereby forcing his people to reflect and examine their religious dogmas (21:51).

The Quran provides a rational argument for why God cannot have partners or equals. The argument in verse 21:21 is a logical argument called Modus Tollens, or Denying the Consequent. Thus, it is no wonder that the Quran invites us not to be gullible. We should not follow anything without sufficient knowledge, including belief in God (17:36).

Abraham's methodology of emphasizing reason, valiantly examining the religious dogmas of his people, engaging his opponents with intellectual dialogues, and occasionally modeling the thinking process for his audience, later was made famous by Socrates, a messenger of God to Greece. Socrates, like Abraham criticized the superstitions and polytheistic religious dogmas of his people through dialogues where he subjected them to a series of questions and inferences. Socrates, similarly received the wrath of the ruling class, whose authority depended on the ignorance of their subjects. The Abrahamic method has been used by many messengers of God. Thus, we are asked to follow Abraham's example (60:4).

The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:74 And Abraham said to his father, Azar: "Will you take statues as gods? I see you and your people are clearly misguided."
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:74 AND, LO, [thus] spoke Abraham unto his father Azar:66 "Takest thou idols for gods? Verily, I see that thou and thy people have obviously gone astray!"

Note 66
The subsequent passage (verses 74 ff.) continues, by way of narrative, the exposition of God's oneness and uniqueness. - In the Bible, the name of Abraham's father is given not as Azar but as Terah (the Tarah or Tarakh of the early Muslim genealogists). However, he seems to have been known by other names (or designations) as well, all of them obscure as to origin and meaning. Thus, in various Talmudic stories he is_called Zarah, while Eusebius Pamphili (the ecclesiastical historian who lived towards the end of the third and the beginning of the fourth century of the Christian era) gives his name as Athar. Although neither the Talmud nor Eusebius can be regarded as authorities for the purposes of a Qur'an-commentary, it is not impossible that the designation Azar (which occurs in the Qur'an only once) is the pre-Islamic, Arabicized form of Athar or Zarah.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
Abraham Debates With Idol Worshipers6:74 Recall that Abraham said to his father Azar, "How could you worship statues as gods? I see that you and your people have gone far astray.",
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:74 Remember when Abraham said to his father Azar (Terah), “How could you worship idols as gods? I see you and your people are in obvious error.”12

Note 12
Azaris calledTerahin the Bible andZarahinTalmud

6:75 وكذلك نرى ابرهيم ملكوت السموت والارض وليكون من الموقنين

Transcription (English)
6:75 Wakathalika nuree ibraheemamalakoota alssamawati waal-ardiwaliyakoona mina almooqineena
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:75 Thus We showed Abraham the kingdom of heavens and earth, so that he will be of those who have certainty.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:75 And it is such that We showed Abraham the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, so that he will be of those who have certainty.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:75 And thus We gave Abraham [his first] insight into [God's] mighty dominion over the heavens and the earth - and [this] to the end that he might become one of those who are inwardly sure.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:75 We showed Abraham the marvels of the heavens and the earth, and blessed him with certainty:,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:75 And to this end, We gave Abraham insight into the Mighty Dominion of the Universe so that he might attain firm conviction.

6:76 فلما جن عليه اليل رءا كوكبا قال هذا ربى فلما افل قال لا احب الءافلين

Transcription (English)
6:76 Falamma janna AAalayhi allaylu raakawkaban qala hatha rabbee falamma afala qalala ohibbu al-afileena
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:76 When the night covered him, he saw a planet, and he said, "This is my Lord." But when it disappeared he said, "I do not like those that disappear."
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:76 When the night covered him, he saw a planet, and he said: "This is my Lord." But when it disappeared he said: "I do not like those who disappear."
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:76 Then, when the night overshadowed him with its darkness, he beheld a star;., [and] he exclaimed, "This is my Sustainer!" -but when it went down, he said, "I love not the things that go down."
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:76 When the night fell, he saw a shining planet. "Maybe this is my Lord," he said. When it disappeared, he said, "I do not like (gods) that disappear.",
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:76 (Some of his people were idolaters and others were nature-worshipers.) One night when it grew dark upon him he saw a planet (Venus). He said, “This is my Lord.” But when it set, he said, “I do not love things that fade away.”

6:77 فلما رءا القمر بازغا قال هذا ربى فلما افل قال لئن لم يهدنى ربى لاكونن من القوم الضالين

Transcription (English)
6:77 Falamma raa alqamara bazighanqala hatha rabbee falamma afala qalala-in lam yahdinee rabbee laakoonanna mina alqawmi alddalleena
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:77 So when he saw the moon rising, he said, "This is my Lord." But when it disappeared he said, "If my Lord will not guide me, then I will be amongst the wicked people!"
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:77 So when he saw the moon rising, he said: "This is my Lord." But when it disappeared he said: "If my Lord does not guide me, then I will be among the wicked people!"
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:77 Then, when he beheld the moon rising, he said, "This is my Sustainer!"-but when it went down, he said, "Indeed, if my Sustainer guide me not. I will most certainly become one of the people who go astray!"
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:77 When he saw the moon rising, he said, "Maybe this is my Lord!" When it disappeared, he said, "Unless my Lord guides me, I will be with the strayers.",
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:77 (Another night) when he saw the moon rising in splendor, he said, “This is my Lord." But when it set, he said, “Unless my Lord guides me, I will be of those who go astray.”

6:78 فلما رءا الشمس بازغة قال هذا ربى هذا اكبر فلما افلت قال يقوم انى برىء مما تشركون

Transcription (English)
6:78 Falamma raa alshshamsabazighatan qala hatha rabbee hathaakbaru falamma afalat qala ya qawmi inneebaree-on mimma tushrikoona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:78 So when he saw the sun rising, he said, "This is my Lord, this is bigger." But when it disappeared he said, "My people, I am innocent of what you have set up."
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:78 So when he saw the sun rising, he said: "This is my Lord, this is bigger." But when it disappeared he said: "My people, I am innocent of what you have set up."
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:78 Then, when he beheld the sun rising, he said, "This is my Sustainer! This one is the greatest [of all]!" - but when it [too] went down, he exclaimed: "O my people! Behold, far be it from me to ascribe divinity, as you do, to aught beside God!
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:78 When he saw the sun rising, he said, "This must be my Lord. This is the biggest." But when it set, he said, "O my people, I denounce your idolatry.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:78 (In the morning) when he saw the sun rising in splendor, he said, “This is my Lord. This is greater!” But when it set, he said, “O My people! I am free of all your idolatry.”13

Note 13
Of course, Abraham knew that the celestial bodies were not gods. He is only preaching to his people by example

6:79 انى وجهت وجهى للذى فطر السموت والارض حنيفا وما انا من المشركين

Transcription (English)
6:79 Innee wajjahtu wajhiya lillathee fataraalssamawati waal-arda haneefanwama ana mina almushrikeena
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:79 "I shall turn my face to the One who created the heavens and the earth, as a monotheist, and I am not of those who set up partners."15

Note 15

The word fatara which is translated as "create," or "initiate" contains the meaning of "splitting/cracking" (82:1). We learn from embryology and cosmology, that the creation of new bodies usually involves a splitting and diversification process. The universe was created approximately 13.7 billion years ago with a big separation (21:30) and it will collapse back as it started (21:104). See 4:82.

The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:79 "I shall turn my face to the One who initiated the heavens and the earth, in monotheism, and I am not of the polytheists."
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:79 Behold, unto Him who brought into being the heavens and the earth have I turned my face, having turned away from all that is false; and I am not of those who ascribe divinity to aught beside Him."
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:79 "I have devoted myself absolutely to the One who initiated the heavens and the earth; I will never be an idol worshiper.",
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:79 “I have focused firmly on Him Who initiated the heavens and earth. As an upright man turning away from all that is false, I will never be an idolater.”

6:80 وحاجه قومه قال اتحجونى فى الله وقد هدىن ولا اخاف ما تشركون به الا ان يشاء ربى شيا وسع ربى كل شىء علما افلا تتذكرون

Transcription (English)
6:80 Wahajjahu qawmuhu qala atuhajjoonneefee Allahi waqad hadani wala akhafu matushrikoona bihi illa an yashaa rabbee shay-anwasiAAa rabbee kulla shay-in AAilman afala tatathakkaroona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:80 His people argued with him. He said, "Do you argue with me regarding God, when He has guided me? I do not fear what you have set up except if my Lord wishes it so; my Lord encompasses all things with knowledge; will you not remember?"
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:80 And his people debated with him. He said: "Do you debate with me regarding God, when He has guided me? I do not fear that which you have set up except if my Lord wills; my Lord encompasses all things in knowledge; will you not remember?"
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:80 And his people argued with him. He said: "Do you argue with me about God, when it is He who has guided me? But I do not fear anything to which you ascribe divinity side by side with Him, [for no evil can befall me] unless my Sustainer so wills.67 All things does my Sustainer embrace within His knowledge; will you not, then, keep this in mind?

Note 67
Lit., "unless my Sustainer wills a thing".
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:80 His people argued with him. He said, "Do you argue with me about GOD, after He has guided me? I have no fear of the idols you set up. Nothing can happen to me, unless my Lord wills it. My Lord's knowledge encompasses all things. Would you not take heed?,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:80 His people argued with him, but Abraham said, “Do you dispute with me about God when He has guided me? I do not fear those you associate with Him. Nothing can happen to me contrary to the laws of God. My Lord encompasses all things in His knowledge. Will you not then, reflect and use your intellect?”14

Note 14
Abraham taught his people to reflect and be rational

6:81 وكيف اخاف ما اشركتم ولا تخافون انكم اشركتم بالله ما لم ينزل به عليكم سلطنا فاى الفريقين احق بالامن ان كنتم تعلمون

Transcription (English)
6:81 Wakayfa akhafu ma ashraktumwala takhafoona annakum ashraktum biAllahima lam yunazzil bihi AAalaykum sultanan faayyualfareeqayni ahaqqu bial-amni in kuntum taAAlamoona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:81 "How can I possibly fear what you have set up; yet you do not fear that you have set up partners with God, for which He has not sent down to you any authority! So which of our two groups is more worthy of security if you know?"
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:81 "And how can I possibly fear what you have set up; yet you do not fear that you have set up partners with God, for which He has not sent down upon you any authority! So which of our two groups is more worthy of security if you know?"
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:81 And why should I fear anything that you worship side by side with Him, seeing that you are not afraid of ascribing divinity to other powers beside God without His ever having bestowed upon you from on high any warrant therefor? [Tell me,] then, which of the two parties has a better right to feel secure -if you happen to know [the answer]?
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:81 "Why should I fear your idols? It is you who should be afraid, since you worship instead of GOD idols that are utterly powerless to help you. Which side is more deserving of security, if you know?",
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:81 He said, “Why should I fear what you set up besides Him, when you do not fear to set up besides God, deities for which He has sent no authority and are utterly powerless. Think, which of the two sides among us deserves peace and security? Answer me if you have the answer.” [3:150-151, 29:41, 33:39]

6:82 الذين ءامنوا ولم يلبسوا ايمنهم بظلم اولئك لهم الامن وهم مهتدون

Transcription (English)
6:82 Allatheena amanoo walamyalbisoo eemanahum bithulmin ola-ikalahumu al-amnu wahum muhtadoona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
Pure Monotheism6:82 Those who acknowledge and do not dress their acknowledgement with inequity; they will have security, and they are guided.16

Note 16

Shirk, that is associating equal or lower level partners to God, is injustice (31:13). See 2:48; 3:18.

The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:82 Those who believe and do not confound their belief with wrongdoing; they will have security, and they are guided.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:82 Those who have attained to faith, and who have not obscured their faith by wrongdoing-it is they who shall be secure, since it is they who have found the right path!"
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
Perfect Security for Believers6:82 Those who believe, and do not pollute their belief with idol worship, have deserved the perfect security, and they are truly guided.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:82 Those who attain belief and do not confound their belief with falsehood, for them is inner peace and security. They are rightly guided.15

Note 15
Zulm =Wrong,in this verse, conveys falsehood and Shirk

6:83 وتلك حجتنا ءاتينها ابرهيم على قومه نرفع درجت من نشاء ان ربك حكيم عليم

Transcription (English)
6:83 Watilka hujjatuna ataynahaibraheema AAala qawmihi narfaAAu darajatinman nashao inna rabbaka hakeemun AAaleemun
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:83 Such was Our argument that We gave Abraham over his people; We raise the degree of whom We please. Your Lord is Wise, Knowledgeable.17

Note 17

In these verses, 18 names of prophets are mentioned and they are praised by God. Though the Quran refers to some of their errors and weaknesses, and underscores their human nature, they are depicted as role models. Nevertheless, through using their intellect and determination, we are informed that they worked hard to avoid temptations, sins, and injustices. The Old Testament, which was extensively distorted by Ezra and numerous Rabbis, contains many wicked and despicable acts, some of which should have been x-rated, to these role models. The New Testament's hero, however, is treated to the contrary; he is transformed into a human-god, into an oxymoron, or more accurately into a logical contradiction. Evangelicals try to defend those shameful stories as a merit, as a sign of a realistic account of the Old Testament. Knowing that numerous disgraceful and wicked stories were falsely attributed to Muhammed to justify the actions of corrupt and oppressive rulers who came after him, we are justified in speculating that the real motive behind the x-rated and v-rated Biblical stories was most likely to reduce the guilt from the fabricators of the stories who themselves either committed or contemplated similar acts of sexual abuse and violence, or to reduce the guilt of their criminal friends and rulers. Indeed, this is a cynical view, and the Bible contains more than enough reasons to be cynical. For instance, according to the Old Testament, Lot had incest with his daughters while he was drunk (Genesis 19:30-38 ); Judah too committed incest (Genesis 38:15-30 ); David tempted and committed adultery with someone else's wife and had her husband killed (2 Samuel 11:1-27 ); David's son rapes his sister Tamar, causing interfamily conflict. (2 Samuel 13:1-34 ). See the Quran 2:59.

The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:83 And such was Our argument that We gave Abraham over his people; We raise the degree of whom We please. Your Lord is Wise, Knowledgeable.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:83 And this was Our argument68 which We vouchsafed unto Abraham against his people: [for] We do raise by degrees whom We will.69 Verily, thy Sustainer is wise, all-knowing.

Note 68
The description of Abraham's reasoning as God's own argument implies that it was divinely inspired, and is therefore valid for the followers of the Qur'an as well.

Note 69
This is evidently an allusion to Abraham's gradual grasp of the truth, symbolized by his intuitive progress from an adoration of celestial bodies - stars, moon and sun - to a full realization of God's transcendental, all-embracing existence. Alternatively, the expression "by degrees" may be taken to mean "by many degrees", signifying the great spiritual dignity to which this forerunner of a long line of prophets was ultimately raised (see 4:125).
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:83 Such was our argument, with which we supported Abraham against his people. We exalt whomever we will to higher ranks. Your Lord is Most Wise, Omniscient.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:83 This is the logic (examples of the star, the moon and the sun) that We taught Abraham against his people. We exalt people in ranks when they follow Our laws. Your Lord is Wise, All Knower.

6:84 ووهبنا له اسحق ويعقوب كلا هدينا ونوحا هدينا من قبل ومن ذريته داود وسليمن وايوب ويوسف وموسى وهرون وكذلك نجزى المحسنين

Transcription (English)
6:84 Wawahabna lahu ishaqawayaAAqooba kullan hadayna wanoohan hadaynamin qablu wamin thurriyyatihi dawooda wasulaymanawaayyooba wayoosufa wamoosa waharoona wakathalikanajzee almuhsineena
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
Prophets6:84 We granted him Isaac and Jacob, both of whom We guided; and Noah We guided from before; and from his progeny is David, Solomon, Job, Joseph, Moses, and Aaron. It is such that We reward the good doers.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:84 And We granted him Isaac and Jacob, both of whom We guided; and Noah We guided from before; and from his progeny is David, and Solomon, and Job, and Joseph, and Moses, and Aaron. It is such that We recompense the good doers.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:84 And We bestowed upon him Isaac and Jacob; and We guided each of them as We had guided Noah aforetime. And out of his offspring, [We bestowed prophethood upon] David, and Solomon, and Job, and Joseph, and Moses, and Aaron: for thus do We reward the doers of good;
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:84 And we granted him Isaac and Jacob, and we guided both of them. Similarly, we guided Noah before that, and from his descendants (we guided) David, Solomon, Job, Joseph, Moses, and Aaron. We thus reward the righteous.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:84 We gave him Isaac the son, and Jacob the grandson, and We guided them. Before Abraham, We guided Noah and from his descendants, We guided David, Solomon, Job, Joseph, Moses, and Aaron. We thus reward the benefactors of humanity.

6:85 وزكريا ويحيى وعيسى والياس كل من الصلحين

Transcription (English)
6:85 Wazakariyya wayahyawaAAeesa wailyasa kullun mina alssaliheena
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:85 And Zachariah and John, and Jesus, and Elias; all were of the reformed.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:85 And Zachariah and John, and Jesus, and Elias; all were from the upright.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:85 and [upon] Zachariah, and John, and Jesus, and Elijah: every one of them was of the righteous;
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:85 Also, Zachariah, John, Jesus, and Elias; all were righteous.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:85 And Zacharias, John the Baptist, Jesus and Elijah (Elias); all in the ranks of the righteous who fulfilled the needs of mankind.

6:86 واسمعيل واليسع ويونس ولوطا وكلا فضلنا على العلمين

Transcription (English)
6:86 Wa-ismaAAeela wailyasaAAawayoonusa walootan wakullan faddalna AAalaalAAalameena
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:86 Also Ishmael, Elisha, Jonah, and Lot; each We have distinguished over the worlds.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:86 And Ishmael and Elisha and Jonah and Lot; and each We have preferred over the worlds.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:86 and [upon] Ishmael, and Elisha, and Jonah, and Lot.70 And every one of them did We favour above other people;

Note 70
Although Lot was not a "descendant" of Abraham since he was his brother's son, his name is included here for two reasons: firstly, because he followed Abraham from his earliest youth as a son follows his father, and, secondly, because in ancient Arabian usage a paternal uncle is often described as "father" and, conversely, a nephew as "son". - For the Hebrew prophets Elijah (Ilyas) and Elisha (Al-Yasa`), see note 48 on 37:123.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:86 And Ismail, Elisha, Jonah, and Lot; each of these we distinguished over all the people.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:86 And Ishmael, Elisha (Al-Yasa’), Jonah (Yunus), and Lot (Lut). To all of them We gave distinction over people of their times.

6:87 ومن ءابائهم وذريتهم واخونهم واجتبينهم وهدينهم الى صرط مستقيم

Transcription (English)
6:87 Wamin aba-ihim wathurriyyatihimwa-ikhwanihim waijtabaynahum wahadaynahumila siratin mustaqeemin
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:87 From their fathers and their progeny and their brothers We have also chosen; and We guided them to a straight path.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:87 And from their fathers and their progeny and their brothers We have also chosen; and We guided them to a straight path.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:87 and [We exalted likewise] some of their forefathers and-their offspring and their brethren: We elected them [all], and guided them onto a straight way.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:87 From among their ancestors, their descendants, and their siblings, we chose many, and we guided them in a straight path.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:87 And We gave distinction to some of their ancestors, children and siblings and guided them to the straight path. (This verse also negates the myth of Virgin Birth, as Jesus is included among Prophets whose fathers were blessed.16

Note 16
Aaba = Fathers = Forefathers = Ancestors

6:88 ذلك هدى الله يهدى به من يشاء من عباده ولو اشركوا لحبط عنهم ما كانوا يعملون

Transcription (English)
6:88 Thalika huda Allahiyahdee bihi man yashao min AAibadihi walaw ashrakoolahabita AAanhum ma kanoo yaAAmaloona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:88 Such is the guidance of God, He guides with it whom He pleases of His servants. If they set up partners, then all that they had worked would fall away from them.18

Note 18

The Arabic text supports two meanings: (1) God guides whoever He wishes. (2) God guides whomever wishes so. It seems that both meanings are equally intended. See 57:22; 6;110; 7:30; 14:4; 42:13

The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:88 Such is the guidance of God, He guides with it whom He pleases of His servants. And if they set up partners, then all that they had worked would fall away from them.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:88 Such is God's guidance: He guides therewith whomever He wills of His servants. And had they ascribed divinity to aught beside Him-in vain, indeed, would have been all [the good] that they ever did:
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:88 Such is GOD's guidance, with which He guides whomever He chooses from among His servants. Had any of them fallen into idolatry, their works would have been nullified.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:88 This is the Guidance of God. He guides His servants according to His laws (4:88). If they had associated others with God, their actions would have been vain.

6:89 اولئك الذين ءاتينهم الكتب والحكم والنبوة فان يكفر بها هؤلاء فقد وكلنا بها قوما ليسوا بها بكفرين

Transcription (English)
6:89 Ola-ika allatheena ataynahumualkitaba waalhukma waalnnubuwwatafa-in yakfur biha haola-i faqad wakkalnabiha qawman laysoo biha bikafireena
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:89 Those to whom We have given the book, the law, and the prophethood, if they reject it, then We will entrust it to a people who will not reject it.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:89 Those to whom We have given the Book, and the law, and the prophethood, if they reject it, then We will entrust it to a people who will not reject it.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:89 [but] it was to them that We vouchsafed revelation, and sound judgment, and prophethood. And now, although the unbelievers may choose to deny these truths,71 [know that] We have entrusted them to people who will never refuse to acknowledge them-

Note 71
Lit., "if these deny them" - i.e., the manifestations of God's oneness and of the revelation of His will through the prophets.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:89 Those were the ones to whom we have given the scripture, wisdom, and prophethood. If these people disbelieve, we will substitute others in their place, and the new people will not be disbelievers.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:89 They were the ones to whom We gave the scripture, Sound Judgment and Prophethood. Now, if these people reject these truths, We have entrusted these truths to people who will not refuse to acknowledge them.

6:90 اولئك الذين هدى الله فبهدىهم اقتده قل لا اسلكم عليه اجرا ان هو الا ذكرى للعلمين

Transcription (English)
6:90 Ola-ika allatheena hadaAllahu fabihudahumu iqtadih qul la as-alukumAAalayhi ajran in huwa illa thikra lilAAalameena
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:90 These are the ones guided by God; so let their guidance be an example. Say, "I do not ask you for a wage; this is but a reminder for the worlds."
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:90 These are the ones guided by God; so let their guidance be an example. Say: "I do not ask you for any wage; this is but a reminder for the worlds."
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:90 to those whom God has guided. Follow, then, their guidance, [and] say: "No reward do I ask of you for this [truth]: behold, it is but an admonition unto all mankind!"
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:90 These are the ones guided by GOD; you shall be guided in their footsteps. Say, "I do not ask you for any wage. This is but a message for all the people.",
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:90 Those were the ones guided by God, so follow their guidance. Say, (O Messenger), “I ask of you no wage for this. This (guidance in the Qur’an) is but a Reminder to all nations.”

6:91 وما قدروا الله حق قدره اذ قالوا ما انزل الله على بشر من شىء قل من انزل الكتب الذى جاء به موسى نورا وهدى للناس تجعلونه قراطيس تبدونها وتخفون كثيرا وعلمتم ما لم تعلموا انتم ولا ءاباؤكم قل الله ثم ذرهم فى خوضهم يلعبون

Transcription (English)
6:91 Wama qadaroo Allaha haqqaqadrihi ith qaloo ma anzala AllahuAAala basharin min shay-in qul man anzala alkitabaallathee jaa bihi moosa nooran wahudan lilnnasitajAAaloonahu qarateesa tubdoonaha watukhfoonakatheeran waAAullimtum ma lam taAAlamoo antum wala abaokumquli Allahu thumma tharhum fee khawdihimyalAAaboona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
The Most Wicked People6:91 They did not value God as He deserves to be valued, for they said, "God has never sent down anything to any human being." Say, "Who then has sent down the book which Moses had come with, a light and guidance for the people? You treat it just as scrolls of paper; you show some of it and conceal much, though you were taught what neither you nor your fathers knew." Say, "God has." Then leave them playing in their folly.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:91 And they did not appreciate God as He deserves to be appreciated, for they said: "God has never sent down anything to any human being." Say: "Who then has sent down the Book which Moses had come with, a light and a guidance for the people? You treat it simply as paper for display, and you conceal much; and you were taught what neither you nor your fathers knew." Say: "God has." Then leave them playing in their folly.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:91 For, no true understanding of God have they when they say, "Never has God revealed anything unto man." Say: "Who has bestowed from on high the divine writ which Moses brought unto men as a light and a guidance, [and] which you treat as72 [mere] leaves of paper, making a show of them the while you conceal [so] much - although you have been taught [by it] what neither you nor your forefathers had ever known?"73 Say: "God [has revealed that divine writ]!" - and then leave them to play at their vain talk.

Note 72
Lit., "which you make into": but it should be remembered that the verb ja'lahu has also the abstract meaning of "he considered it to be" or "regarded it as" or "treated it as" (Jawhari, Raghib, et al.): a significance often met with in the Qur'an.

Note 73
This passage is obviously addressed to those followers of the Bible who pay lip-service to its sacred character as a revealed scripture but, in reality, treat it as "mere leaves of paper" - that is, as something that is of little consequence to their own conduct: for, although they pretend to admire the moral truths which it contains, they conceal from themselves the fact that their own lives have remained empty of those truths.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
God's Messages to the World6:91 They never valued GOD as He should be valued. Thus, they said, "GOD does not reveal anything to any human being." Say, "Who then revealed the scripture that Moses brought, with light and guidance for the people?" You put it down on paper to proclaim it, while concealing a lot of it. You were taught what you never knew - you and your parents. Say, "GOD (is the One who revealed it)," then leave them in their heedlessness, playing.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:91 People do not value God as He must be valued when they say, "God has not revealed His Message to any human being." Ask them, “Who then revealed the scripture that Moses brought, a light and guidance for people? Although you put it down on parchment which you show, but you conceal a lot. You were taught what neither you, nor your ancestors knew before.” Say, “God (revealed it).” Then leave them to enjoy their vain talk.

6:92 وهذا كتب انزلنه مبارك مصدق الذى بين يديه ولتنذر ام القرى ومن حولها والذين يؤمنون بالءاخرة يؤمنون به وهم على صلاتهم يحافظون

Transcription (English)
6:92 Wahatha kitabun anzalnahumubarakun musaddiqu allathee bayna yadayhiwalitunthira omma alqura waman hawlahawaallatheena yu/minoona bial-akhiratiyu/minoona bihi wahum AAala salatihim yuhafithoona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:92 This too is a book which We have sent down, blessed, authenticating what is before it, that you may warn the capital city and those around it. Those who acknowledge the Hereafter, will acknowledge this, and they are dedicated to their contact prayer.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:92 And this is a Book which We have sent down, blessed, authenticating what is between his hands, and that you may warn the capital of the towns and those around it. And those who believe in the Hereafter believe in it, and they maintain their contact prayer.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:92 And this, too, is a divine writ which We have bestowed from on high - blessed, confirming the truth of whatever there still remains [of earlier revelations]74 -and [this] in order that thou mayest warn the foremost of all cities and all who dwell around it.75 And those who believe in the life to come do believe in this [warning]; and it is they who are ever-mindful of their prayers.

Note 74
See surah 3, note 3.

Note 75
"The foremost of all cities" (lit., "the mother of all towns") is an epithet applied in the Qur'an to Mecca because it is the place where the first temple ever dedicated to the One God was built (cf. 3:96) and subsequently became the qiblah (direction of prayer) of all believers. The expression "all who dwell around it" denotes all mankind (Tabari, on the authority of Ibn `Abbas; Razi).
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:92 This too is a blessed scripture that we have revealed, confirming the previous scriptures, that you may warn the most important community and all those around it. Those who believe in the Hereafter will believe in this (scripture), and will observe the Contact Prayers (Salat).,7

Note 7
Today's ''most important community'' is America, where God's message is being restored. When the Quran was revealed, Mecca was the most importantcommunity.
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:92 And this (Qur’an) is a blessed Book that We have sent down, confirming the (revelations) that came before it, that you (O Prophet) may warn the Central Town (Makkah) and all around it. Those who believe in the Hereafter, believe in this (Book). And they ensure following of the Divine Commands.17

Note 17
From Makkah, the Message will fan out in all directions 6:90, 12:104, 2:101. Wa hum ‘ala salaatihim yuhaafizoon= They guard their prime commitment = They protect the Divine System that they have established. The common translation, “They guard their prayers,” makes no sense here

6:93 ومن اظلم ممن افترى على الله كذبا او قال اوحى الى ولم يوح اليه شىء ومن قال سانزل مثل ما انزل الله ولو ترى اذ الظلمون فى غمرت الموت والملئكة باسطوا ايديهم اخرجوا انفسكم اليوم تجزون عذاب الهون بما كنتم تقولون على الله غير الحق وكنتم عن ءايته تستكبرون

Transcription (English)
6:93 Waman athlamu mimmani iftaraAAala Allahi kathiban aw qala oohiyailayya walam yooha ilayhi shay-on waman qalasaonzilu mithla ma anzala Allahu walaw taraithi alththalimoona fee ghamaratialmawti waalmala-ikatu basitooaydeehim akhrijoo anfusakumu alyawma tujzawna AAathabaalhooni bima kuntum taqooloona AAala Allahighayra alhaqqi wakuntum AAan ayatihitastakbiroona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:93 Who is more wicked than one who invents lies about God, or says: "It has been inspired to me," when no such thing inspired to him; or who says: "I will bring down the same as what God has sent down." If you could only see the wicked at the moments of death when the controllers have their arms opened: "Bring yourselves out, today you will be given the disgraceful punishment for what you used to say about God without truth, and you used to be arrogant towards His signs."
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:93 And who is more wicked than he who invents lies about God, or says: "It has been inspired to me," when We did not inspire anything to him; or who says: "I will bring down the same as what God has sent down." And if you could only see the wicked at the moments of death when the angels have their arms opened: "Bring yourselves out, today you will be given the severest punishment for what you used to say about God without truth, and you used to be arrogant towards His revelations."
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:93 And who could be more wicked than he who invents a lie about God,76 or says, "This has been revealed unto me," the while nothing has been revealed to him? - or he who says, "I, too, can bestow from on high the like of what God has bestowed"?77 If thou couldst but see [how it will be] when these evildoers find themselves in the agonies of death, and the angels stretch forth their hands [and call]: "Give up your souls! Today you shall be requited with the suffering of humiliation for having attributed to God something that is not true, and for having persistently scorned His messages in your arrogance!"

Note 76
In this context, the "lie" would seem to refer to the denial, spoken of in verse 91, of the fact of divine revelation as such.

Note 77
Implying, in a sarcastic manner, that the purported revelation has in reality been composed by a human being and that, therefore, the like of it can be produced by other men.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
False Messengers Condemned6:93 Who is more evil than one who fabricates lies and attributes them to GOD, or says, "I have received divine inspiration," when no such inspiration was given to him, or says, "I can write the same as GOD's revelations?" If only you could see the transgressors at the time of death! The angels extend their hands to them, saying, "Let go of your souls. Today, you have incurred a shameful retribution for saying about GOD other than the truth, and for being too arrogant to accept His revelations.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:93 Who can be a greater wrongdoer than the one who fabricates a lie and attributes it to God, or claims receiving revelation while he has received none? Or someone who says, “I, too, can write the same as what God has revealed.” If only you could see such transgressors at the time of death! The angels extend their power to them saying, “Bring out your egos. This day you will be awarded a punishment of disgrace for speaking lies concerning God, and for being too arrogant to accept His revelations.”18

Note 18
Angels = God’s forces in nature. Yadd = Hand = Powers = Abilities. 5:38

6:94 ولقد جئتمونا فردى كما خلقنكم اول مرة وتركتم ما خولنكم وراء ظهوركم وما نرى معكم شفعاءكم الذين زعمتم انهم فيكم شركؤا لقد تقطع بينكم وضل عنكم ما كنتم تزعمون

Transcription (English)
6:94 Walaqad ji/tumoona furadakama khalaqnakum awwala marratin wataraktum makhawwalnakum waraa thuhoorikum wamanara maAAakum shufaAAaakumu allatheenazaAAamtum annahum feekum shurakao laqad taqattaAAabaynakum wadalla AAankum ma kuntum tazAAumoona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
Don't Expect to be Saved by an Intercessor6:94 "You have come to Us individually, just as We had created you the first time; and you have left behind you all that We have provided for you. We do not see your intercessors with you that you used to claim were with you in partnership; all is severed between you, and what you have claimed has abandoned you."19

Note 19

See 2:48.

The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:94 "And you have come to Us individually, just as We had created you the first time; and you have left behind you all that We have provided for you; and We do not see your intercessors with you that you used to claim were with you in partnership; all is severed between you, and what you have claimed has abandoned you."
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:94 [And God shall say:] "And now, indeed, you have come unto Us in a lonely state, even as We created you in the first instance; and you have left behind you all that We bestowed on you [in your lifetime]. And We do not see with you those intercessors of yours whom you supposed to have a share in God's divinity with regard to yourselves!78 Indeed, all the bonds between you [and your earthly life] are now severed, and all your former fancies have forsaken you!79

Note 78

Note 79
Lit., "all that you were wont to assert [or "to suppose"] has gone away from you" - i.e., all the, imaginary intercessors or mediators between man and God.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:94 "You have come back to us as individuals, just as we created you the first time, and you have left behind what we provided for you. We do not see with you the intercessors that you idolized and claimed that they will help you. All ties among you have been severed; the idols you set up have abandoned you.",
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:94 Now you have come to Us, alone just as We created you individuals, the first time. You have left behind all your possessions. We do not see with you the intercessors you idolized. Now all ties among you have been cut off and your assumptions have failed you.

6:95 ان الله فالق الحب والنوى يخرج الحى من الميت ومخرج الميت من الحى ذلكم الله فانى تؤفكون

Transcription (English)
6:95 Inna Allaha faliqu alhabbiwaalnnawa yukhriju alhayya mina almayyitiwamukhriju almayyiti mina alhayyi thalikumu Allahufaanna tu/fakoona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
The Creator, the Noble, the Subtle, the Ever-aware6:95 God is the splitter of the seeds and the grains; He brings the living out from the dead and He is the bringer of the dead out from the living. Such is God; so why are you deluded?
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:95 God is the splitter of the seeds and the grains; He brings the living out from the dead and He brings the dead out from the living. Such is God; so why are you deluded?
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:95 VERILY, God is the One who cleaves the grain and the fruit-kernel asunder, bringing forth the living out of that which is dead, and He is the One who brings forth the dead out of that which is alive. This, then, is God: and yet, how perverted are your minds!80

Note 80
See surah 5, note 90.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
Greatness of God6:95 GOD is the One who causes the grains and the seeds to crack and germinate. He produces the living from the dead, and the dead from the living. Such is GOD; how could you deviate!,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:95 God is the One Who causes the grains and the seeds to split and germinate. He produces the living from the dead, and the dead from the living. Such is God. Where are you headed in bewilderment?19

Note 19
Similar are the laws that apply to individuals and nations. They must develop their inherent potentials in order to prosper

6:96 فالق الاصباح وجعل اليل سكنا والشمس والقمر حسبانا ذلك تقدير العزيز العليم

Transcription (English)
6:96 Faliqu al-isbahiwajaAAala allayla sakanan waalshshamsa waalqamara husbananthalika taqdeeru alAAazeezi alAAaleemi
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:96 Initiator of morning. He made the night for rest, and the sun and the moon as a calculation device. Such is the measure of the Noble, the Knowledgeable.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:96 Initiator of the morning and Maker of the night to reside in; and the sun and the moon for counting. Such is the measure of the Noble, the Knowledgeable.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:96 [He is] the One who causes the dawn to break; and He has made the night to be [a source of] stillness, and the sun and the moon to run their appointed courses:81 [all] this is laid down by the will of the Almighty, the All-Knowing.

Note 81
Lit., "to be [according to] a definite reckoning".
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:96 At the crack of dawn, He causes the morning to emerge. He made the night still, and He rendered the sun and the moon to serve as calculation devices. Such is the design of the Almighty, the Omniscient.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:96 He is the Cleaver of the daybreak. He has appointed the night for stillness, (rest and tranquility) and the sun and the moon to run their well-calculated courses. They become means of calculating time for you (10:5). Such is the Design of the All-Powerful, the Knower.

6:97 وهو الذى جعل لكم النجوم لتهتدوا بها فى ظلمت البر والبحر قد فصلنا الءايت لقوم يعلمون

Transcription (English)
6:97 Wahuwa allathee jaAAala lakumu alnnujoomalitahtadoo biha fee thulumati albarriwaalbahri qad fassalna al-ayatiliqawmin yaAAlamoona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:97 He is the One who made for you the stars, to guide you by them in the darkness of the land and the sea. We have explained the signs to a people who know.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:97 And He is the One who made for you the stars, to guide you by them in the darkness of the land and the sea. We have explained the signs to a people who know.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:97 And He it is who has set up for you the stars so that you might be guided by them in the midst of the deep darkness of land and sea: clearly, indeed, have We spelled out these messages unto people of [innate] knowledge!
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:97 And He is the One who made the stars to guide you during the darkness, on land and on sea. We thus clarify the revelations for people who know.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:97 He is the One Who has made the stars to guide you through the darkness of the land and the sea. (And they never fail to guide you 21:33, 36:40.) We have scattered Our signs throughout the Universe for people who use their knowledge.

6:98 وهو الذى انشاكم من نفس وحدة فمستقر ومستودع قد فصلنا الءايت لقوم يفقهون

Transcription (English)
6:98 Wahuwa allathee anshaakum min nafsinwahidatin famustaqarrun wamustawdaAAun qad fassalnaal-ayati liqawmin yafqahoona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:98 He is the One who initiated you from one person; secured and reposited. We have explained the signs to a people who comprehend.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:98 And He is the One who initiated you from one person; with a place for stability and development. We have explained the signs to a people who understand.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:98 And He it is who has brought you [all] into being out of one living entity,82 and [has appointed for each of you] a time-limit [on earth] and a resting-place [after death] :83 clearly, indeed, have We spelled out these messages unto people who can grasp the truth!

Note 82
See surah 4, note 1.

Note 83
The commentators differ widely as to the meaning of the terms mustaqarr and mustawda` in this context. However, taking into account the primary meaning of musstagarr as "the limit of a course"-i.e., the point at which a thing reaches its fulfilment or end-and of mustawda` as "a place of consignment" or "repository", we arrive at the rendering adopted by me above. This rendering finds, moreover, strong support in 11:6, where God is spoken of as providing sustenance for every living being and knowing "its time-limit [on earth] and its resting-place [after death]" (mustagarraha wa-mustawda'aha), as well as in verse 67 of the present surah, where mustaqarr is used in the sense of "a term set for the fulfilment [of God's tiding]".
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:98 He initiated you from one person, and decided your path, as well as your final destiny. We thus clarify the revelations for people who understand.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:98 And He is the One Who initiated you from a single life cell. Then in the process of evolution He appointed stages, from one station to the next destination. (Thus goes on the journey of life.) We explain Our messages for people who use their insight. [11:6]

6:99 وهو الذى انزل من السماء ماء فاخرجنا به نبات كل شىء فاخرجنا منه خضرا نخرج منه حبا متراكبا ومن النخل من طلعها قنوان دانية وجنت من اعناب والزيتون والرمان مشتبها وغير متشبه انظروا الى ثمره اذا اثمر وينعه ان فى ذلكم لءايت لقوم يؤمنون

Transcription (English)
6:99 Wahuwa allathee anzala mina alssama-imaan faakhrajna bihi nabata kulli shay-infaakhrajna minhu khadiran nukhriju minhu habbanmutarakiban wamina alnnakhli min talAAihaqinwanun daniyatun wajannatin min aAAnabinwaalzzaytoona waalrrummana mushtabihanwaghayra mutashabihin onthuroo ilathamarihi itha athmara wayanAAihi inna fee thalikumlaayatin liqawmin yu/minoona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:99 He is the One who sent down water from the sky, and We brought out with it plants of every kind. We brought out from it the green, from which We bring out multiple seeds; and what is from the palm trees, from its sheaths hanging low and near; and gardens of grapes, olives and pomegranates, similar and not similar. Look at its fruit when it blossoms and its ripeness. In this are signs for a people that acknowledge.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:99 And He is the One who sent down water from the heaven, and We brought out with it plants of every kind. We brought out from it the green, from which We bring out multiple seeds; and what is from the palm trees, from its sheaths hanging low and near; and gardens of grapes and olives and pomegranates, similar and not similar. Look at its fruit when it blossoms and its ripeness. In this are signs for a people who believe.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:99 And He it is who has caused waters to come down from the sky; and by this means have We brought forth all living growth, and out of this have We brought forth verdure.84 Out of this do We bring forth close-growing grain; and out of the spathe of the palm tree, dates in thick clusters; and gardens of vines, and the olive tree, and the pomegranate: [all] so alike, and yet so different!85 Behold their fruit when it comes to fruition and ripens! Verily, in all this there are messages indeed for people who will believe!

Note 84
In contrast with its sequence, which is governed by the present tense, the whole of the above sentence is expressed in the past tense-thus indicating, obliquely, the original, basic aspect of God's creating life "out of water" (cf. 21:30 and the corresponding note 39).

Note 85
I.e., all so alike in the basic principles of their life and growth, and yet so different in physiology, appearance and taste.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:99 He is the One who sends down from the sky water, whereby we produce all kinds of plants. We produce from the green material multitudes of complex grains, palm trees with hanging clusters, and gardens of grapes, olives and pomegranate; fruits that are similar, yet dissimilar. Note their fruits as they grow and ripen. These are signs for people who believe.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:99 (He took care of your provision even before you were created.) He is the One Who sends down water from the heights. With it We produce vegetation of all kind; green multitudes, complex grains, palm trees, from their pollens spring pendant clusters, and gardens of grapes, olives and pomegranate; fruits that are similar and diverse. Look upon the fruit thereof and look upon its ripening. These are signs for those who reach conviction through reason.

6:100 وجعلوا لله شركاء الجن وخلقهم وخرقوا له بنين وبنت بغير علم سبحنه وتعلى عما يصفون

Transcription (English)
6:100 WajaAAaloo lillahi shurakaaaljinna wakhalaqahum wakharaqoo lahu baneena wabanatinbighayri AAilmin subhanahu wataAAala AAammayasifoona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
No appreciation of God6:100 Yet, they made partners with God from among the Jinn, while He had created them. They invented for Him sons and daughters without having any knowledge! Be He glorified and far above what they describe.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:100 And they set up partners with God from among the Jinn, while He had created them. And they invented for Him sons and daughters without them having any knowledge! Be He glorified and exalted above what they describe.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:100 And yet, some [people] have come to attribute to all manner of invisible beings86 a place side by side with God - although it is He who has created them [all]; and in their ignorance they have invented for Him sons and daughters!87 Limitless is He is His glory, and sublimely exalted above anything that men may devise by way of definition:88

Note 86
The plural noun jinn (popularly, but incorrectly, taken to denote "genii" or "demons") is derived from the verb janna, "he was (or "became"] concealed" or "veiled from sight"; thus, the veiling darkness of night is called jinn (Jawhari). According to Arab philologists, the term jinn signifies, primarily, "beings that are concealed from [man's] senses" (Qamus, Lisan al-'Arab, Raghib), and is thus applicable to all kinds of invisible beings or forces. For a further discussion of this term and of its wider implications, see Appendix III.

Note 87
Lit., "they have invented for Him [or "falsely attributed to Him'"] sons and daughters without [having any] knowledge": a reference to the beliefs of the pre-Islamic Arabs who regarded the angels as "God's daughters" (a designation which they also applied to certain of their goddesses), as well as to the Christian view of Jesus as "the son of God". See also 19:92 and the corresponding note 77.

Note 88
I.e., utterly remote is He from all imperfection and from the incompleteness which is implied in the concept of having progeny. The very concept of "definition" implies the possibility of a comparison or correlation of an object with other objects; God, however, is unique, there being "nothing like unto Him" (42:11) and, therefore, "nothing that could be compared with Him" (112:4) - with the result that any attempt at defining Him or His "attributes" is a logical impossibility and, from the ethical point of view, a sin. The fact that He is un-definable makes it clear that the "attributes" (sifat) of God mentioned in the Qur'an do not circumscribe His reality but, rather, the perceptible effect of His activity on and within the universe created by Him.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:100 Yet, they set up beside GOD idols from among the jinns, though He is the One who created them. They even attribute to Him sons and daughters, without any knowledge. Be He glorified. He is the Most High, far above their claims.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:100 Yet, there are those who believe in the existence of invisible beings with Divine powers although He is the One Who created them. They even assign to Him sons and daughters, without any knowledge. Be He Glorified! He is Exalted far above all that they attribute to Him.20

Note 20
Jinn = Nomads = The mythical invisible creatures with occult powers. For details, see introduction to Surah 72, Al-Jinn

6:101 بديع السموت والارض انى يكون له ولد ولم تكن له صحبة وخلق كل شىء وهو بكل شىء عليم

Transcription (English)
6:101 BadeeAAu alssamawatiwaal-ardi anna yakoonu lahu waladun walamtakun lahu sahibatun wakhalaqa kulla shay-in wahuwabikulli shay-in AAaleemun
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:101 Originator of the heavens and the earth, how can He have a son when He did not take a wife? He created all things and He is knowledgeable over all things.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:101 Originator of the heavens and the earth, how can He have a son when He did not take a wife? And He created all things and He is knowledgeable in all things.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:101 the Originator of the heavens and the earth! How could it be that He should have a child without there ever having been a mate for Him - since it is He who has created everything, and He alone knows everything?
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:101 The Initiator of the heavens and the earth. How can He have a son, when He never had a mate? He created all things, and He is fully aware of all things.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:101 Wonderful Originator of the heavens and earth; how can He have a son when He never chose for Himself a (Sahebah) mate? He creates all things (and does not procreate 112:3.) and He is the Profound Knower of all things and events.21

Note 21
So, how could Mary have a son without a mate? God never changes His laws operative in the Universe. Amazingly, three of the four gospels mention Joseph the Carpenter as the father of Jesus

6:102 ذلكم الله ربكم لا اله الا هو خلق كل شىء فاعبدوه وهو على كل شىء وكيل

Transcription (English)
6:102 Thalikumu Allahu rabbukum lailaha illa huwa khaliqu kulli shay-in faoAAbudoohuwahuwa AAala kulli shay-in wakeelun
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:102 Such is God, your Lord, there is no god but He; creator of all things, so serve Him. He is caretaker over all things.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:102 Such is God, your Lord, there is no god except He; creator of all things, so serve Him. And He is Caretaker over all things.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:102 Such is God, your Sustainer: there is no deity save Him, the Creator of everything: worship, then, Him alone -for it is He who has everything in His care.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
God6:102 Such is GOD your Lord, there is no god except He, the Creator of all things. You shall worship Him alone. He is in control of all things.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:102 Such is God, your Lord. There is no god but He. No one is worthy of worship and obedience but He, the Creator of all things. So, obey Him! He is the Guardian of all and takes care of every thing.

6:103 لا تدركه الابصر وهو يدرك الابصر وهو اللطيف الخبير

Transcription (English)
6:103 La tudrikuhu al-absaru wahuwayudriku al-absara wahuwa allateefu alkhabeeru
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:103 The eyesight cannot reach Him, yet He can reach all eyesight; and He is the Subtle, the Ever-aware.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:103 The eyesight cannot reach Him, yet He can reach all eyesight; and He is the Subtle, the Expert.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:103 No human vision can encompass Him, whereas He encompasses all human vision: for He alone is unfathomable, all-aware.89

Note 89
The term latif denotes something that is extremely subtle in quality, and therefore intangible and unfathomable. Whenever this term occurs in the Qur'an with reference to God in conjunction with the adjective khabir ("all-aware"), it is invariably used to express the idea of His inaccessibility to human perception, imagination or comprehension, as Contrasted with His Own all-awareness (see, apart from the above verse, also 22:63, 31:16, 33:34 and 67:14). In the two instances where the combination of latif and khabir carries the definite article al ( and 67:14), the expression huwa 'l-latif has the meaning of "He alone is unfathomable"-implying that this quality of His is unique and absolute.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:103 No visions can encompass Him, but He encompasses all visions. He is the Compassionate, the Cognizant.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:103 No vision can grasp Him while He grasps all vision. He is Unfathomable, Aware.

6:104 قد جاءكم بصائر من ربكم فمن ابصر فلنفسه ومن عمى فعليها وما انا عليكم بحفيظ

Transcription (English)
6:104 Qad jaakum basa-iru minrabbikum faman absara falinafsihi waman AAamiya faAAalayhawama ana AAalaykum bihafeethin
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:104 "Visible proofs have come to you from your Lord; so whoever can see, does so for himself, and whoever is blinded, does the same. I am not a guardian over you."
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:104 "Visible proofs have come to you from your Lord; so whoever can see, does so for himself, and whoever is blinded, will be such. I am not a watcher over you."
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:104 Means of insight have now come unto you from your Sustainer [through this divine writ]. Whoever, therefore, chooses to see, does so for his own good; and whoever chooses to remain blind, does so to his own hurt. And [say unto the blind of heart]: "I am not your keeper."
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:104 Enlightenments have come to you from your Lord. As for those who can see, they do so for their own good, and those who turn blind, do so to their own detriment. I am not your guardian.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:104 (You are not expected to know His Essence.) Say (O Prophet), “The manifest Enlightenment has come to you from your Lord. Whoever sees the truth, does so for his own good. And whoever turns blind, hurts himself. I am not your keeper or guardian.”

6:105 وكذلك نصرف الءايت وليقولوا درست ولنبينه لقوم يعلمون

Transcription (English)
6:105 Wakathalika nusarrifu al-ayatiwaliyaqooloo darasta walinubayyinahu liqawmin yaAAlamoona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:105 It is thus that We cite the signs and that they may say, "You have studied," and We will make it clear for a people who know.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:105 It is thus that We dispatch the signs and that they may say: "You have studied," and We will make it clear for a people who know.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:105 And thus do We give many facets to Our messages. And to the end that they might say, "Thou hast taken [all this] well to heart,"90 and that We might make it clear unto people of [innate] knowledge,

Note 90
Lit., "thou hast learned [it well]"-i.e., God's message.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:105 We thus explain the revelations, to prove that you have received knowledge, and to clarify them for people who know.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:105 Thus We give many facets to Our verses so that they may admit that you (O Prophet) have taken all this to heart in the most excellent manner. And (through this method ofTasreef) We make it clear to people who use what they learn.

6:106 اتبع ما اوحى اليك من ربك لا اله الا هو واعرض عن المشركين

Transcription (English)
6:106 IttabiAA ma oohiya ilayka minrabbika la ilaha illa huwa waaAAridAAani almushrikeena
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:106 Follow what is inspired to you from your Lord; there is no god but He, and turn away from those who have set up partners.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:106 Follow what is inspired to you from your Lord; there is no god except He, and turn away from the polytheists.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:106 follow thou what has been revealed unto thee by thy Sustainer - save whom there is no deity - and turn thy back upon all who ascribe divinity to aught beside Him.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:106 Follow what is revealed to you from your Lord, there is no god except He, and disregard the idol worshipers.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:106 Follow what is revealed to you from your Lord. There is no god but He. And disregard those who associate others with Him. [21:20-22, 29:61-63]

6:107 ولو شاء الله ما اشركوا وما جعلنك عليهم حفيظا وما انت عليهم بوكيل

Transcription (English)
6:107 Walaw shaa Allahu maashrakoo wama jaAAalnaka AAalayhim hafeethanwama anta AAalayhim biwakeelin
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:107 If God had willed, they would not have set up partners. We did not place you over them as a guardian, nor are you their lawyer.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:107 And if God had willed, they would not have set up partners. And We did not place you over them as a guardian, nor are you over them as a sponsor.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:107 Yet if God had so willed, they would not have ascribed divinity to aught beside Him;91 hence, We have not made thee their keeper, and neither art thou responsible for their conduct.

Note 91
Le., no mortal has it in his power to cause another person to believe unless God graces that person with His guidance.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:107 Had GOD willed, they would not have worshipped idols. We did not appoint you as their guardian, nor are you their advocate.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:107 We could have created all people without free will and they would then not associate any partners with Him. (But guidance has been distinguished from straying 2:256.) And We have not appointed you as their guardian, nor are you responsible for them.

6:108 ولا تسبوا الذين يدعون من دون الله فيسبوا الله عدوا بغير علم كذلك زينا لكل امة عملهم ثم الى ربهم مرجعهم فينبئهم بما كانوا يعملون

Transcription (English)
6:108 Wala tasubboo allatheenayadAAoona min dooni Allahi fayasubboo AllahaAAadwan bighayri AAilmin kathalika zayyanna likulliommatin AAamalahum thumma ila rabbihim marjiAAuhumfayunabbi-ohum bima kanoo yaAAmaloona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
Do not Provoke the Ignorant People6:108 Do not insult those whom they invoke other than God, lest they insult God without knowledge. We have similarly adorned for every nation their works; then to their Lord is their return and He will inform them of what they had done.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:108 And do not insult those who call on other than God, lest they insult God out of ignorance. And We have similarly adorned for every nation their works; then to their Lord is their return and He will inform them of what they had done.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:108 But do not revile those [beings] whom they invoke instead of God,92 lest they revile God out of spite, and in ignorance: for, goodly indeed have We made their own doings appear unto every community93 In time, [however,] unto their Sustainer they must return: and then He will make them [truly] understand all that they were doing.

Note 92
This prohibition of reviling anything that other people hold sacred - even in contravention of the principle of God's oneness - is expressed in the plural and is, therefore, addressed to all believers. Thus, while Muslims are expected to argue against the false beliefs of others, they are not allowed to abuse the objects of those beliefs and to hurt thereby the feelings of their erring fellow-men.

Note 93
Lit., "thus goodly have We made...", etc., implying that it is in the nature of man to regard the beliefs which have been implanted in him from childhood, and which he now shares with his social environment, as the only true and possible ones - with the result that a polemic against those beliefs often tends to provoke a hostile psychological reaction.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:108 Do not curse the idols they set up beside GOD, lest they blaspheme and curse GOD, out of ignorance. We have adorned the works of every group in their eyes. Ultimately, they return to their Lord, then He informs them of everything they had done.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:108 (O Believers) Do not insult the idols they set up besides God. They might insult God in their ignorance and hurt themselves. To every community We have made their deeds seem fair. Then to their Lord is their return and He will explain to them exactly what they used to do.

6:109 واقسموا بالله جهد ايمنهم لئن جاءتهم ءاية ليؤمنن بها قل انما الءايت عند الله وما يشعركم انها اذا جاءت لا يؤمنون

Transcription (English)
6:109 Waaqsamoo biAllahi jahda aymanihimla-in jaat-hum ayatun layu/minunna biha qulinnama al-ayatu AAinda Allahi wamayushAAirukum annaha itha jaat layu/minoona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
Bigotry and Prejudice Deprive From Witnessing God's Signs6:109 They swore by God using their strongest oaths; that if a sign came to them they would acknowledge it. Say, "The signs are from God; and how do you know that once it comes, that they would not reject?"
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:109 And they swore by God using their strongest oaths; that if a sign came to them they would believe in it. Say: "The signs are from God; and how do you know that once it comes, that they will not disbelieve?"
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:109 Now they swear by God with their most solemn oaths that if a miracle were shown to them, they would indeed believe in this [divine writ]. Say: "Miracles are in the power of God alone."94 And for all you know, even if one should be shown to them, they would not believe

Note 94
Lit., "Miracles are only with God." It is to be noted that the Qur'anic term ayah denotes not only a "miracle" (in the sense of a happening that goes beyond the usual-that is, commonly observable-course of nature), but also a "sign" or "message": and the last-mentioned significance is the one which is by far the most frequently- met with in the Qur'an. Thus, what is commonly described as a "miracle" constitutes, in fact, an unusual message from God, indicating sometimes in a symbolic manner - a spiritual truth which would otherwise have remained hidden from man's intellect. But even such extraordinary, "miraculous" messages cannot be regarded as "supernatural": for the so-called "laws of nature" are only a perceptible manifestation of "God's way" (sunnat Allah) in respect of His creation-and, consequently, everything that exists and happens, or could conceivably exist or happen, is "natural" in the innermost sense of this word, irrespective of whether it conforms to the ordinary course of events or goes beyond it. Now since the extraordinary messages referred to manifest themselves, as a rule, through the instrumentality of those specially gifted and divinely elected personalities known as "prophets", these are sometimes spoken of as "performing miracles" - a misconception which the Qur'an removes by the words, "Miracles are in the power of God alone". (See also 17:59 and the corresponding note.)
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:109 They swore by GOD, solemnly, that if a miracle came to them, they would surely believe. Say, "Miracles come only from GOD." For all you know, if a miracle did come to them, they would continue to disbelieve.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:109 They swear by God that if a miracle comes to them, they would believe in it (the Book). Say, “All miracles are with God (if you reflect on the Universe). What can make you understand that even if a physical miracle came to them, they would find other excuses and still not believe?

6:110 ونقلب افدتهم وابصرهم كما لم يؤمنوا به اول مرة ونذرهم فى طغينهم يعمهون

Transcription (English)
6:110 Wanuqallibu af-idatahum waabsarahumkama lam yu/minoo bihi awwala marratin wanatharuhumfee tughyanihim yaAAmahoona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:110 We divert their hearts and eyesight, as they did not acknowledge it the first time; and We leave them wandering in their transgression.20

Note 20

Individuals makes their initial decision with the freedom of choice given to them (18:29) and God leads them according to their choice. Those who have decided deep in their minds to reject God's signs/miracles with prejudice, will not see, witness, acknowledge, or appreciate those signs/miracles (7:146). These people label the divine signs and miracles as "myth" or "illusion/magic" (6:7). To witness a 3-D stereogram made with computer generated random dots, one needs to have an open mind, open both his eyes, and follow certain rules. Recent studies by Mahzarin Banaji Anthony Greenwald and other scientists using Implicit Association Test, or IAT show that our unconscious attitudes create strong biases. Bruce Bower, in April 22, 2006 issue of Science News described these hidden biases with the following statements: "It lurks in the mind's dark basement, secretly shaping our opinions, attitudes, and stereotypes. This devious manipulator does its best to twist our behavior to its nefarious end. Its stock in trade: stirring up racial prejudice and a host of other pernicious preconceptions about members of various groups. Upstairs, our conscious mind ignores this pushy cellar dweller and assumes that we're decent folk whose actions usually reflect good intentions." Inductive reasoning, which creates stereotyping or generalization is an important tool for our survival. Occasionally we need to react fast in events when we sense risk to our lives or well-being. However, the quick retrieval of stored conclusions of inductive reasoning, has also the chance to be wrong. Thus, when we have more than few seconds to reflect, to reach an accurate or beneficial judgment it is always important to examine our biases. To overcome against this stealthy prejudice, the Quran recommends us to engage in self-examination, critical thinking, and deliberate and constant struggle to be open-minded (53:33; 54:43; 17:36; 39:18).

The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:110 And We divert their hearts and eyesight, as they did not believe in it the first time; and We leave them wandering in their transgression.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:110 so long as We keep their hearts and their eyes turned [away from the truth],95 even as they did not believe in it in the first instance: and [so] We shall leave them in their overweening arrogance, blindly stumbling to and fro.

Note 95
Le., so long as they remain blind to the truth in consequence of their unwillingness to acknowledge it - and this in accordance with the law of cause and effect which God has imposed on His creation (see surah 2, note 7).
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:110 We control their minds and their hearts. Thus, since their decision is to disbelieve, we leave them in their transgressions, blundering.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:110 Our law keeps their hearts and their eyes turned away from the truth. Since they have preemptively rejected it (the Qur’an), We let them wander blindly in their rebellious attitude.

6:111 ولو اننا نزلنا اليهم الملئكة وكلمهم الموتى وحشرنا عليهم كل شىء قبلا ما كانوا ليؤمنوا الا ان يشاء الله ولكن اكثرهم يجهلون

Transcription (English)
6:111 Walaw annana nazzalnailayhimu almala-ikata wakallamahumu almawta wahasharnaAAalayhim kulla shay-in qubulan ma kanoo liyu/minooilla an yashaa Allahu walakinnaaktharahum yajhaloona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:111 If We had sent down to them the controllers, and the dead spoke to them, and We had gathered before them everything, they still would not acknowledge except if God wills. But most of them are ignorant.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:111 And if We had sent down to them the angels, and the dead spoke to them, and We had gathered before them everything, they still would not believe except if God wills. Alas, most of them are ignorant.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:111 And even if We were to send down angels unto them, and if the dead were to speak unto them96 and [even if] We were to assemble before them, face to face, all the things [that can prove the truth], they would still not believe unless God so willed97 But [of this] most of them are entirely unaware.

Note 96
Sc., of the fact that there is life after death.

Note 97
See note 95 above.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
A Consequence of Their Own Decision6:111 Even if we sent down the angels to them; even if the dead spoke to them; even if we summoned every miracle before them; they cannot believe unless GOD wills it. Indeed, most of them are ignorant.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:111 Even if We caused the angels to descend to them, and the dead to speak to them, and lined up all the miracles before them, they would not believe. People can be guided only according to God’s laws, but most of them choose the way of ignorance.

6:112 وكذلك جعلنا لكل نبى عدوا شيطين الانس والجن يوحى بعضهم الى بعض زخرف القول غرورا ولو شاء ربك ما فعلوه فذرهم وما يفترون

Transcription (English)
6:112 Wakathalika jaAAalna likullinabiyyin AAaduwwan shayateena al-insi waaljinni yooheebaAAduhum ila baAAdin zukhrufa alqawlighurooran walaw shaa rabbuka ma faAAaloohu fatharhumwama yaftaroona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
Hadith: Satanic Inspiration6:112 We have permitted the enemies of every prophet, human and Jinn devils, to inspire in each other fancy words in order to deceive. Had your Lord willed, they would not have done it. You shall disregard them and their fabrications.21

Note 21

None who acknowledges the reality of life after death would be attracted to the fancy words presented as divine inspiration or revelation. Those who idolized (J)esu(s), a human messenger, by alleging him to be literally the "son of God," are in fact, his ardent enemies. Comparing the hearsay stories in Hadith books with the precepts in the Quran, we can see why and how their narrators and collectors were indeed the enemies of Muhammed, another human messenger and servant of God.

The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:112 And as such, We have permitted the enemies of every prophet mankind and Jinn devils to inspire each other with fancy words in order to deceive. Had your Lord willed, they would not have done it. You shall disregard them and their fabrications.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:112 AND THUS it is that against every prophet We have set up as enemies the evil forces from among humans as well as from among invisible beings that whisper unto one another glittering half-truths meant to delude the mind98 But they could not do this unless thy Sustainer had so willed: stand, therefore, aloof from them and from all their false imagery!

Note 98
Lit., "embellished speech" or "varnished falsehood" (Lane Ill, 1223 - oy way of delusion" - i.e., half-truths which entice man by their deceptive attractiveness and cause him to overlook all real spiritual values (see also 25:30). - Regarding my rendering of jinn as "invisible beings", see note 86 above and Appendix III. The term shayatin (lit., "satans"), on the other hand, is often used in the Qur'an in the sense of evil forces inherent in man as well as in the spiritual world (cf. 2:14, and the corresponding note). According to several well-authenticated Traditions, quoted by Tabari, the Prophet was asked, "Are there satans from among men?" -and he replied, "Yes, and they are more evil than the satans from among the invisible beings (al-jinn). Thus, the meaning of the above verse is that every prophet has had to contend against the spiritual - and often physical-enmity of the evil ones who, for whatever reason, refuse to listen to the voice of truth and try to lead others astray.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
Hadith & Sunna: Fabrications by the Prophet's Enemies6:112 We have permitted the enemies of every prophet - human and jinn devils - to inspire in each other fancy words, in order to deceive. Had your Lord willed, they would not have done it. You shall disregard them and their fabrications.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:112 Remember, We have appointed to every Prophet enemies. The rebellious among the urban and the rural populations rose in opposition (since the Message struck at their personal interests.) They plotted and inspired each other with fancy words. If your Lord willed, they would not do that. Disregard them and whatever they fabricate.

6:113 ولتصغى اليه افدة الذين لا يؤمنون بالءاخرة وليرضوه وليقترفوا ما هم مقترفون

Transcription (English)
6:113 Walitasgha ilayhi af-idatuallatheena la yu/minoona bial-akhiratiwaliyardawhu waliyaqtarifoo ma hum muqtarifoona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:113 That is so the hearts of those who do not acknowledge the Hereafter will listen to it, and they will accept it, and they will take of it what they will.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:113 That is so the hearts of those who do not believe in the Hereafter will listen to it, and they will accept it, and they will take of it what they will.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:113 Yet, to the end that the hearts of those who do not believe in the life to come might incline towards Him, and that in Him they might find contentment, and that they might earn whatever they can earn [of merit] -
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
Important Criterion6:113 This is to let the minds of those who do not believe in the Hereafter listen to such fabrications, and accept them, and thus expose their real convictions.,8 9

Note 8
Upholding any source beside the Quran reflects disbelief in the Quran (Appendix 18).

Note 9
The Quran provides criteria that tell us whether we truly believe in the Hereafter or merely give it lip service.These important criteria are stated here and in17:45-46and39:45.
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:113 Those who love quick gains and neglect the long-term benefits and the Hereafter, are parties to such fabrications. Let them delight in it and let them earn from it what they may.

6:114 افغير الله ابتغى حكما وهو الذى انزل اليكم الكتب مفصلا والذين ءاتينهم الكتب يعلمون انه منزل من ربك بالحق فلا تكونن من الممترين

Transcription (English)
6:114 Afaghayra Allahi abtaghee hakamanwahuwa allathee anzala ilaykumu alkitaba mufassalanwaallatheena ataynahumu alkitabayaAAlamoona annahu munazzalun min rabbika bialhaqqifala takoonanna mina almumtareena
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:114 "Shall I seek other than God as a judge when He has sent down to you this book sufficiently detailed?" Those to whom We have given the book know it is sent down from your Lord with truth; so do not be of those who have doubt.22

Note 22

Knowing that the enemies of Jesus fabricated the doctrine of the Trinity and associated him as a partner with One God by creating multiple personalities for God, similarly those who gave lip service to islam also fabricated hadith books and associated Muhammed as partner with God in His judgment. The Quran informs us about many ways of setting up partners with God, or polytheism. A careful reader will notice that the verses quoted above reject all the major excuses used by the proponents of hadith and sunna. These verses describe the adherents of fancy hadiths with the following qualities:

Despite their lip service, they do not appreciate God's signs/miracles (We have witnessed a modern example of this lack of appreciation regarding the prophetic fulfillment of the number 19 mentioned in chapter 74).

Most of them are ignorant, blind followers.

They tell each other fancy hadiths presenting them as divine inspiration or revelation.

The hadiths that they are narrating to each other are fabrications.

Despite their lip service, they do not appreciate the hereafter.

They seek Muhammed and other idols as partners with God's judgment regarding islam.

They do not accept that the Quran is sufficiently detailed.

They do not accept that that God's word is complete.

They put too much confidence in the numbers of those who follow their sect; they follow the crowd.

They follow conjecture.

See 17:39; 33:38; 49:1

The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:114 "Shall I seek other than God as a judge when He has sent down to you the Book fully detailed?" Those to whom We have given the Book know it is sent down from your Lord with the truth; so do not be of those who have doubt.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:114 [say thou:] "Am I, then, to look unto anyone but God for judgment99 [as to what is right and wrong], when it is He who has bestowed upon you from on high this divine writ, clearly spelling out the truth?"100 And those unto whom We have vouchsafed revelation aforetime know that this one, too, has been bestowed from on high, step by step, by thy Sustainer.101 Be not, then, among the doubters-

Note 99
Lit., "to seek a judge other than God".

Note 100
The expression mufassalan could also be rendered as "in a manner that brings out the distinction (fasl) between truth and falsehood" (Zamakhshari). The use of the plural "you" indicates that the divine writ is addressed to all who may come to know it.

Note 101
See 2:146, and the corresponding note. The pronoun "it" may refer either to- the earlier divine writ-the Bible-and to its prediction of the advent of a prophet descended from Abraham, or, more probably, to the Qur'an: in which case it must be rendered as "this one, too". In either case, the above phrase seems to allude to the instinctive (perhaps only subconscious) awareness of some of the followers of the Bible that the Qur'an is, in truth, an outcome of divine revelation.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
Quran: Fully Detailed6:114 Shall I seek other than GOD as a source of law, when He has revealed to you this book fully detailed?* Those who received the scripture recognize that it has been revealed from your Lord, truthfully. You shall not harbor any doubt.*,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:114 Say, “Shall I seek for Judge and Ruler someone other than God? He is the One Who has revealed this Book, well expounded in detail for you.” Those whom We have given the Book know that this is revealed in truth from your Lord. Be not among those who argue for the sake of argument.

6:115 وتمت كلمت ربك صدقا وعدلا لا مبدل لكلمته وهو السميع العليم

Transcription (English)
6:115 Watammat kalimatu rabbika sidqanwaAAadlan la mubaddila likalimatihi wahuwa alssameeAAualAAaleemu
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:115 The word of your Lord has been completed with truth and justice; there is no changing His words. He is the Hearer, the Knower.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:115 And the word of your Lord has been completed with truth and justice; there is no changing His words. He is the Hearer, the Knower.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:115 for, truly and justly has thy Sustainer's promise been fulfilled.102 There is no power that could alter [the fulfilment of] His promises: and He alone is all-hearing, all-knowing.

Note 102
When related to God, the term kalimah (lit., "word") is often used in the Qur'an in the sense of "promise". In this instance it obviously refers to the Biblical promise (Deuteronomy xviii, 15 and 18) that God would raise up a prophet "like unto Moses" among the Arabs (see surah 2, note 33).
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:115 The word of your Lord is complete, in truth and justice. Nothing shall abrogate His words. He is the Hearer, the Omniscient.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:115 Perfected is the Word of your Lord in truth and justice. None can change His Words. He is the Profound Hearer, the Knower. [6:34, 6:115, 10:64, 17:77, 18:27, 33:38, 33:62, 40:85, 48:23]

6:116 وان تطع اكثر من فى الارض يضلوك عن سبيل الله ان يتبعون الا الظن وان هم الا يخرصون

Transcription (English)
6:116 Wa-in tutiAA akthara man fee al-ardiyudillooka AAan sabeeli Allahi in yattabiAAoona illaalththanna wa-in hum illa yakhrusoona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:116 If you obey the majority of those on earth they will lead you away from God's path; that is because they follow conjecture, and that is because they only guess.*
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:116 And if you obey most of those on the earth they will lead you away from the path of God; that is because they follow conjecture, and that is because they only guess.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:116 Now if thou pay heed unto the majority of those [who live] on earth, they will but lead thee astray from the path of God: they follow but [other people's] conjectures, and they themselves do nothing but guess.103

Note 103
Le., regarding the true nature of human life and its ultimate destiny, the problem of revelation, the relationship between God and man, the meaning of good and evil, etc. Apart from leading man astray from spiritual truths, such guesswork gives rise to the arbitrary rules of conduct and self-imposed inhibitions to which the Qur'an alludes, by way of example, in verses 118 and 119.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:116 If you obey the majority of people on earth, they will divert you from the path of GOD. They follow only conjecture; they only guess.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:116 (People will confront you with what the majority is doing.) Now if you pay heed to, or get intimidated by majority of those who live on earth, they will lead you astray from God’s way. Most of the people follow nothing but conjecture and they only live by guesswork.

6:117 ان ربك هو اعلم من يضل عن سبيله وهو اعلم بالمهتدين

Transcription (English)
6:117 Inna rabbaka huwa aAAlamu man yadilluAAan sabeelihi wahuwa aAAlamu bialmuhtadeena
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:117 Your Lord is fully aware of who strays from His path, and He is fully aware of the guided ones.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:117 Your Lord is fully aware of who strays from His path, and He is fully aware of the guided ones.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:117 Verily, thy Sustainer knows best as to who strays from His path, and best knows He as to who are the right-guided.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:117 Your Lord is fully aware of those who stray off His path, and He is fully aware of those who are guided.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:117 Only your Lord (shows the right path and) knows best those who stray and those who are rightly guided.

6:118 فكلوا مما ذكر اسم الله عليه ان كنتم بايته مؤمنين

Transcription (English)
6:118 Fakuloo mimma thukira ismuAllahi AAalayhi in kuntum bi-ayatihimu/mineena
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
Dietary Prohibitions6:118 So eat from that on which God's name has been mentioned, if you indeed acknowledge His signs.23

Note 23

One of the common characteristics of those who associate religious leaders as partners with God is to prohibit things that God has not prohibited. Thus, the description of mushriks (polytheists) starting from 6:112, continues with a specific example until 6:155. The followers of the same mushriks might deceive themselves by assuming that those verses have no application in our times; that they were about some people who lived and perished 15 centuries ago! They ignore the warning of the Quran (36:70).

The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:118 So eat from that on which the name of God has been mentioned, if you indeed believe in His revelations.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:118 EAT, then, of that over which God's name has been pronounced, if you truly believe in His messages.104

Note 104
The purpose of this and the following verse is not. as might appear at first glance, a repetition of already-promulgated food laws but, rather, a reminder that the observance of such laws should not be made an end in itself and an object of ritual: and this is the reason why these two verses have been placed in the midst of a discourse on God's transcendental unity and the ways of man's faith. The "errant views" spoken of in verse 119 are such as lay stress on artificial rituals and taboos rather than on spiritual values.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:118 You shall eat from that upon which GOD's name has been pronounced, if you truly believe in His revelations.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:118 So eat of what has been dedicated to the Name of God (remember to pronounce His name before eating anything), if you are believers in His revelations.22

Note 22
People wonder why different things have been made lawful or unlawful in the Qur’an. But what the majority thinks, shall never be the criterion 3:93

6:119 وما لكم الا تاكلوا مما ذكر اسم الله عليه وقد فصل لكم ما حرم عليكم الا ما اضطررتم اليه وان كثيرا ليضلون باهوائهم بغير علم ان ربك هو اعلم بالمعتدين

Transcription (English)
6:119 Wama lakum alla ta/kuloo mimmathukira ismu Allahi AAalayhi waqad fassalalakum ma harrama AAalaykum illa ma idturirtumilayhi wa-inna katheeran layudilloona bi-ahwa-ihimbighayri AAilmin inna rabbaka huwa aAAlamu bialmuAAtadeena
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:119 Why should you not eat that on which God's name has been mentioned, when He has sufficiently detailed to you what has been made forbidden; except what you are forced to? Many misguide by their desires without knowledge; your Lord is fully aware of the transgressors.*
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:119 And why should you not eat that on which the name of God has been mentioned, when He has fully detailed to you what has been made unlawful; except what you are forced to? Many misguide by their desires without knowledge; your Lord is fully aware of the transgressors.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:119 And why should you not eat of that over which God's name has been pronounced, seeing that He has so clearly spelled out to you what He has forbidden you [to eat] unless you are compelled [to do so]? But, behold, [it is precisely in such matters that] many people lead others astray by their own errant views, without [having any real] knowledge. Verily, thy Sustainer is fully aware of those who transgress the bounds of what is right.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
Chance to Remember God: Mention God's Name Before You Eat6:119 Why should you not eat from that upon which GOD's name has been mentioned? He has detailed for you what is prohibited for you, unless you are forced. Indeed, many people mislead others with their personal opinions, without knowledge. Your Lord is fully aware of the transgressors.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:119 Why would you refuse to eat on which God’s Name has been pronounced (i.e. it has been dedicated to Him alone)? He has explained to you in detail what is forbidden along with certain exceptions, when in dire need. Numerous of the clergy mislead people in this matter without knowledge, and with their personal opinions. Surely, your Lord, He is best Aware of those who transgress and go beyond limits. [5:3]

6:120 وذروا ظهر الاثم وباطنه ان الذين يكسبون الاثم سيجزون بما كانوا يقترفون

Transcription (English)
6:120 Watharoo thahiraal-ithmi wabatinahu inna allatheena yaksiboonaal-ithma sayujzawna bima kanoo yaqtarifoona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:120 Leave what is openly a sin as well as what is discreet; those who earn sin will be punished for what they have taken.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:120 And leave alone, publicly and privately, that which is a sin; those who earn sin will be punished for what they have taken.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:120 But abstain from sinning,105 be it open or secret-for, behold, those who commit sins shall be requited for all that they have earned.

Note 105
This injunction connects with verse 118, thus: "Eat, then, of that over which God's name has been pronounced, but abstain from sinning" -i.e., "do not go beyond that which God has made lawful to you".
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:120 You shall avoid obvious sins, as well as the hidden ones. Those who have earned sins will surely pay for their transgressions.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:120 Do not commit, openly or secretly, any deed that hurts the development of your ‘self’. Those who hurt their own ‘self’ will get due recompense for what they have earned.23

Note 23
Benefiting people is the way to self-actualization and hurting others harms one’s own ‘self’. The latter will live a subhuman existence and meet a befitting consequence. 13:17

6:121 ولا تاكلوا مما لم يذكر اسم الله عليه وانه لفسق وان الشيطين ليوحون الى اوليائهم ليجدلوكم وان اطعتموهم انكم لمشركون

Transcription (English)
6:121 Wala ta/kuloo mimma lam yuthkariismu Allahi AAalayhi wa-innahu lafisqun wa-inna alshshayateenalayoohoona ila awliya-ihim liyujadilookumwa-in ataAAtumoohum innakum lamushrikoona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:121 Do not eat from what God's name has not been mentioned, for it is vile. The devils inspire their supporters to argue with you; and if you obey them, then you have set up partners.24

Note 24

We should commemorate God's name while slaughtering animals and eating their product. We are not asked to monitor or even investigate whether the person who slaughtered it commemorated God's name or not. However, if we know that the animal was slaughtered according to the rules of a religion falsely attributed to God, then we should not consume it since it would legitimize that blasphemy. This verse is a commonly misunderstood one, and it creates problems for muslims who live in foreign countries. If we evaluate this verse under the light of 6:145 and similar verses, its meaning gains clarity. This verse does not prohibit eating the animal food slaughtered by non-muslims or atheists. This verse asks muslims to protest the mushriks who did not eat the meat of the animals over which they mentioned God's name when they slaughtered; they let it go to waste for the sake of God. In order to make the animal clean for consumption, when they slaughter them, they deliberately and specifically did not mention God's name. This tradition was based on the fabricated rules of their religion and it was thus, for other than God. Verse 6:119 refers to this tradition. In brief, if we read 6:119 and 22:37 carefully, we will learn that the prohibition in this verse is about the animals sacrificed by mushriks (polytheists) who deliberately did not mention God's name, because of false religious teachings and traditions.

The Quran requires offering of domesticated animals only during the Haj (pilgrim) as a penalty for violation of the conference rules (2:196; 5:2; 48:25), and it has practical purposes: to regulate the conference in peaceful manner and feed participants of the annual international conference where hunting is prohibited to protect the wild life and environment.

The Old Testament requires offerings for many different reasons and contains complicated instructions, which were partially adopted by Sunni and Shiite mushriks through hadith, sunna, and sharia (Genesis 8:20 ; 12:7; 13:4; 15:9; 22:1; Ex 12:3; Leviticus 23:5-8 ; Nu 9:2). Torrey's index lists the following verses under the title, "Offerings": To be made to God alone (Ex 22:20; Jg 13:16); Its origin (Genesis 4:3-4 ). DIFFERENT KINDS OF; Burnt (Leviticus 1:3-17 ; Ps 66:15); Sin (Leviticus 4:3-35 ; 6:25; 10:17); Trespass (Leviticus 5:16-19 ; 6:6; 7:1); Peace (Leviticus 3:1-17 ; 7:11); Heave (Ex 29:27; 7:14; Nu 15:19); Wave (Ex 29:26; Leviticus 7:30 ); Meat (Leviticus 2:1-16 ; Nu 15:4); Drink (Genesis 35:14 ; Ex 29:40; Nu 15:5); Thank (Leviticus 7:12 ; 22:29; Ps 50:14); Free-will (Leviticus 23:38 ; De 16:10; 23:23); Incense (Ex 30:8; Mal 1:11; Lu 1:9); First-fruits (Ex 22:29; De 18:4); Tithe (Leviticus 27:30 ; Nu 18:21; De 14:22); Gifts (Ex 35:22; Nu 7:2); Jealousy (Nu 5:15); Personal, for redemption (Ex 30:13); Declared to be most holy (Nu 18:9), REQUIRED TO BE Perfect (Leviticus 22:21 ); The best of their kind (Mal 1:14); Offered willingly (Leviticus 22:19 ); Offered in righteousness (Mal 3:3); Offered in love and charity (Mt 5:23); Brought in a clean vessel (Isa 66:20); Brought to the place appointed of God (De 12:6; Ps 27:6; Heb 9:9); Laid before the altar (Mt 5:23); Presented by the priest (Heb 5:1); Brought without delay (Ex 22:29) Unacceptable, without gratitude (Ps 50:8 (Could not make the offerer perfect (Heb 9:9); THINGS FORBIDDEN AS; The price of fornication (De 23:18); The price of a dog (De 23:18); Whatever was blemished (Leviticus 22:20 ); Whatever was imperfect (Leviticus 22:24 ); Whatever was unclean (Leviticus 27:11,27 ); Laid up in the temple (2Ch 31:12; Ne 10:37); Hezekiah prepared chambers for (2Ch 31:11); THE JEWS OFTEN Slow in presenting (Ne 13:10); Defrauded God of (Mal 3:8) Gave the worst they had as (Mal 1:8); Rejected in, because of sin (Isa 1:13; Mal 1:10); Abhorred, on account of the sins of the priests (1 Samuel 2:17 ); Presented to idols (Eze 20:28).

The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:121 And do not eat from that which the name of God has not been mentioned, for it is wickedness. And the devils they inspire their supporters to argue with you; and if you obey them, then you are polytheists.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:121 Hence, eat not of that over which God's name has not been pronounced: for this would be sinful conduct indeed. And, verily, the evil impulses [within men's hearts] whisper unto those who have made them their own106 that they should involve you in argument [as to what is and what is not a sin]; and if you pay heed unto them, lo! you will become [like] those who ascribe divinity to other beings or forces beside God.107

Note 106
Lit., "the satans whisper unto those who are near to them (ila awliya'ihim)". For my above rendering of shayatin as "evil impulses", see note 10 on 2:14 and note 31 on 14: 22.

Note 107
I.e., "your own evil impulses are trying to draw you into argument as to what does and what does not constitute a sin in order to make you lose sight of God's clear ordinances in this respect; and if you follow their arbitrary, deceptive reasoning, you will elevate them, as it were, to the position of moral law-givers, and thus ascribe to them a right that belongs to God alone."
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:121 Do not eat from that upon which the name of GOD has not been mentioned, for it is an abomination. The devils inspire their allies to argue with you; if you obey them, you will be idol worshipers.,10

Note 10
Dietary prohibitions instituted by other than God represent idolatry.
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:121 Do not eat anything (not just meat) on which God’s name has not been mentioned, for that will be drifting away from what is right. Satanic people inspire their friends to dispute with you. If you were to obey them, you would be idolaters.24

Note 24
2:173, 5:3, 6:145. Fisq =Drifting away=Disobedience. Mentioning the name of God draws our attention to Him as the Almighty Provider and Lord.Mushrikoon = Idolaters = Pagans = Those who ascribe divinity besides God = Those who prefer human ‘authorities’ or clergy over revelation = Who ‘worship’ their own desires

6:122 اومن كان ميتا فاحيينه وجعلنا له نورا يمشى به فى الناس كمن مثله فى الظلمت ليس بخارج منها كذلك زين للكفرين ما كانوا يعملون

Transcription (English)
6:122 Awa man kana maytan faahyaynahuwajaAAalna lahu nooran yamshee bihi fee alnnasikaman mathaluhu fee alththulumatilaysa bikharijin minha kathalika zuyyinalilkafireena ma kanoo yaAAmaloona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:122 Is one who was dead and to whom We gave life, and We made for him a light to walk with amongst the people, as one whose example is in darkness and he will not exit from it? It is such that the work of the ingrates has been adorned for them.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:122 Is he who was dead and to whom We gave life, and We made for him a light to walk with among the people, as he whose example is in darkness and he will not exit from it? It is such that the work of the rejecters has been adorned for them.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:122 IS THEN -HE who was dead [in spirit] and whom We thereupon gave life, and for whom We set up a light whereby he might see his way among men108 - [is then he] like one [who is lost] in darkness deep, out of which he cannot emerge? [But] thus it is: goodly seem all their own doings to those who deny the truth.

Note 108
Lit., "whereby he walks among men". All the commentators agree in that the expression "he who was dead" is metaphorical, and that it refers to people who become spiritually alive through faith and are thereupon able to pursue their way through life unerringly.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:122 Is one who was dead and we granted him life, and provided him with light that enables him to move among the people, equal to one in total darkness from which he can never exit? The works of the disbelievers are thus adorned in their eyes.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:122 (God’s light revives the living dead and makes them walk honorably among mankind.) Is one who was living dead and We gave him life, and a light whereby he sees his way (honorably) among people, - Is he like one who is lost in total darkness out of which he cannot emerge? Thus it is: Goodly seems their own deeds to the deniers.25

Note 25
When people have their belief systems jumbled up, they lose the power to distinguish between the right and wrong

6:123 وكذلك جعلنا فى كل قرية اكبر مجرميها ليمكروا فيها وما يمكرون الا بانفسهم وما يشعرون

Transcription (English)
6:123 Wakathalika jaAAalna feekulli qaryatin akabira mujrimeeha liyamkuroo feehawama yamkuroona illa bi-anfusihim wamayashAAuroona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:123 As such, We have permitted in every town the influential from its criminals, to scheme in it. They only scheme their own selves without perceiving.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:123 And as such, We have permitted in every town the influential from its criminals, to scheme in it. They only scheme their own souls without perceiving.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:123 And it is in this way that We cause the great ones in every land to become its [greatest] evildoers,109 there to weave their schemes: yet it is only against themselves that they scheme -and they perceive it not.

Note 109
Because the consciousness of their importance makes them more or less impervious to criticism, the "great ones" are, as a rule, rather less inclined than other people to question the moral aspects of their own behaviour; and the resulting self-righteousness only too often causes them to commit grave misdeeds.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:123 We allow the leading criminals of every community to plot and scheme. But they only plot and scheme against their own souls, without perceiving.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:123 This is how We allow the greatest ones in every community to become its greatest criminals, to weave their schemes. Yet it is only against themselves that they scheme without even knowing it.

6:124 واذا جاءتهم ءاية قالوا لن نؤمن حتى نؤتى مثل ما اوتى رسل الله الله اعلم حيث يجعل رسالته سيصيب الذين اجرموا صغار عند الله وعذاب شديد بما كانوا يمكرون

Transcription (English)
6:124 Wa-itha jaat-hum ayatunqaloo lan nu/mina hatta nu/ta mithlama ootiya rusulu Allahi Allahu aAAlamu haythuyajAAalu risalatahu sayuseebu allatheenaajramoo sagharun AAinda Allahi waAAathabunshadeedun bima kanoo yamkuroona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
Blind Followers do not Appreciate Originality6:124 If a sign comes to them they say, "We will not acknowledge until we are given the same as what God's messengers were given!" God is fully aware of where He makes His message; those criminals will have debasement with God and a painful retribution for what they had schemed.25

Note 25

Those who followed their ancestors and religious leaders blindly opposed the messengers of God throughout history, by using the past and the number of the crowd as a justification for their lack of appreciation. Ignorant people rejected and opposed Muhammed who claimed to not bring any evidence, sign or miracle except the Quran (29:50); they expected evidences/miracles which were only similar to those given to the previous messengers (17:90). What they cared about was not the truth, but conformity with the past and preservation of the status quo. They would reject any evidence without evaluating it, with prejudice and in a reflexive manner to keep conformity with their proximate group. The same unappreciative mind now is rejecting the mathematical signs and miracles of the Quran. Verses 38:1, and 26:1 criticizes these conservative conformists.

The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:124 And if a sign comes to them they say: "We will not believe until we are given the same as what the messengers of God were given!" God is fully aware of where He makes His message; those criminals will have debasement with God and a painful retribution for what they had schemed.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:124 And whenever. a [divine] message comes to them, they say, "We shall not believe unless we are given the like of what God's apostles were given!"110 [But] God knows best upon whom to bestow His message. Abasement in the sight of God will befall those who have become guilty of evildoing, and suffering severe for all the schemes which they were wont to weave.

Note 110
I.e., direct revelation.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
Questioning God's Wisdom6:124 When a powerful proof comes to them, they say, "We will not believe, unless we are given what is given to GOD's messengers!" GOD knows exactly who is best qualified to deliver His message. Such criminals will suffer debasement at GOD, and terrible retribution as a consequence of their evil scheming.11 ,

Note 11
Jealousy and ego are human traits that provoke some people to question God's wisdom in selecting His messengers. Corrupted Muslim scholars haveuttered this same utterance regarding the revelation of the Quran's mathematicalcode through God's Messenger of the Covenant.
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:124 When a revelation reaches them, they say, "We will not believe until we directly receive (a revelation) like those received by God’s Messengers.” But, God knows best with whom to place His Message. Such guilty will suffer humiliation before God, and a strict retribution for their evil scheming.

6:125 فمن يرد الله ان يهديه يشرح صدره للاسلم ومن يرد ان يضله يجعل صدره ضيقا حرجا كانما يصعد فى السماء كذلك يجعل الله الرجس على الذين لا يؤمنون

Transcription (English)
6:125 Faman yuridi Allahu an yahdiyahuyashrah sadrahu lil-islami waman yurid an yudillahuyajAAal sadrahu dayyiqan harajan kaannamayassaAAAAadu fee alssama-i kathalikayajAAalu Allahu alrrijsa AAala allatheenala yu/minoona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:125 Whomever God wishes to guide, He will open his chest towards peacefully surrender; and whomever He wishes to misguide, He will make his chest tight and constricted, as one who is climbing towards the sky. It is such that God afflicts those who do not acknowledge.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:125 Whoever God wishes to guide, He will comfort his chest to submission; and whoever He wishes to misguide, He will make his chest tight and constricted, as one who is ascending towards the heaven. It is such that God lets taint those who do not believe.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:125 And whomsoever God wills to guide, his bosom He opens wide with willingness towards self-surrender [unto Him]; and whomsoever He wills to let go astray, his bosom He causes to be tight and constricted, as if he were climbing unto the skies: it is thus that God inflicts horror upon those who will not believe.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
Quranic Knowledge Far Ahead of Human Progress6:125 Whomever GOD wills to guide, He renders his chest wide open to Submission. And whomever He wills to send astray, He renders his chest intolerant and straitened, like one who climbs towards the sky12 . GOD thus places a curse upon those who refuse to believe.*,

Note 12
Centuries after the revelation of the Quran, we learned that the proportion of oxygen diminishes as we climb towards the sky, and we gaspfor air.
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:125 Whoever follows God’s law of guidance, He expands his chest wide open to Submission. And whoever violates God’s law of guidance, feels his chest tight and narrowed as if he were climbing to the sky. God appoints disgrace for those who continue to reject the truth.

6:126 وهذا صرط ربك مستقيما قد فصلنا الءايت لقوم يذكرون

Transcription (English)
6:126 Wahatha siratu rabbikamustaqeeman qad fassalna al-ayatiliqawmin yaththakkaroona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:126 This is your Lord's straight path. We have sufficiently detailed the signs to a people who take heed.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:126 And this is the straight path of your Lord. We have fully detailed the revelations to a people who remember.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:126 And undeviating is this thy Sustainer's way.111 Clearly, indeed, have We spelled out these messages unto people who [are willing to] take them to heart!

Note 111
Lit., "and this thy Sustainer's way is straight" - i.e., unchanging in its application of the law of cause and effect to man's inner life as well.-The term rijs occurring in the preceding sentence, and rendered by me as "horror", signifies anything that is intrinsically loathsome, horrible or abominable; in this case, it would seem to denote that awesome feeling of utter futility which, sooner or later, overcomes everyone who does not believe that life has meaning and purpose.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:126 This is the straight path to your Lord. We have explained the revelations for people who take heed.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:126 And this (Qur’an) is the path of your Lord, a straight path. We have detailed Our revelations for those who pay attention and take them to heart!

6:127 لهم دار السلم عند ربهم وهو وليهم بما كانوا يعملون

Transcription (English)
6:127 Lahum daru alssalamiAAinda rabbihim wahuwa waliyyuhum bima kanooyaAAmaloona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:127 They will have the abode of peace with their Lord; He is their supporter because of what they used to do.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:127 They will have the abode of peace with their Lord; He is their supporter because of what they used to do.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:127 Theirs shall be an abode of peace with their Sustainer; and He shall be near unto them in result of what they have been doing.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:127 They have deserved the abode of peace at their Lord; He is their Lord and Master, as a reward for their works.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:127 For them is the wonderful Abode of Peace with their Lord. He will be their Protecting Friend because of what they used to do.

6:128 ويوم يحشرهم جميعا يمعشر الجن قد استكثرتم من الانس وقال اولياؤهم من الانس ربنا استمتع بعضنا ببعض وبلغنا اجلنا الذى اجلت لنا قال النار مثوىكم خلدين فيها الا ما شاء الله ان ربك حكيم عليم

Transcription (English)
6:128 Wayawma yahshuruhum jameeAAan yamaAAshara aljinni qadi istakthartum mina al-insi waqalaawliyaohum mina al-insi rabbana istamtaAAa baAAdunabibaAAdin wabalaghna ajalana allatheeajjalta lana qala alnnaru mathwakumkhalideena feeha illa ma shaaAllahu inna rabbaka hakeemun AAaleemun
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:128 The day He summons them all: "O tribes of Jinn, you have managed to take many humans." Their supporters from the humans said, "Our Lord, we have indeed enjoyed one another, and we have reached our destiny to which You delayed us." He said, "The fire is your dwelling, in it you shall abide eternally, except as your Lord wishes." Your Lord is Wise, Knowledgeable.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:128 And the Day We gather them all: "O assembly of Jinn, you have managed to take many from mankind." Their supporters from mankind said: "Our Lord, we have indeed enjoyed one another, and we have reached our destiny to which You delayed us." He said: "The Fire is your dwelling, abiding therein, except as your Lord wishes." Your Lord is Wise, Knowledgeable.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:128 AND ON THE DAY when He shall gather them [all] together, [He will say:] "O you who have lived in close communion with [evil] invisible beings! A great many [other] human beings have you ensnared!112 And those of the humans who were close to them113 will say: "O our Sustainer! We did enjoy one another's fellowship [in life]; but (now that] we have reached the end of our term-the term which Thou hast laid down for us - (we see the error of our ways]!" [But] He will say: "The fire shall be your abode, therein to abide-unless God wills it otherwise."114 Verily, thy Sustainer is wise, all-knowing.

Note 112
According to most of the commentators, the invisible beings (al-jinn) referred to here are the "evil forces" (shayatin) among them, such as are spoken of in verse 112 of this surah. It is generally assumed that these very beings or forces are addressed here; but the primary meaning of the term ma'shar appearing in this context warrants, in my opinion, a different conclusion. It is true that this term is often used to denote a group or community or genus of sentient beings which have certain characteristics in common: a conventional -and undoubtedly justifiable-use based on the verb `asharahu, "he consorted [or "was on intimate terms"] with him" or "lived in close communion with him". But it is precisely this verbal origin of the term ma'shar which gives us a clue as to what is really meant here. Since, in its primary significance, a person's ma'shar denotes those who are on intimate terms or in close communion with him (cf. Lisan al-'Arab: "A man's ma'shar is his family"), we may well assume that it has a similar significance in the above Qur'anic phrase. Thus, to my mind, the allocution ya ma'shar al-jinn does not denote, "O you community of [evil] invisible beings" but, rather, "O you who are [or "have lived"] in close communion with [evil] invisible beings": in other words, it is addressed to the misguided human beings- who have been seduced by "glittering half-truths meant to delude the mind" (verse 112). This interpretation is reinforced by the words, "Have there not come unto you apostles from among yourselves", occurring in verse 130 below: for the Qur'an speaks always only of apostles who belonged to the human race, and never of apostles from among the jinn. (As regards the wide significance of this latter term, see Appendix III.)

Note 113
Le., close to the evil invisible beings. It is to be remembered that the primary meaning of wali (of which awliya' is the plural) is "one who is close [to another]".

Note 114
I.e., unless He graces them with His mercy (see verse 12 of this surah, and the corresponding note). Some of the great Muslim theologians conclude from the above and from the similar phrase occurring in 11:107 (as well' as from several well-authenticated sayings of the Prophet) that-contrary to the bliss of paradise, which will be of unlimited duration-the suffering of the sinners in the life to come will be limited by God's mercy. (See in this connection the hadith quoted in note 10 on 40:12.) ,
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:128 The day will come when He summons all of them (and says): "O you jinns, you have claimed multitudes of humans." Their human companions will say, "Our Lord, we enjoyed each others' company until we wasted the life span You had set for us." He will say, "Hell is your destiny." They abide therein forever, in accordance with GOD's will. Your Lord is Wise, Omniscient.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:128 The day will come when He gathers all of them and says, “O You nomads! You have seduced many of the urban.” Their urbanite friends will say, “Our Lord! We enjoyed each other’s company (and both used each other opportunistically as happens in a chaotic society) until we wasted a life span You had given us." He will say, “Fire is your home. Abide therein forever according to God's Design." (O Messenger) your Lord is Wise, Knower.26

Note 26
He has designed His laws in all wisdom and knowledge. God’s Design = The Hell might have an end

6:129 وكذلك نولى بعض الظلمين بعضا بما كانوا يكسبون

Transcription (English)
6:129 Wakathalika nuwallee baAAda alththalimeenabaAAdan bima kanoo yaksiboona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:129 It is such that We make the wicked as supporters to one another for what they had earned.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:129 It is such that We make the wicked as supporters to one another for what they have earned.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:129 And in this manner do We cause evildoers to seduce one another115 by means of their (evil] doings.

Note 115
Lit., "to be close to one another", or "get hold of one another". The expression "in this manner" (kadhalika), which introduces the above sentence, is an obvious allusion to the manner in which the evil ones "whisper unto one another glittering half-truths meant to delude the mind" (verse 112 of this surah).
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:129 We thus match the wicked to be companions of each other, as a punishment for their transgressions.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:129 Thus We make the wrongdoers turn to, and befriend, each other because of what they earn.27

Note 27
The criminals of the same kind tend to hang around together

6:130 يمعشر الجن والانس الم ياتكم رسل منكم يقصون عليكم ءايتى وينذرونكم لقاء يومكم هذا قالوا شهدنا على انفسنا وغرتهم الحيوة الدنيا وشهدوا على انفسهم انهم كانوا كفرين

Transcription (English)
6:130 Ya maAAshara aljinni waal-insialam ya/tikum rusulun minkum yaqussoona AAalaykum ayateewayunthiroonakum liqaa yawmikum hatha qalooshahidna AAala anfusina wagharrat-humu alhayatualddunya washahidoo AAala anfusihim annahumkanoo kafireena
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
God Does not Commit Injustice6:130 "O you tribes of Jinn and humans, did not messengers come to you from amongst you and relate to you My signs, and warn you of the meeting of this day?" They said, "Yes, we bear witness upon ourselves;" and the worldly life deceived them, and they bore witness on themselves that they were ingrates.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:130 "O assembly of Jinn and mankind, did not messengers come to you from among you and tell to you My revelations, and warn you of the meeting of this Day?" They said: "Yes, we bear witness upon ourselves;" and the worldly life deceived them, and they bore witness upon themselves that they were rejecters.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:130 [And thus will God continue:] "O you who have lived in close communion with [evil] invisible beings and [like-minded] humans! Have there not come unto you apostles from among yourselves, who conveyed unto you My messages and warned you of the coming of this your Day [of Judgment]?" They will answer: "We do bear witness against ourselves!"-for the life of this world had beguiled them: and so they will bear witness against themselves that they had been denying the truth.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:130 O you jinns and humans, did you not receive messengers from among you, who narrated to you My revelations, and warned you about the meeting of this day? They will say, "We bear witness against ourselves." They were totally preoccupied with the worldly life, and they will bear witness against themselves that they were disbelievers.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:130 O You, assembly of the nomads and the urbanites! Did not Messengers come to you from among yourselves, conveyed to you My messages and warned you of the meeting of this your Day? They will say, "We testify against ourselves.” Pursuit of only the worldly life preoccupied their hearts and minds. They will bear witness against themselves that they disregarded the truth.

6:131 ذلك ان لم يكن ربك مهلك القرى بظلم واهلها غفلون

Transcription (English)
6:131 Thalika an lam yakun rabbuka muhlikaalqura bithulmin waahluha ghafiloona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:131 That is because your Lord was not to destroy any town because of its wickedness while its people were unaware.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:131 That is because your Lord was not to destroy any town because of its wickedness while its people were unaware.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:131 And so it is that thy Sustainer would never destroy a community116 for its wrongdoing so long as its people are still unaware [of the meaning of right and wrong]:

Note 116
Lit., "communities". The term qaryah (lit., "town", "village" or "land") denotes also the people of a town or land - in short, a "community" - and it is in this sense that this term is mostly, though not always, used in the Qur'an.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:131 This is to show that your Lord never annihilates any community unjustly, while its people are unaware.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:131 And so it is that your Lord never destroys communities while their people are unaware of their wrongdoings.

6:132 ولكل درجت مما عملوا وما ربك بغفل عما يعملون

Transcription (English)
6:132 Walikullin darajatun mimmaAAamiloo wama rabbuka bighafilin AAammayaAAmaloona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:132 But there are degrees for what they had done; and your Lord is never unaware of what they do.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:132 But there are degrees for what they had done; and your Lord is not unaware of what they do.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:132 for all shall be judged according to their [conscious] deeds117 - and thy Sustainer is not unaware of what they do.

Note 117
Lit., "all shall have grades out of what they did", i.e., consciously - since God does not take people to task for any wrong they may have committed unless it was done in conscious contravention of a moral law already made clear to them by the prophets.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:132 Everyone will attain a rank commensurate with their deeds. Your Lord is never unaware of anything they do.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:132 The ranks of all individuals and nations are determined solely by their deeds, and your Lord is not unaware of what they do.28

Note 28
Calling yourselves ‘believers’ will not help. 2:8

6:133 وربك الغنى ذو الرحمة ان يشا يذهبكم ويستخلف من بعدكم ما يشاء كما انشاكم من ذرية قوم ءاخرين

Transcription (English)
6:133 Warabbuka alghaniyyu thoo alrrahmatiin yasha/ yuthhibkum wayastakhlif min baAAdikum mayashao kama anshaakum min thurriyyati qawminakhareena
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:133 Your Lord is Rich, full of Compassion. If He wished, He could remove you and bring after you whom He pleases, just like He established you from the seed of another people.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:133 And your Lord is the Rich, possessor of Mercy. If He wished, He could remove all of you and bring after you whom He pleases, just as He established you from the seed of another people.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:133 And thy Sustainer alone is self-sufficient, limitless in His grace. If He so wills, He may put an end to you and thereafter cause whom He wills to succeed you - even as He has brought you into being out of other people's seed.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:133 Your Lord is the Rich One; possessor of all mercy. If He wills, He can remove you, and substitute whomever He wills in your place, just as He produced you from the progeny of other people.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:133 Your Lord is Absolutely Independent, Full of mercy. If it were His will, He could destroy you and replace you with whomever He wills, just as He produced you from the posterity of other creation.29

Note 29
Please see ‘evolution’ 22:5

6:134 ان ما توعدون لءات وما انتم بمعجزين

Transcription (English)
6:134 Inna ma tooAAadoona laatinwama antum bimuAAjizeena
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:134 What you have been promised will come, you cannot escape it.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:134 What you have been promised will come, you cannot escape it.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:134 Verily, that [reckoning] which you are promised is bound to come, and you cannot elude it!
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:134 What is promised to you will come to pass, and you can never evade it.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:134 That which you are promised will definitely come to pass, and you can never evade the Divine laws.

6:135 قل يقوم اعملوا على مكانتكم انى عامل فسوف تعلمون من تكون له عقبة الدار انه لا يفلح الظلمون

Transcription (English)
6:135 Qul ya qawmi iAAmaloo AAalamakanatikum innee AAamilun fasawfa taAAlamoona mantakoonu lahu AAaqibatu alddari innahu layuflihu alththalimoona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:135 Say, "My people, do your best, and so will I. You will then know those who deserve the ultimate abode. The wicked will not succeed."
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:135 Say: "My people, work as you see fit, for I too am working. You will then know to whom will be the punishment of the Hereafter. The wicked will not succeed."
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:135 Say: "O my [unbelieving] people! Do yet all that may be within your power, [while] I, behold, shall labour [in God's way]; and in time you will come to know to whom the future belongs.118 Verily, never will evildoers attain to a happy state!"

Note 118
Lit., "to whom the [happy] end of the abode shall belong". The term "abode" (dar) is used in the Qur'an with reference to both the life of this world (dar ad-dunya) and the life to come (dar al-akhirah). Most of the commentators are of the opinion that it refers here to the life to come; Zamakhshari, however, relates it to life on earth. Since either of these interpretations is agreeable with the text, I have chosen the above rendering which comprises both.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:135 Say, "O my people, do your best, and so will I. You will surely find out who the ultimate victors are." Certainly, the wicked will never succeed.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:135 Say, "O My people! Do your utmost and so will I. Soon, you will know to whom belongs the ultimate (success). Most certainly, the unjust will not prosper."30

Note 30
‘Uqba = End = The final outcome = The ultimate destination = Life Hereafter. The last is probably not applicable here because of the context

6:136 وجعلوا لله مما ذرا من الحرث والانعم نصيبا فقالوا هذا لله بزعمهم وهذا لشركائنا فما كان لشركائهم فلا يصل الى الله وما كان لله فهو يصل الى شركائهم ساء ما يحكمون

Transcription (English)
6:136 WajaAAaloo lillahi mimma tharaamina alharthi waal-anAAami naseebanfaqaloo hatha lillahi bizaAAmihim wahathalishuraka-ina fama kana lishuraka-ihimfala yasilu ila Allahi wama kanalillahi fahuwa yasilu ila shuraka-ihimsaa ma yahkumoona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
Prohibitions in the Name of God6:136 Of crops and the livestock He provided, they set aside a portion for God, they said, "This is for God," according to their claim, "This is for our partners." However, what was for their partners did not reach God, while what was for God reached their partners! Miserable is how they judged.26

Note 26

The Quran was not revealed to warn only the Meccan polytheists; it is a warning and good news for all humanity. Thus, we notice that the characteristics of medieval mushriks are found in modern mushriks. The verse refers to the following common claim of the followers of manmade religious teachings: "According to God this is haram (prohibited), according to Prophet Muhammed (peace and blessings be upon him), or according to this or that emam/alim (may God be pleased from them), these and those are haram."

The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:136 And they made for God a portion of what He provided them from the crops and the livestock; they said: "This is for God," by their claims, "And this is for our partners." So what was for their partners did not reach God, and what was for God, it reached their partners! Miserable is how they judged.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:136 AND OUT OF whatever He has created of the fruits of the field and the cattle, they assign unto God a portion, saying, "This belongs to God"-or so they [falsely] claim119 - "and this is for those beings who, we are convinced, have a share in God's divinity."120 But that which is assigned to the beings associated in their minds with God does not bring [them] closer to God - whereas that which is assigned to God brings [them but] closer to those beings to whom they ascribe a share in His divinity.121 Bad, indeed, is their judgment!

Note 119
Falsely -because everything that exists belongs, in the last resort, to God alone.

Note 120
Lit., "for our [God-]partners" -i.e., "those whom we consider to be associated with God". For an explanation of the term sharik, see note 15 on verse 22 of this surah. The pre-Islamic Arabs used to dedicate a part of their agricultural produce and cattle to some of their deities, and a part to God, whom they regarded as one - albeit the greatest- of them. In consonance, however, with the method of the Qur'an, the above verse does not allude merely to this historical aspect of pre-Islamic Arabian life but has a wider, more general implication as well: that is, it refers not only to the apportioning of devotional "shares" between God and the imaginary deities, but also to the attribution of any share in His creative powers to anyone or anything beside Him.

Note 121
I.e., the fact that they assign a "share" of their devotions to God does not strengthen their belief in Him but, rather, implies a negation of His transcendental uniqueness and, thus, makes them more and more dependent on imaginary divine or semi-divine "mediators".
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
Abusing God's Provisions6:136 They even set aside a share of GOD's provisions of crops and livestock, saying, "This share belongs to GOD," according to their claims, "and this share belongs to our idols." However, what was set aside for their idols never reached GOD, while the share they set aside for GOD invariably went to their idols. Miserable indeed is their judgment.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:136 (How can they succeed when their beliefs and actions are wrong?) They set aside a portion of God's provision of crops and cattle and claim, "This is for God, and this is for our idols.” But the share of their idols never reaches God, and the share of God does reach their idols. What an unjust decision they make!31

Note 31
Their priesthood devours both portions of their making, and the poor remain wanting. To God reaches what is spent on the needy. 6:141

6:137 وكذلك زين لكثير من المشركين قتل اولدهم شركاؤهم ليردوهم وليلبسوا عليهم دينهم ولو شاء الله ما فعلوه فذرهم وما يفترون

Transcription (English)
6:137 Wakathalika zayyana likatheerin minaalmushrikeena qatla awladihim shurakaohumliyurdoohum waliyalbisoo AAalayhim deenahum walaw shaa Allahuma faAAaloohu fatharhum wama yaftaroona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:137 Thus, for those who set up partners their partners adorned the killing of born children, in order to turn them and to confuse their system for them. Had God willed they would not have done this, so ignore them and what they invent.27

Note 27

The word "awlad" is a derivative of the verb "WaLaDa" and means "born children." The verse condemns the tradition of infanticide based on sex discrimination. For abortion, see 46:15; 31:14; 22:5; 23:14; 16:58 and 17:31

The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:137 And it was adorned for the polytheists, by their partners, to kill their children in order to turn them and to confound their system for them. Had God willed they would not have done this, so ignore them and what they invent.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:137 And, likewise, their belief in beings or powers that are supposed to have a share in God's divinity makes122 [even] the slaying of their children seem goodly to many of those who ascribe divinity to aught beside God, thus bringing them to ruin and confusing them in their faith.123 Yet, unless God had so willed, they would not be doing all this:124 stand, therefore, aloof from them and all their false imagery!

Note 122
Lit., "their [God-]partners make". As pointed out by Razi, some early commentators were of the opinion that the expression shuraka'uhum (lit., "their associates") denotes here the "evil beings" or "forces" (shayatin) from among men and jinn referred to in verses 112, 121, 128 and 130 of this surah. It seems to me, however, that what is meant here - as in the preceding verse - is the belief in the existence of anything that could be "associated" with God; hence my rendering of the above phrase as "their belief in beings or powers that are supposed. . .", etc.

Note 123
This is a reference to the custom prevalent among the pre-Islamic Arabs of burying alive some of their unwanted children, mainly girls, and also to the occasional offering of a boy-child in sacrifice to one or another of their idols (Zamakhshari). Apart from this historical reference, the above Qur'an-verse seems to point out, by implication, the psychological fact that an attribution of divinity to anyone or anything but God brings with it an ever-growing dependence on all kinds of imaginary powers which must be "propitiated" by formal and often absurd and cruel rites: and this, in turn, leads to the loss of all spiritual freedom and to moral self-destruction.

Note 124
I.e., He allows them to behave as they do because He wants them to make use of their reason and of the free will with which He has endowed man.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:137 Thus were the idol worshipers duped by their idols, to the extent of killing their own children. In fact, their idols inflict great pain upon them, and confuse their religion for them. Had GOD willed, they would not have done it. You shall disregard them and their fabrications.,13

Note 13
A perfect example is the internationally infamous incident of the execution of a Saudi Arabian princess in 1978 foralleged adultery. God's law institutes whipping, not execution, as a punishmentfor adultery (24:1),while the idolatrous laws stipulateexecution. As pointed out in42:21, the traditionalists follow a religionthat is not authorized by God.
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:137 And to many idolaters, their ‘partners of God’ make pleasing even the slaying of their children. In fact, their belief in idols confuse them to total ruin. If God so willed they would not be doing all this. Leave them alone with their false imagery (until the Truth reaches their hearts).32

Note 32
At the prompting of the clergy, mystics and monks, and in the name of their temples, idols, sanctuaries, and the dead "holy" men and women, the idolaters inflict great pain upon themselves and their families in the name of religion and to achieve ‘salvation’

6:138 وقالوا هذه انعم وحرث حجر لا يطعمها الا من نشاء بزعمهم وانعم حرمت ظهورها وانعم لا يذكرون اسم الله عليها افتراء عليه سيجزيهم بما كانوا يفترون

Transcription (English)
6:138 Waqaloo hathihi anAAamunwaharthun hijrun la yatAAamuhailla man nashao bizaAAmihim waanAAamun hurrimatthuhooruha waanAAamun la yathkuroonaisma Allahi AAalayha iftiraan AAalayhisayajzeehim bima kanoo yaftaroona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:138 They said by asserting that: "These are livestock and crops that are restricted, and none shall eat from them except as we please." Even, livestock whose backs are forbidden, and livestock over which they do not mention God's name as invention against Him. He will recompense them for what they invented.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:138 And they said: "These livestock and crops are reserved, and none shall eat from them except as we please," by their claims; and livestock whose backs are unlawful, and livestock over which they do not mention the name of God as an innovation against Him. He will recompense them for what they invented.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:138 And they say, "Such-and-such cattle and fruits of the field are sacred; none may eat thereof save those whom we will [to do so]" -so they [falsely] claim;125 and [they declare that] it is forbidden to burden the backs of certain kinds of cattle; and there are cattle over which they do not pronounce God's name126 - falsely attributing [the origin of these customs] to Him. [But] He will requite them for all their false imagery.

Note 125
The pre-Islamic Arabs falsely claimed that these taboos were ordained by God, as is made clear in the last part of this verse. One of these supposed, arbitrary "ordinances" laid down that only the priests of the particular idol and some men belonging to the tribe could eat the flesh of such dedicated animals, while women were not allowed to do so (Zamakhshari).

Note 126
Le., while sacrificing them to their idols (see also 5:103 and the corresponding note). It would seem from this allusion that, as a rule, the pagan Arabs did pronounce the name of God-whom they regarded as the supreme deity-over the animals which they slaughtered; in the above-mentioned exceptional cases, however, they refrained from doing so in the belief that God Himself had forbidden it.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
Religious Innovations Condemned6:138 They said, "These are livestock and crops that are prohibited; no one shall eat them except whomever we permit," so they claimed. They also prohibited the riding of certain livestock. Even the livestock they ate, they never pronounced GOD's name as they sacrificed them. Such are innovations attributed to Him. He will surely requite them for their innovations.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:138 And they say, “Such and such cattle and crop are forbidden. No one shall eat of them except whom we permit.” They also prohibit the riding of some animals. And there are cattle over which they do not pronounce the Name of God (but of someone else, to please people). Such are their fabrications in His Name. Soon He will reward them for their false imagery.33

Note 33
They claim that it has been dedicated to some saint. Are not such VIP favors very much alive in the modern dayJahilyah?

6:139 وقالوا ما فى بطون هذه الانعم خالصة لذكورنا ومحرم على ازوجنا وان يكن ميتة فهم فيه شركاء سيجزيهم وصفهم انه حكيم عليم

Transcription (English)
6:139 Waqaloo ma fee butoonihathihi al-anAAami khalisatun lithukoorinawamuharramun AAala azwajina wa-inyakun maytatan fahum feehi shurakao sayajzeehim wasfahuminnahu hakeemun AAaleemun
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
Further Discrimination against Females6:139 They said, "What is in the bellies of these livestock is purely for our males and forbidden for our spouses, and if it comes out dead, then they will be partners in it." God will recompense them for what they describe. He is Wise, Knowledgeable.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:139 And they said: "What is in the bellies of these livestock is purely for our males and unlawful for our wives, and if comes out dead, then they will be partners in it." God will recompense them for what they describe. He is Wise, Knowledgeable.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:139 And they say, "All that is in the wombs of such-and-such cattle is reserved for our males and forbidden to our women; but if it be stillborn, then both may have their share thereof." [God] will requite them for all that they [falsely] attribute [to Him]: behold, He is wise, all-knowing.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:139 They also said, "What is in the bellies of these livestock is reserved exclusively for the males among us, and prohibited for our wives." But if it was a still birth, they permitted their wives to share therein. He will certainly requite them for their innovations. He is Most Wise, Omniscient.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:139 (They display their bias toward women in weird ways.) They say, “What is in the bellies of these cattle is reserved for the males among us, and forbidden to our wives.” But if it is a stillbirth, they permit their wives to share it. He, the Wise, the Knower, will repay them for their innovations.

6:140 قد خسر الذين قتلوا اولدهم سفها بغير علم وحرموا ما رزقهم الله افتراء على الله قد ضلوا وما كانوا مهتدين

Transcription (English)
6:140 Qad khasira allatheena qataloo awladahumsafahan bighayri AAilmin waharramoo ma razaqahumuAllahu iftiraan AAala Allahi qad dalloowama kanoo muhtadeena
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:140 Losers are those who have killed their born children foolishly, without knowledge, and they forbade what God had provided for them by attributing lies to God. They have strayed and they were not guided.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:140 Losers are those who have killed their children foolishly, without knowledge, and they forbade what God had granted them by lying about God. They have strayed and they were not guided.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:140 Lost, indeed, are they who, in their weak-minded ignorance, slay their children and declare as forbidden that which God has provided for them as sustenance, falsely ascribing [such prohibitions] to God: they have gone astray and have not found the right path.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:140 Losers indeed are those who killed their children foolishly, due to their lack of knowledge, and prohibited what GOD has provided for them, and followed innovations attributed to GOD. They have gone astray; they are not guided.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:140 Lost are those who kill their children foolishly, and forbid what God has provided them as sustenance. And they attribute their innovations to God! Their straying is far from the way of the rightly guided.34

Note 34
They deprive their children to the point of starvation and death in the name of religious service, when under the instructions of the priesthood they abandon their families

6:141 وهو الذى انشا جنت معروشت وغير معروشت والنخل والزرع مختلفا اكله والزيتون والرمان متشبها وغير متشبه كلوا من ثمره اذا اثمر وءاتوا حقه يوم حصاده ولا تسرفوا انه لا يحب المسرفين

Transcription (English)
6:141 Wahuwa allathee anshaa jannatinmaAArooshatin waghayra maAArooshatin waalnnakhlawaalzzarAAa mukhtalifan okuluhu waalzzaytoona waalrrummanamutashabihan waghayra mutashabihin kuloo minthamarihi itha athmara waatoo haqqahu yawma hasadihiwala tusrifoo innahu la yuhibbu almusrifeena
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
Purify your Income by Sharing it Immediately With the Needy6:141 He is the One Who initiated gardens; both trellised and untrellised; palm trees, and plants, all with different tastes; and olives and pomegranates, similar and not similar. Eat from its fruit when it blossoms and give its due on the day of harvest; and do not waste. He does not like the wasteful.28

Note 28

Betterment by sharing (zaka) is so important that God specifically mentions it in connection with His mercy (7:156). Sunni and Shiite mushriks reduced the universal implication of zaka, which means, purification by sharing a portion of any blessing one may have, such as talents, professional skills, knowledge, presence. Not only did they restrict the meaning of zaka with alms (sadaqa) or feeding the poor (infaq), they also limited it to an annual practice. The amount needed for purification is left up to us to decide within guidelines. See 2:219; 17:29.

The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:141 And He is the One Who initiated gardens; both trellised and untrellised; and palm trees, and plants, all with different taste; and olives and pomegranates, similar and not similar. Eat from its fruit when it blossoms and give its due on the day of its harvest; and do not waste. He does not like the wasteful.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:141 For it is He who has brought into being gardens-[both] the cultivated ones and those growing wild127 -and the date-palm, and fields bearing multiform produce, and the olive tree, and the pomegranate: [all] resembling one another and yet so different!128 Eat of their fruit when it comes to fruition, and give [unto the poor] their due on harvest day. And do not waste [God's bounties]: verily, He does not love the wasteful!

Note 127
This is the generally-accepted explanation of the term ma'rushat and ghavr ma'rushat (lit., "those which are and those which are not provided with trellises"). The mention of "gardens" serves here to illustrate the doctrine that everything living and growing-like everything else in the universe-owes its existence to God alone, and that it is, therefore, blasphemous to connect it causally or devotionally with any other power, be it real or imaginary.

Note 128
See note 85 on verse 99 of this surah.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
Zakat Must Be Given "On The Day Of Harvest"6:141 He is the One who established gardens, trellised and untrellised, and palm trees, and crops with different tastes, and olives, and pomegranate - fruits that are similar, yet dissimilar. Eat from their fruits, and give the due alms on the day of harvest14 , and do not waste anything. He does not love the wasters.*,

Note 14
Zakat charity is so important, the Most Merciful has restricted His mercy to those who give it(7:156). Yet, the corrupted Muslims have lostthis most important commandment; they give Zakat only once a year. We seehere that Zakat must be given away "On the day we receive income." The proportionthat came to us throughAbraham is 2.5% of our net income.
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:141 He is the One Who creates bounties for you, such as gardens that are cultivated, greens that are wild, palm trees of various kinds, crops in diversity, olives and pomegranates, fruits that are similar and diverse. Enjoy them, but give Him His Right on the Day of the Harvest. And waste not the bounty of God. He does not love the wasteful.35

Note 35
‘give Him His Right’ = Give God His Right = Render to the poor what is their Divinely ordained right. Time to reflect onZakaatandSadaqaat:See 2:3, 2:219, 9:60, 11:64, 55:10

6:142 ومن الانعم حمولة وفرشا كلوا مما رزقكم الله ولا تتبعوا خطوت الشيطن انه لكم عدو مبين

Transcription (English)
6:142 Wamina al-anAAami hamoolatanwafarshan kuloo mimma razaqakumu Allahu walatattabiAAoo khutuwati alshshaytaniinnahu lakum AAaduwwun mubeenun
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:142 From the livestock are those for burden, and also for clothing. Eat from what God has provided you and do not follow the footsteps of the devil; he is to you a clear enemy.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:142 And from the livestock are those for burden, and also for clothing. Eat from what God has provided you and do not follow the footsteps of the devil; he is to you a clear enemy.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:142 And of the cattle reared for work and for the sake of their flesh, eat whatever God has provided for you as sustenance, and follow not Satan's foot-steps:129 behold, he is your open foe!

Note 129
Le., by superstitiously declaring as forbidden what God has made lawful to man. All the references to pre-Islamic taboos given in verses 138-140 as well as 142-144 are meant to stress the lawfulness of any food (and, by implication, of any other physical enjoyment) which God has not expressly forbidden through revelation.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
6:142 Some livestock supply you with transportation, as well as bedding materials. Eat from GOD's provisions to you, and do not follow the steps of Satan; he is your most ardent enemy.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:142 Among the quadrupeds some are for work and transportation and others for consumption, and their skins for bedding materials. Enjoy what God has provided you. And do not follow the footsteps of Satan. Satan (your selfish desires) is your open enemy.

6:143 ثمنية ازوج من الضان اثنين ومن المعز اثنين قل ءالذكرين حرم ام الانثيين اما اشتملت عليه ارحام الانثيين نبونى بعلم ان كنتم صدقين

Transcription (English)
6:143 Thamaniyata azwajin mina aldda/niithnayni wamina almaAAzi ithnayni qul alththakarayniharrama ami alonthayayni amma ishtamalat AAalayhiarhamu alonthayayni nabbi-oonee biAAilmin in kuntum sadiqeena
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:143 Eight pairs: from the sheep two, and from the goats two; say, "Is it the two males that He forbade or the two females, or what the womb of the two females bore? Inform me if you are truthful!"29

Note 29

The triviality and complexity of cleric-made prohibitions is reminded by directing more detailed questions to the proponents of those prohibitions. The verse uses an excellent rhetorical device to debunk the claims of those who follow man-made fabrications based on their common excuse, "God's word is not detailed." God informs us that His word is sufficiently detailed, and there is no limit for details if one wishes to see more of them by asking further questions. Bring me any hadith or sectarian practice you claim to be detailed, I will find deficiency in their explanation by just asking a few more questions. For instance, you claim that you follow hadith books because they taught you how to hold your hands during prayers; well, what about how to breathe during prayers? From your nose or mouth, or both? What about the color of clothes you should wear during prayers? Red, green, yellow, blue, white, black or a particular combination? Thus, your very excuse (seeking more and more details) for following hearsay and manmade religions, will come back and haunt you. The moment you wish to rebuttal and come up with answers to the demands for further details, you have to start fabricating new rules; thereby proving the origins of your previous details: man-made fabrications. However, if you reject answering those questions by saying, "Your question will make prayers more difficult to fulfill. Hadith, sunna and sectarian jurisprudence provide us with sufficient details that we need. We are not held responsible for following further details." That would be the best answer. Now look at the mirror: when you demand more details from people who follow the Quran alone, they too would respond to you with exactly the same answer by just replacing the word hadith, sunna and sectarian jurisprudence with the Quran! "The Quran provides us with the sufficient details that we need. We are not held responsible for following further details. Your question will make prayers more difficult to fulfill."

The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
6:143 Eight in pairs: from the lambs two, and from the goats two. Say: "Is it the two males that He forbade or the two females, or what the wombs of the two females bore? Inform me if you are truthful!"
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
6:143 [His followers would have it that, in certain cases, any of these] four kinds of cattle of either sex [is unlawful to man]: either of the two sexes of sheep and of goats.130 Ask [them]: "Is it the two males that He has forbidden, or the two females, or that which the wombs of the two females may contain? Tell me what you know in this respect,131 if what you say is true."

Note 130
Lit., "eight [in] pairs - of sheep two and of goats two" (the two other pairs are mentioned in the next verse). This is an outstanding example of the ellipticism often employed in the Qur'an: a mode of expression which cannot be correctly rendered in any other language without the use of explanatory interpolations. The term zawj denotes a pair of things as well as each of the two constituents of a pair: hence my rendering of thamaniyat azwaj (lit., "eight [in] pairs") as "four kinds of cattle of either sex". The particular superstition to which this and the next verse refer is probably identical with the one mentioned in 5:103.

Note 131
Lit., "tell me with knowledge" - i.e., not on the basis of guesswork but of knowledge acquired through authentic revelation. The preceding and subsequent ironical questions are meant to bring out the vagueness and inconsistency which characterizes all such superstitious, self-imposed prohibitions.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
Innovated Dietary Prohibitions Condemned6:143 Eight kinds of livestock: regarding the two kinds of sheep, and the two kinds of goats, say, "Is it the two males that He prohibited, or the two females, or the contents of the wombs of the two females? Tell me what you know, if you are truthful.",
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
6:143 Take the example of eight quadrupeds: Two sheep, one male and one female, two goats, one male and one female. Say, “Is it the two males that He has forbidden, or the two females, or the calves in the wombs of the females? Tell me if you have true knowledge.

6:144 ومن الابل اثنين ومن البقر اثنين قل ءالذكرين حرم ام الانثيين اما اشتملت عليه ارحام الانثيين ام كنتم شهداء اذ وصىكم الله بهذا فمن اظلم ممن افترى على الله كذبا ليضل الناس بغير علم ان الله لا يهدى القوم الظلمين

Transcription (English)
6:144 Wamina al-ibili ithnayni wamina albaqariithnayni qul alththakarayni harramaami alonthayayni amma ishtamalat AAalayhi arhamualonthayayni am kuntum shuhadaa ith wassakumuAllahu bihatha faman athlamu mimmaniiftara AAala Allahi kathiban liyudillaalnnasa bighayri AAilmin inna Allaha layahdee alqawma alththalimeena
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
6:144 From the camels two, and from the cattle two; say, "Is it the two males that He forbade or the two females, or what the womb of the two females bore? Or were you witnesses when God ordered you with this?" Who is more wicked than one who invents lies about God to misguide the people without knowledge? God does not guide the wicked people.*
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A